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Everything posted by uktog

  1. I think the challenge as we often mention on these boards is that the operating model of UK travel agents is very different from that which applies in the USA and Canada. Because a very large percentage of UK holidays involve foreign travel , travel agents primarily focus on selling pre packaged fixed price holidays where there is little if any interaction with the customer after booking except to pass tickets on. They are not set up to handle cruises and things like price drops. There are specialist cruise agencies but my experience is that they too are not engaged in getting price drops for customers. It is work that brings no benefits for them and even can bring reductions in commission. People do not build up the personal relationship with one agent compared to that in the USA. So all in all, its not about a "good agent" or a less good agent. Bottom line, you have to monitor things, if you think there is a better deal now being offered you have to ask for it. What happens then, it is in the lap of the gods
  2. A very fair perspective by AJCM. There will be those who love While Night and it’s good that it’s special for them. And there will be those who for whatever reason are unable to wear white, eat at a buffet or dance. They too need to be welcome at whatever part of the event if any they choose to join. I can understand why people leave after the meal, if you are not able to dance it can on many itineraries get quite chilly if you are just sitting watching. If only Azamara had a roof over its pool deck - now that would be ideal …… On my upcoming cruise I may or may not go to all or part of White Night it will depend on many things. If I do go I’ll run the risk of not being in white unless I find something in Miami (not going to waste too much time on that) and I will not be dancing other than something slow - that works for me and others shouldn’t worry about what I’m up to! I do hope those that do go have a wonderful time and that everyone whatever they do has an enjoyable evening.
  3. Since I returned to cruising post pandemic I’ve never had a hotel say no to a polite request for a late checkout be they in UK, Lisbon, Dublin or Athens and from Holiday Inn Express to high end. You can always ask the hotel to keep your bags and have a lunch or drink in town. Another idea if you arrive in on the day is an airport hotel lounge for a few hours before heading to the port. Some like Amsterdam do 4 hour room rates so you could freshen up after a journey before going to the port.
  4. Please do. We will not be happy if our cruise next month is on a floating disco. Hopefully the hotel director acts on your feedback as they are the one ultimately responsible for your onboard experience. I hope it’s not a case of turn the volume down for the this cruise when they complain and then crank it back up for the next cruise until they complain Glad to hear the furniture is changing around the public areas, that has to be one they want to sort out before they get to Miami and the “bigwigs” visit
  5. uktog

