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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Looks like a great day out. Cant believe I just looked up the lyrics to the poop song 🤣 Also looked this up - thin snout crocodile is a Gharial. Critically endangered from India & Nepal. I love the things I have to look up from this thread.
  2. I start from the newest too. Often someone quoting a previous post is my first indication of the original post. Because I work full-time, I will often do a quick post in my lunch break or when we are on the way somewhere on the weekend, without having read/liking prior posts. Welcome to the newbies and please feel free to post or comment anytime. Pet or grandkids photos especially welcome.
  3. Good evening, it’s been a gorgeous day in Sydney for Good Friday. After having a nice salmon dish for tea, DH asked me to hurry up and book accommodation for our planned Queensland holiday. After we looked online at multiple resorts last weekend, DH decided he wanted to book the private apartments recommended by a work colleague. I wasn’t convinced, until I read through all the reviews for the apartments and several mentioned the friendly rainbow lorikeets that visit the private balcony at sunset. Lol. For the bird tragic like me, that sealed the deal. So I’ve booked the Penthouse apartment. DH is driving up and collecting me from the airport and we have a week in sunny Queensland & I’ll spare you my usual lorikeet photos until then…
  4. BIL was very impressed with Michael McDonald. His keyboard skills & vocals. He has seen the Doobie Brothers perform three times this trip and said they were excellent. He probably already knows about the Hall of Fame but I will mention it to him. Thanks
  5. The ski season is finishing up in Canada. DS has very much enjoyed his time working at the resort. I asked him to send me his favourite photos. Here are a few from the big batch he sent me.
  6. When DD was in Vegas, she sent me a photo of the view from their accommodation. Amazing floor to ceiling view. I didn’t think about balconies at the time so interesting to read balconies are rare there. Her travelling companion is Vegan and had seen a Vegan place recommended online. She said the food was indeed amazing but it was located in the most sketchy area they have ever been too.
  7. DH works from home several days a week and only uses a laptop. Works well for him. DD works from home several days a week. She uses a curved screen monitor + laptop. DD is cat sitting for our cruising friends. The plan was she was going to work from their home. Unfortunately, she discovered that their internet is way too slow for her needs. So, she was back home yesterday. Then back to their place for a beautiful sunset onwards. This morning she sent me a photo from her bed with kitty curled up on her. We can’t have a cat so she is making the most of these fur cuddles.
  8. Bought raffle tickets in the Easter Raffle, hoping to win a small basket of eggs…I won BIG 😳 10kgs of chocolate. Got my workout carrying it up 3 flights of stairs to the car afterwards. Had fun tonight being the Easter Bunny with the first of the 5 golden bars (2kgs each). Only problem is I managed to set off the security spotlight at the front of my friend’s house… Feels like I have the Willy Wonka golden ticket x 5 in my hands
  9. Congratulations to Jack. Can I ask what made him decide to do a doco on Autism? Was it due to a classmate or family member? (If that’s too personal and you would rather not say, I understand)
  10. This is amazing. Honestly, I have never read such a positive outcome from a search for a birth parent. I can see this wonderful family making up for lost time with you. Glad they are all embracing you & your son. Hope you have a wonderful Easter and good luck with that lottery but you’ve “won” already.
  11. Any Doobie Brothers fans here? My BIL has just driven from Adelaide to Sydney (1,374.6km) to see them perform at the State Theatre in Sydney over the Easter Long Weekend.
  12. Good morning. It’s a mild but overcast day in Sydney. You can see a glimpse of the Ovation at the OPT. Ovation departs tonight for a 10 day cruise to New Zealand. Be nice spending Easter on board. Wishing them calm seas & beautiful weather. we have friends on the way to the ship now.
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