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Everything posted by AKR2011

  1. Thank you for your great review! I'm hoping to jump on board in a couple years and am following the reviews closely. Did you fo mini golf and did you feel it was worth the cost? Thanks again for your report ❤️⚓️
  2. Usually 9-9:30 at the latest. They may offer excursions for Miami that drop off at the Airport later. I would look into those.
  3. Thank you for sharing another trip with us. I'm sorry the internet was so bad. Safe travels home! ❤️⚓️
  4. Welcome back! Your website is fabulous, but wherever you choose to post is great. I will read it at either place. I'm just so thankful that you take so much time to do them. I've also loved watching Sakari grow up through your stories ❤️⚓️
  5. I don't want to continue to hijack Megan's thread, but this Benny Brun situation reminds me a lot of Cruise Life Rick. He disappeared suddenly never to return either and I think I read that he too was getting promotional deals elsewhere. Anyone else remember that?
  6. There is a large big box cruising site that often offers free gratuities with their bookings and prices are comparable to booking directly on NCL. Look around and you will find that.
  7. I'm jumping back in remembering another favorite of mine - Peanut Butter Cheesecake from the MDR lunch menu. I scout this out, because it is the best! And I actually found a photo this time.
  8. The Chocolate Marquise from Le Bistro! No photo, but it looks like a Chocolate sausage. Very rich and delicious!
  9. I appreciate your honest review and how positive you stayed throughout. I really hope @Norwegian Cruise Line pays attention to this and all of the other recent reviews. Cutbacks are really showing and it is not good!
  10. I'm looking forward to following al9ng. You'll have to share how that book is. It looks like it's up my alley! ❤️⚓️
  11. I'm looking forward to following along on this next adventure of yours. Safe travels! ❤️⚓️
  12. The howler monkeys were amazing! I remember having a couple hours left to walk around the port after. You could look at the times and see if both are possible.
  13. Hey Kim! We did the Monkey River Eco Tour a couple years ago. It's in my review at post #41 here:
  14. Welcome back, Matthew and Susan! I remember you posting about one last cruise in 2022 and hoped to see a review pop up. I'm excited to find it! What state do you have left to travel to and is that trip coming soon?
  15. How is your daughter adjusting to ship life? Is she finding ways to enjoy herself and making friends?
  16. I like to tip when a drink is brought straight to me in a lounge. If I'm playing Trivia, in the middle of the theater, or listening to music at a lounge...If I don't have to get up for a drink, that is nice service that deserves a tip in my opinion. But it's always an individual choice. No judgement from me on anyone's decision on tipping.
  17. This is what I do. Look for my cruise and itinerary and make a countdown in my office for it. We'll see what happens when they reduce their marketing. Maybe less mail?
  18. Thank you for another great review. The smiles on your boys' faces is always my favorite part. You're making incredible memories as a family. When is your next adventure? ❤️⚓️
  19. Thanks for taking us along. This was a fun read, and your next one us sure to be even better. Happy sails ❤️⚓️
  20. Yes, $10 each in smaller bills for tips if we have an excursion. We'll each tip up to that amount depending on how it goes. We buy a Christmas ornament and a lapel pin in every port, so $25 max for that. If we plan on a meal, I research ahead and budget. If not, I put in $20 for snacks and drinks in case we need them. Any extra cash is dependent on what we're doing. I do all my research, so I know how much to estimate if we're on our own. If it's a tour, I don't bring any more than what I mentioned.
  21. I have a cruise planning book with a zippered pouch for each port. Before I leave home, I estimate the amount of cash needed for every port and make a plan to get it in various denominations. I add everything up with a list of what I need and hit the bank. Then I put everything in the separate pouches and my planner goes in my safe and comes out Before heading out for each port. Any leftover cash I usually use for extra tips on board. I am definitely an over planner, but this works out very well and keeps me stuck to a budget. I do bring a credit card without international fees to port too, for emergencies or in case I find something that I feel like I need to buy, but this is very rare.
  22. Thanks everyone for taking is along on your vacation. I'm enjoying so far and wanted to do my part in helping you get to those 1000 posts. You'll get there within the hour, I'm sure ❤️⚓️
  23. They are pretty awful. I would agree on that. But have you been to Utica for Tomato Pie or Chicken Riggies? I can do the chicken. The pie is not my cup of tea.
  24. BUT the Pelligrino is the same price as the Kirkland. That cracks me up 😆
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