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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. We too like fixed dining, late seating. We ask for a table for 6. We get to know our tablemates and still keep in touch with some of them years after the cruise. On some cruises, we are among the last tables to leave the dining room, we're talking and laughing so much. We've been very lucky and have never needed to change tables because we did not "connect" with the other diners.
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Friday Fleet and Daily Report. I love potatoes. Fried, baked, mashed or scalloped, I love 'em.🙂 A big thank you to humanitarians and aviators. Love the quote. I've never had catfish. I'm sure I'll like the wine. We've never been to today's port, thanks for all the pictures that will be posted. It's a beautiful day here, sunny and a high of 28C (82F). Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  3. @Mr. Boston Happy Birthday! 🎂 @atexsix Thanks for the update. Hope your dad is comfortable. @1ANGELCATHope Fluff heals quickly.
  4. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear about your neighbour. I'm glad she is at peace.
  5. Good morning and thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Bad poetry day? I hope there aren't any Vogons nearby. 😁 Love the quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to the recipe. I'll pass on the drink (and the song) but hope the wine is tasty. Prayers for everyone on the care list. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  6. @kazuNo words can convey what I am feeling. We know that YOU did the right thing, the best you could. Sending you hugs and prayers.
  7. Good morning and thank you for the Fleet and Daily Report. Good days. I donate to and shop in thriftshops. I don't have a cat but my brother has 3. I appreciate my neighbours. Love the quote. The meal sounds good, so does the drink. Hope the wine is good and not too expensive. Bertie and I saw a skunk on our walk this morning, thankfully, it was heading away from us and didn't bother us. Prayers for everyone. Have a good day. Stay safe.
  8. @Cruzin TerriSo sorry to hear about your neighbour. Sending prayers that she finds peace.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. We've got a nice sunny afternoon in the forecast, high of 26C and a chance of rain this evening. Sounds like a good day! I'm not a fan of roller coasters and I can't tell a joke, but I like to hear them. Interesting quote, I'm a Tolkien fan. The meal sounds good. I'd like to try the drink. I hope the wine is good too. We've never been to Koper, thanks to all who will post pictures. Have a wonderful Tuesday. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  10. @HeartgroveCongratulations! She's beautiful. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the picture of cute little Sadie. I hope the puppy classes help.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Happy Monday! A nice day weather wise for us today, a high of 26C (79F) and sunny.🙂 An interesting group of days. We don't celebrate (officially) Acadian Day in this part of the country, but maybe we should. I'm all for relaxation day, but I do have some chores to do. I'll spend the day with my best friend, my hubby.🙂❤️ I guess I need to read the novel to understand the quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink is good too. I hope the wine isn't too expensive. I've never been to East Timor. Prayers for everyone. Good luck with the therapy for the joints Graham. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Just got back from a short walk with Bertie. It's cloudy but mild 13C this morning, should get up to 24C this afternoon. I saw 2 hot air balloons (sorry, no picture). I always try to have financial awareness. A big thank you to the Navajo Code Talkers. I've never played wiffle ball. Good quote. Not sure about the meal, will wait until I see the recipe. I hope I'll like the drink and the wine. We were in Venice several years ago on the Eurodam, we stayed for 3 days before the cruise, loved it. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  13. @kazu This really stinks. My heart breaks for you and Shadow. I hate to see anyone, or any animal suffer. Hugs and prayers on their way.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another cool morning here, only 7C (44F) but supposed to warm up to 24C (75F) this afternoon. A good collection of days, my dad and brother are both lefties. I'm a middle child. I won't be having a garage sale, I have some stuff I don't want and need anymore, but they'll be donated. I like the quote. The meal sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I hope I'll like the drink, I'm sure I'll like the wine. We were in Copenhagen many years ago. Our Gems of the Baltic cruise sailed from there. That was pre-digital photos for me, so I won't be posting pictures. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
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