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Everything posted by Nunagoras

  1. Congrats to this so well written thought-provoking post. Have my notes in blue, and have a nice day!...
  2. This, exactly, many thanks!... Curiously: The OP states that this was his worst cruise ever, but he actually praises or at least doesn't give a bad rate on whatever else is really MSC service specific, so what's the point?... Maybe; culturally speaking MSC is not for the OP! As some of the others say: MSC is more relaxed cruise line than the likes of CCL/RCI (at least on the Oasis class). Never gone myself on CCL, gone on Oasis class RCI, went for work purposes aboard a Costa ship (which is European CCL) for a day, but there is a thing I know: Want a relaxed cruise to know new destinations? Take MSC. Want a party or special life event celebration? Take at least Oasis class RCI. Want pampering? Oh, well: Take X/Princess or any other upper market line for a longer cruise or the MSC's YC for a shorter one!... My pro tip here? Try to understand the product before booking is key. Booked in knowledge it will be as great as it can be!...
  3. They only stopped to sell drinks packages for less than 5 nights cruises in US by mid December onward after they had what might have been a brawl on one of the ships due to a severely drunken crowd. They'll honor whatever else one may have booked online though till they exist in inventory. No onboard upgrades though.
  4. Christmas, NYE, Easter and any other big Italian or ports of call public holiday days will have a special menu where they might to shine on some more "exotic" items. In general it's easy to ask for a 2nd, and or, to ask a main partitioned as a starter plus the main, if none of the starters really interest you. Sometimes I ask the vegetarian main as a starter, then my main, then dessert. Lovely!
  5. This, exactly!... May I add: A cruise is mostly what one makes of it. Is MSC perfect? No. Nothing is perfect in this world... But for the price tag, they used to be a great value. Oh, well, at least for us at this European side of the pond, not so much these days where mainstream prices are pretty much all on the high... But sometimes, even us here can to snag that lovely deal... My pro tip here would be really to research a bit the product one is purchasing. For example: Yes; typically an MSC cruise will have less included or paid food venues than an RCI's Oasis class... But MSC's ships are mostly smaller, the larger ones on the RCI's Freedom class size, I believe, and MSC will offer such a 20 hours a day buffet opening time. MSC is promoting by wonderful fares on the US because want to become well known, preparing for the day they can be profitable there, so, yeah, the day they have some of the specific problems ironed out, I believe they'll be a strong competitor. They're currently the 3rd largest cruise line on earth for a reason!...
  6. Forgive me the off-topic, but this is the way I see the market segmentation as a market analyst I used to be with the corresponding RCI group's companies to each level: Mainstream - RCI Premium - X Mid-Luxury - Formerly Azamara, currently nothing. Full Luxury - Silversea That said: Yes; X can to be considered a Premium line: 4*+ EU land hotel service standards, above the 4* EU RCI land hotel service level and far below the Silversea's 5*+ service levels. This is from where most here may to grab the "Premium" category for X. Regarding the cutbacks and price rises? Ships are understaffed right now and some of them below full capacity as well. Sadly me thinks that things will to modify tremendously by the next 2 years to come, let us to see how. For now; enjoy the remnants of the old time cruising experience and adapt to the new one in the making...
  7. Only the non alcoholic and the Premium Plus packages are good on specialty restaurants... Those little MSC "mysteries" going on...
  8. A football event of some kind on that sailing? Maybe they'll have the sports zone and/or the ice show theater blocked out for those activities for some time but that won't be a problem for anyone. Once on the Allure in Europe I went with a huge 2000 individuals gay charter aboard. They had their activities at the ice show theater and that was it. 2 days for regular pax ice shows before the charter entered in Rome, and one morning for general pax ice skating and that was it. We didn't really notice at all!...
  9. A good start point in this subject to consider is reading this official EU website right away: Guide to VAT refund for visitors to the EU (europa.eu) Do note though that; each country will apply this regulation its own way. If you want more specific information on other people's experiences, I encourage you to submit a post on CC ports of call section where a larger audience than what the relatively small CC MSC boards has will probably help you. To consult the countries in questions official authorities websites could to be handy as well. Hope to have helped a bit!...
  10. Many thanks for this as simple and practical as it can be, and as well written as it could have been review; @Griff4AU!... JIMHO; me thinks that the ones in charge of this MSC's CC board should award this thread as a rare one and pin it to the top for the beginners to notice anytime! Sadly; most of the complainers here are the ones whom actually don't really know the product they're purchasing, and then they come mostly as cultural warriors, or at least cultural warriors of sorts!... Fortunately there are here the ones whom not only know the product, but they know the market and the corresponding market segmentation that be! Of course there are no perfect cruise lines, nor perfect cruises. That personal "sweet spot" reference is so very important and very personal in our lives... Wonderful you shared it with us, so we can read your review more accurately as your personal experience! And believe me: I can see myself on my old experience of both my Brazil and transatlantic crossing cruises on a relatively smaller ship, the Magnifica, on a regular MSC cabin. If it wasn't for my parents difficulties with the English language, and my "sweet spot" would be within the X/Princess segment as well, with the YC as a tentative replacement. Sadly all the cruises I went but one were on non YC ships, and the one that had was with us as part of a charter group with no YC cabins as part of the deal. Permit me a few notes: Sadly; I wouldn't blame only MSC on the Brazilian embarkation process chaos. I had exactly same experience at my turn. Once I'm a Portuguese language native, I had the opportunity to understand what was going at my turn, and it is my understanding that while the MSC's whole process might to be less than stellar implemented, the Brazilian authorities approach the eventual challenges at a "only we know how to manage this, so guys, go with the program or go away", and then give whatever excuse they wish and go on to the next one... It's simply odd. Brazilians are used to that service level. It's their land and they culturally accept it, but it is far out of way for EU/US/UK demands. My "pro tip" if you still want to go? Be patient with all of them, especially with those military police officers they have all the place... Entertainment may be hit or miss. Bear in mind that MSC is now experimenting a partnership with a local Brazilian event provider that runs pretty much most if not all the entertainment. It is specific. Maybe quite lively, but ultimately one would be bored after a couple of days of said entertainment. Wonderful that you have had that experience though!... Have a wonderful day and a wonderful 2023!...
