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Everything posted by uktog

  1. My comments were not about new focus on selling wines, the focus was on getting the right included wines.
  2. uktog

    Box Lunches

    No unless the ship provides them for an excursion as part of an arrangement. Many countries prohibit bringing food off the ship and fines if detected (usually by a sweet little Beagle) are significant
  3. I am not sure anyone can accurately answer this question for when you are on board. The reason is that all the time they are tweaking and adjusting what is there is not part of their inclusions in terms of spirits in each class of suiteet cetera. My advice is just ask your Butler host - if you don’t ask you won’t get, if you ask you might well get I think you have to work on that basis for now.
  4. Eric de Gray has posted he is moving to Pursuit in September for two years. He also indicated the Captains will be Carl and Michael with Ryzard and Tony as Hotel Directors so musical chairs is happening again
  5. The very pink rose is milder than it look implies From all the new CEO said, they are looking closely at the wine offerings and I would bet the family nest egg that it’s on the new Head of Hotel Operations to do list. So what we are seeing as the offerings today may not be what is onboard down the line. I wouldn’t be surprised if they test out some wine options in the coming months so if you like or don’t like something say so (and not just to the server, use the more documented feedback routes eg the onboard forms).
  6. Given there are no destination experiences for our September and November cruises you are in for a long wait 🤣
  7. I don’t know how many times I have suggested that both pre and post pandemic to no avail however with someone from the UK now heading up Hotel Operations in Miami I’m a little more hopeful he understands speciality vs run of the mill G and T.
  8. UK prices are up again this morning- I suspect ahead of a “promotion” so they stay the right side of the law.
  9. And once located always have your +tonic in the same bar
  10. uktog

    Luggage tags

    Same at Buenos Aires
  11. It was on Quest and Journey recently
  12. Medical expenses may be automatically billed back to the insurer in the UK however flights, hotels etc it’s the same as the UK. You have to pay and claim back. This can be rather expensive (last year we needed to pay £12k in that connection, all eventually reimbursed) so one of our cards we bring has a high unused limit. I can’t see any valid reason in this day and age in many parts of the world not to use cards. And certainly I do as asked at check in to avoid delaying others behind. If they ask for my card, they get it. I saw someone decline to do so in Norway and the whole checking in got stuck with supervisors needed etc
  13. You might also have enjoyed the game at teatime today for other reasons 🙂
  14. Speak to your travel agent they have all the pricing
  15. Watch out for the service doors on Deck 6. There’s a few of them that seem to be used quite a lot by staff and can slam a bit (well certainly on Onward). We also found if we were too near the aft we were sharing the attendant (there’s now only one) with the big suite that got priority and in our case had demanding occupants. It seemed the single attendant was really stretched there - much more than the team on Deck 7 and 8 (he was very good just over stretched)
  16. For the extra I would take a V2 at least.
  17. They need to buy special licence feeds for big sporting events. I know it ran into £000s to get the World Cup games. It’s not something they can fix onboard if the game isn’t being shown within their regular package
  18. Yes they are. I suppose the distances involved mean sea days. I’m ok with a few sea days. I think it’s 5/16 days
  19. The inaugural was originally late June but was pushed back once before. You would have thought guests on 2nd September would have been clear of problems
  20. Yes we did this both for packages we bought and for promotions given and had our loyalty discount applied. No need to do this on Day 1 we only did it from a few days in
  21. I hope they look after affected guests (as opposed to hangers on and influencers) better than they did with their even later cancellation of Explora 1 last year
  22. Yes ours was a booking promotion package that we upgraded
  23. They are building a strong new team
  24. We fired the gun on Monday when we got notification. We are going to have to think tactically about flights but from the UK we’ve discovered flying east first even as far as Istanbul brings up good African prices
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