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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning and thank you for the Fleet and Daily Report. We had a nice rain yesterday and today starts out on the cool side but should warm up to 21C (70F) and sunny this afternoon. A lovely late summer day. The trees are already starting to turn, autumn is not far away. I'm not too superstitious (knock wood 😁). Love peanuts, especially in peanut butter that becomes peanut butter cookies. 🙂 I like the quote. Not sure about the meal, I'll wait until I see the recipe. Hope the drink and wine are nice. @Cruzin TerriGood luck with the house repairs, hope they don't find any more problems. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day, I'm off to walk Bertie. Stay safe.
  2. @kazu @Quartzsite Cruiser @irishjim @JazzyV @Cruising-along Thank you for the birthday wishes for my dear mum. Hope we can do it again next year!
  3. @grapau27 @Seasick Sailor @Dismomx5 Thanks for the birthday wishes for mum.
  4. @rafinmd @smitty34877 @StLouisCruisers Thank for the birthday wishes for mum!
  5. @kazuThank you for sharing pictures of the Celebration of Life. I'm sure you now have even more memories to cherish.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. It's still dark. I couldn't sleep. We've got a chance of rain today. It's my mum's 85th birthday. We spent yesterday afternoon with her. Had some prosecco and cake. We had take out Chinese food for supper. Bertie chased the squirrels from her yard. It was a nice time together. I haven't had a milk shake in years, thanks for the suggestion. I don't play many video games. I encourage everyone to have a wonderful day Love the quote. I love roast chicken especially with mashed potatoes and gravy. Yum. I hope the drink is tasty. Not sure about a wine with "vulture" in the name. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  7. @smitty34877Thanks for the picture of Miss Camilla, she's very cute!
  8. Thanks for sharing your comments. Glad you enjoyed your cruise, sorry some of the other passengers on the cruise were less than stellar.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. We all have memories of 911. Prayers for the survivors. Thanks for your list Roy. It's a warm morning here, cloudy and chance of rain later. Bertie and I had a nice quiet walk. I'm not sure what to make of the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for today's meal suggestion. I'll pass on the drink, I don't like pumpkin spice. I've never been to Brest, maybe someday. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. The day is starting a little cool, but should be hot by this afternoon. I don't sew, I don't have a sewing machine. I love to swap ideas. Not sure about the quote. The meal sounds good, love pasta. I'm sure the drink is good too. Hope the wine isn't too expensive. Another port we have not visited, thanks in advance for pictures. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations! Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. Stay safe.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Good days. I love sudoku puzzles and I know a lot of wonderful weirdos. Love the quote and Douglas Adams. I'm not sure what the meal is, I'll wait to see the recipe. Hope the drink and wine are good. I've never been to Crete. We are so sorry about the Queen's passing. She was a wonderful woman, but she's back with her beloved Philip. The Queen visited Canada many times during her reign. We will welcome King Charles III when he visits as king, he has been here many times already. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  12. So sorry to hear of the Queen's passing. May she rest in peace. Good luck to King Charles.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another cool, clear morning. Supposed to warm up to 26C this afternoon. It's still summer! 🙂 Love the days and the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe, I'm sure it will be good with chicken or pork. Love the wine. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. I'm off for a walk with Bertie. Have a wonderful day everyone. Stay safe.
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Happy Hump Day. I'm late (for me) posting today, seems that our router conked out and needed to be replaced so we were without internet for quite a while. (no, I'm not addicted, really 😉) I like salami and an occasional beer. We don't get door-to-door mail delivery (we have a box in the post office, that's what happens when you live in a small town). Love the quote. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  15. @dfishWelcome back. Hope you can work out a deal for the house. @Cruzin Terri Sorry about the flood, good luck with the restoration.
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