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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. So...in your estimation, which ship was worse...the Regal or the Jewel? I'm old and can't remember all of the issues with the Regal, but to me, the Jewel sounds worse...especially "service" wise. It's strange because we recently had our best cruise ever on the Jade, Jewel's sister ship. Especially the food and the service...all top-notch. It's sad to see that the Jewel could be so much worse than her sister.
  2. The problem with that theory...we've eaten dinner in the buffet exactly zero times. For us the buffet is a quick breakfast (assuming we can find a seat), or a couple of slices of pizza taken out to the pool at lunch time.
  3. Would You Rather?: Kiss the Blarney Stone Have your ankles licked by dogs (assuming they were really dogs)
  4. Having said that, we also wouldn't be opposed to a British Isles cruise,,,assuming they have a suitable one.
  5. Unlike @cruiseny4lifewe're not fans on GSC. Been there, done that...and we don't find it worth the tender hassle. If you're going to Taino Bay in Puerto Plata, (chances are, you are) we find that a more interesting stop than GSC. Granted GSC has free food, but the tacos we had weren't all that great. We've been to St. Thomas multiple times, and each time Mrs. Schmoopie got an upgrade on her ring at our favorite jewelry store. Probably don't need to go back there again 😁...but as in all things, YMMV.
  6. The Jade is now our favorite ship. Contrary to popular opinion, we loved Jasmine, the free Asian restaurant. We liked it so much we ate there four times...and loved it every time. In fact, every meal we had in every restaurant was as good or better than any other NCL ship we've been on. The crew was exceptional. Great service everywhere. If you get Genifer for your cabin steward(ess), consider your self lucky. She's awesome. Make friends with Shane the star bartender in the Martini Bar...you'll be glad you did. You'll know who he is...he's the "cute one" doing the flair tricks and all the women love him (including Mrs. Schmoopie).
  7. You took the words right out of my mouth. (Sorry for the saliva). Although the OP may not wish to spend several thousand dollars on additional cruises to get a "free" tour...😛
  8. If you wait a couple weeks, I'll tell you who's on our cruise. Although, after reading reviews of the lackluster chicken parm, we may skip it.
  9. We're on team Croatia. Just have to decide which one...
  10. This thread drooped all the way to page 6. Can't have that. @graphicguy...how did the surgery go?
  11. Too bad you didn't do the Tour of the Stars Homes in Vancouver. It would have been interesting to see the palatial estate of @YVRteacher. (For you Cunard folks who may not know, she is a rock star on the NCL page)...
  12. I fully understand and commiserate with the possible bait and switch of advertising Maine ports and not delivering, but allow me to add my three cents. We have been to Maine (and the rest of New England) in the fall twice. Both times we flew into Boston, rented a car and made a circle tour of New England for 10 days. We spent three...or was it four..full days in Maine. Had lobster every day...sometimes twice. While I understand the allure of a NE cruise (at some point we may schedule one if the musical chairs port game ends), New England in the fall is best done on a land vacation. Having said that, I hope your cruise goes as planned (and promised).
  13. No. What usually happens is someone answers but gives wrong answers. At lease that's my experience. YMMV...
  14. @YVRteacher, someone is stealing Dad's act. Copycat...
  15. That's correct. Friends of ours booked an accessible cabin (not needing it) and they ended up getting switched to a "regular" cabin, due to the need of someone else for an accessible cabin. So it does happen.
  16. Not sure about that. Because this cruise is a "loop" between Barcelona and Rome, with overlap between three cruises, people boarding ahead of us in Barcelona would get first crack at signing up. We board four days later from Rome...then new people get on again when we stop in Barcelona...so unless they're going to run more than one of each of these events, I think we'll miss out. We still plan on hitting the CruiseNext desk right after boarding, but not holding my breath...
  17. Ain't that the truth. We'll be taking our first cruise as Platinum in a couple weeks. But because it's a continuous loop between Barcelona and Rome with zero sea days, we don't anticipate having Wines Around the World or the Behind the Scenes tour. At least we can look forward to our halves of chocolate-covered strawberries and free laundry. I'm all a-flutter. When NCL started throwing around extra miles for cruises a while back, it seems everyone and his brother/sister became Platinum.
  18. Love "Disco Duck". Rick Dees and His Cast of Idiots (greatest group name ever).
  19. Just stumbled over from the NCL board. It took me a while to get here, since I didn't feel it was appropriate to venture into the Cunard board without a tuxedo. So I rented one...
  20. Okay...so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that it works (which will make typing even more difficult than usual).
  21. I can see why that's your favourite/favorite. Until I read the caption, I was wondering why they were serving orange sherbet (no...NOT sherbeRt...one of my many pet peeves) with broccoli.
  22. I'm going to try "Rubber Ducky" in a couple of weeks. Seems appropriate for an NCL cruise...
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