  11. Many thanks to the nice words on the new WE experience. It seems that there are some first user bugs to be ironed out on that ship, and some difference in service. For example: Do they have the usual finger food in TSL for YC guests moved out to such a little bar near the restaurant or on the restaurant itself? Or, maybe, the ship is understaffed and then no surprise, really even though sadly... Just a question; me thinks I have post in this or on another thread: Did you notice a piano bar for regular guests outside of the YC similar to the ones on older ships atrium bar where they used to have some classical or piano adapted music, or is it an YC exclusive right now? And what is generally the music like round the ship from before dinner onward? Can you post an activities page as an example? Excuse me if it is so long, and have a nice day!...
  12. Other than on the Transatlantic crossings where the crowd is surely on the older side of the pond, MSC average passenger mix is very diverse. Plenty of young people aboard. I've seen it all. Even high school final year celebration charters, classical ballet dance school celebration charters, university student groups, and so on. On a typical EU sailing the average age would be way on the late 40's, but plenty of younger ones onboard. And their year round "kids sail free" promotions, even though now more restricted, added a nice kids crowd per sailing as well, even during school time.
  13. Have never seen non alcoholic wine on an MSC cruise, other than a non alcoholic champagne on the champagne bar (if my memory sticks labelled as "kids champagne") on my last cruise. Maybe ship dependent. As NMunset has said; GF pizza is ship dependent. Let your TA to ask them for special needs at booking time and they'll tell you about availability.
  14. Yeah! I see! I have had a similar situation back in the day with one of them. Actually about making one of those coffee, milk, chocolate, cream and sugar concoctions, on the likes of a mocaccino, or a chococcino!... Again: I just went down to the near be MDR bar that acted like a specialty coffee specialty bar, asked what I wanted and had a lovely MDR breakfast there instead!... Actually at that time, and that was far before the pandemic, they had a light but nice small buffet there. Do they have MDR breakfast buffets now, or is it still full a la carte?
  15. Another of those "little mysteries", LOL!... But if he was one of the buffet bartenders, he was actually technically right once on MSC the buffet bars don't usually make cocktails there... Have a nice return home!...
  16. That little cake piece on your wife's front is something like one more of those "little mysteries" MSC is, at least for me, so well known of!... LOL!... Now seriously: Have a nice sailing and a wonderful 2023!...
  17. Seems that the US site is still not updated. Maybe they'll honor those purchases though.
  18. YC has the drinks package by default at any cruise out there. The no booze policy on less than 5 days cruises only applies to "steerage".
  19. If the Divina is working like her sister Fantasia where I was back in the day there may be 3 places where they'll to have smoothies and milkshakes: At the SPA bar there will be a good fruit selections smoothies and healthy milkshakes. At both one of the pool bars and at the Piazza (deck 6) there will be 2 gelato places (Venchi?) where they'll to have some nice milkshakes and a few fruit+gelato drinks that run a mid-way from smoothies to milkshakes. Enjoy!...
  20. Same class with one more steel section as far as I know. Surely huge crowd for such a ship, but plenty of kids now there!...
  21. Not really a question; just to wish you and all the community a wonderful new year!... Ships are understaffed for now and that will show up on those more than packed holiday times!... Hope that at least the air conditioning is working at proper levels so that you feel comfortable! Never done a winter cruise myself, so don't really know what the experience is at that front... Happy new year!...
  22. Tea House is a 3rd party contractor like Jean Phillipe, so surely outside of any package. According to another thread, Coffee Emporium seems to be a ship's proper venue included on the drinks packages, but I'm not sure once there's only a post about that. Have a nice day and a wonderful new year!...
  23. As with anything MSC related: Their departments rarely have their act together. As far as I'm sort of an MSC cheerleader of sorts, I must admit their website is ugly. I also believe someone booking those today will be denied those drinks packages and refunded for that part if needed. Curiously the Portuguese website seems to have been updated very recently and reflects those new policies where applicable.
  24. Sure! I believe they're doing what they can so that they don't become a second Carnival, but sadly, for the sins of a few, all of us will to pay, one or the other way! The ongoing Casino programs change seems to follow same trend. Again: For the sins of a few, all of us will to pay, one or the other way...
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