    Best Beaches

    They are certainly not responding to emails
  6. Chief Blogging Officer a role Azamara no longer supports. Bill was the most fantastic person. He was a retired very experienced senior player on the industry and was the CEOs ears on these boards, he did not get involved in individual booking queries but he did listen to general debate. He also knew where to get answers so queries like dare I say bed sizes would get answered very quickly and in great detail. If Azamara had an announcement to make he placed it on the boards as soon as it went to the trade press sometimes even before then. He did not report to the marketing people, he reported to the CEO, he didn’t write blogs and he certainly wasn’t a spin doctor. When communication from head office wasn’t clear, he fixed it. He said it as it was and if there were issues he listened, sometimes he would give an explanation or a counterview but always you felt he listened. Sadly Bill took ill and passed away. Azamara tried to take the successor role in a different direction. By placing it in marketing they lost the independent thinking and direct route to the CEO many here indirectly benefitted from even today.
  7. In the early days they only offered drinks with the meals, it was not until about 2013 that they changed. We had done 4 cruises on Azamara before it changed
  8. Thanks. When I called Azamara to enquire very pleasant agent said there were no benefits other than a price reduction (!) so the staff are confused as well.
  9. And for the 2025 sailing I checked it says Early booking bonus for Europe 2023 sailings whereas the cruise is transpacific and there are no named benefits. So no reference to obc or drinks packages. If that’s the fares 20% off heaven help us 😂
  10. I cannot see it on the late 2024 and 2025 cruises they are not pulling any offer through
  11. None of that is appearing for UK bookings - it seems that is not being offered here
  12. Some of the 2025 prices are around £1000 per couple in a V3 so assuming you are not meaning £2000 for a CC they have well achieved their goal. We too have a ceiling price and a standard floor we need anything to float in that range. There are some things though that used to be "must have" but they will move to "nice to have" if we are looking at other lines. Azamara has all the "haves" we want but the prices might rule them out. Lets home the sales roll in......
  13. I am not surprised people are reacting to the pricing. As a comparator, I have a trip to Japan in 2024 which is 15 nights, the equivalent one in 2025 is 14 nights however it is 55% more expensive on UK pricing and current booking benefit is $300 whereas at the 2024 trip has OBC and a premium drinks package. I appreciate the strength of the dollar is not helping overseas bookers but conversely the strength of the dollar should be having an overall positive impact on international costs for Azamara. I have looked at competitor pricing for those lines that have 2025 releases available and Azamara is running about 25% more expensive. However I can see from roll calls today folks are already booking at these eye watering prices so some are prepared to pay them. I for one will be sitting waiting (hopefully for the inevitable sales), looking at other options and recognising the bucket list might need an edit
  14. We wanted to book that but the UK pricing is crazy. Way more expensive than Oceania who are giving more benefits. Not planning to book O rather going for wait and see. All the pricing is ouch. I notice a cruise we are doing in 2024 is 1 day less and costs 60% more in 2025
  15. The itineraries through to May/June 2025 are now online on Azamara's website. Prices are a little ouch for the itineraries I was looking at
  16. Azamara did also on one of their ships after mask wearing was no longer compulsory. I think Princess would be the same as Azamara - it is not a mandate it is a strong recommendation. On Azamara, the culture is that a strong recommendation from the Captain is followed as a mandate as we saw when it happened. I agree with Jay19, I have really enjoyed the serving of the evening themed items as an a table d hote menu in Windows. Unfortunately I hear on Onward they have gone back to the evening buffet. The experience with the served menu was really nice, all set up with white tablecloths and attentive staff. Big mistake IMHO on Onward but I will see how it shapes up onboard - for example is it a served buffet
  17. One place you will get lots of information is here on the board - many pages to work through but it may well answer questions you have not even thought to ask! Have fun, the time will soon fly and hope you come to love the spirit that is Azamara
  18. One Hotel Director did albeit he was new to that role. I’m not sure if it was the excuse he spun or he hadn’t been given the supply script to read
  19. Sadly that’s the standard Quest answer that was trotted out in April and July. It annoys me they keep pushing the inferior rubbish and only if you complain might they get you a better product. Be very careful- we found if we did not watch some bar staff they still swapped in Club when you ordered a gin with Schweppes because they thought you did not see what they were adding. We asked for gin and a can on the side after we realised what was happening
  20. Even if fevertree was available but restricted to the Ultimate package if the bean counters are so worried. At least then the premium gins wouldn’t be clubbed to death.
  21. Sorry, I have never heard of them saving private drivers for late bookers. The concierge usually handles that and it is based on who they can get at the time you book, they do not keep reserves. Have you got a 1.30 boarding slot? Depends on the port you are in but most do not start until a little later
  22. And they ask that all guests do the responsible thing and go and get tested at the medical centre if they have any symptoms. It’s good most are responsible though sadly some think “their holiday” is more important.
  23. Our agent has asked - we are in the UK and this is a flight and pre cruise to New York and the answer is firmly no. We can only have transfers if there is no deviation (coming in early being a deviation even though it’s the same as their extension other than we book the same hotel direct). Given the cost difference (£800 for 2 people) I can’t justify paying for the extension when all it really gives is the transfers plus the included tour over and above what I get going direct to the hotel. I just am surprised that even paying for it they won’t sell us the transfers and why they advertise in the UK that they provide transfers and flights so they are skating on thin ice in terms of advertising rules
  24. I understand the issue of logistics, my concern was the fact that the advert is misleading and a bit naughty. I do however struggle to understand why, if I am staying at the same hotel pre cruise as their included extension I cannot (even for a small fee) use the same transfer services to the port and if I am arriving on the same flight as those on the extension also be transferred to the hotel - after all Viking know my flight arrangements and could very quickly also populate my records with hotel details I give them. I agree both lines have pros and cons - and both are guilty of pushing the boundaries in the wording of their adverts. It does concern me the 'vibe" issues having a cruise booked for next year with Viking and one coming up soon with Azamara which now seems to be subject to a "firesale" Time will tell how they shape up,. From my very recent Azamara cruises I am aware the vibe can change very significantly even between legs 1 and 2 of a back to back.
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