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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Laughing at their response to Quest. You should have packed a sexy bra in your handbag and then whipped it out when requested 🤣 Glad they had a great time & want to cruise again.
  2. Speaking of books - my new year resolution was not to add any more books to my existing TBR (to be read piles) that didn’t happen. As I only read physical books -that I have bought or picked up from street libraries, I don’t have to worry about time limits for returning, my problem is finding time to read. I am easily distracted by my phone. Here is my piles of books I plan to read (eventually…)
  3. @singinalot Gorgeous pool. You have excellent taste. Holiday photos are stunning and the drone video. Wowee. Nice to have holidays to look forward to now when you are so busy with work.
  4. No, I did not know and that was interesting to read after watching the excellent documentary at the cinema. Thank you. Doco follows Shackleton’s Expedition using old photos with narration of each day of the Expedition courtesy of Skackleton’s diary entries. At the same time a modern day adventurer takes us to the same locations. The present day footage including drone footage is absolutely stunning. Worth seeing if Shackleton/Antarctica is of interest. No idea how cinemas make money these days though. On a wet weekend only 7 of us in the cinema.
  5. Good morning. It’s a wet Sunday in Sydney and looks like the rain is set in for the week. Off to see “Shackleton - The Greatest Story of Survival” at the movies this afternoon. Have a nice week everyone and stay safe if you are heading off on the roads later on the week for Easter.
  6. Had a lovely afternoon getting up close to our wonderful Black Cockatoos courtesy of Feathered Friends Bird Sanctuary in Sydney Bottom photo is a fellow participant. Loved that the Cockatoo landed on her head.., @jagsfan tagging you for when you return to the internet.
  7. Travelling overseas with youth sporting teams is a wonderful opportunity. Glad you have good memories of your visit to Adelaide/Australia.
  8. Just back for taking my dog for a long walk on a lovely sunny Saturday morning. The trees are just starting to turn to their autumn colours. @Sea Dog how are Charlie & Lizzie going (behaviour wise)? I saw the gorgeous video you posted of them when packing for Bella. Just wondering if they have stopped the chewing and are better behaved for you now. My dog Max and his quirky behaviour made me think to ask (he has chased 5 planes already this morning….)
  9. Sun, friends, refreshments and laughter sounds like a perfect day. Days like that are good for the soul. Hope you have another opportunity when they travel again. Next time, may I suggest a hunky lifeguard be on call to assist you lovely ladies out of the pool when needed 😀
  10. Got a new passport last week. The photo of me is dire. I look like I just came out of prison..., Then last night, I was informed that my drivers licence was compromised as a result of a mass data breach of my travel credit card company. Going glam myself for that photo when I go get a new licence that’s for sure. On the plus side, the blank pages of the new Australian passport are beautiful. Each page has a photo of one of our countries beautiful locations- Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, Sydney Harbour, Kakadu, Wineglass Bay Tasmania, The twelve apostles (Great Ocean Road Victoria), Bungle Bungles, The Three Sisters Katoomba, Dove Lake at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania and more…very nicely done.
  11. @Ozark_Kid I am sorry I did not see your detailed post about your medical situation. I sincerely hope the results come back negative.
  12. Wow as someone who has only set foot in the casino to be on the way to somewhere else, your wins are amazing Glad you are all having a great time & now you can have fun picking your freebies 🛳️
  13. I want you to be a winner & have fun discovering the answer….Bella 3 would have to be one Having all your preferred medical professionals available to you is amazing (& very comforting).
  14. Hope this is resolved for you asap. Not suggesting this is the case for you but my friend’s husband just had a nasty experience after finding leeches on his ankles after clearing out the bush on their property. The leech “bite” travelled up his legs to his knees. He was lucky he didn’t leave the problem much longer before he was prompted to have it checked out by his GP. He is now on antibiotics and being monitored for any escalating symptoms.
  15. I’ve heard good things about that one. If I ever manage to sit in the front of the tv anytime soon, would like to watch it.
  16. Headed into the city after work tonight. Daylight savings ends for us this weekend so lots of people in the city making the most of the lovely weather on a Thursday evening.
  17. @Ozark_Kid your grand daughter gets more precious with every photo ❤️ I cannot add anything to the mobility chair (the one in the photo with the adjustable height & brakes has been ideal for my dad) but can I suggest when you obtain a walking stick, not to choose one with wide prongs at the base. That design was the first choice for my dad because of the apparent stability but the OT in store cautioned us that it would be a trip hazard.
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