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Everything posted by dog

  1. Agree with all from Coral. I have sailed in both ships and liked both. Did South America cruise on Princess. It was wonderful. enjoy those penguins,
  2. Thankfully, there are now 2 of us getting these results!!! Thanks for sharing.
  3. No they do not. if your cruise visits Canada you must do the Covid antigen test within 2 days or a PCR test within 72 hours of boarding the ship. fill in the ArriveCAN app, take proof of being fully or up to date vaxed.
  4. Try contacting support if having app/ website problems.
  5. I offered an email & 3 phone numbers on the other thread for Support.
  6. To OP- sorry to hear this. Same type of situation for me when Air Canada Vacations cancelled my trip 2 weeks after I paid and did not refund my money for 3 months. Except they did not answer the phone or emails. For Princess I call as soon as they start in he morning on week days and get through without a wait. agree it is no way to operate a business good luck
  7. The Viking cruise website refers to the Greek government- not posting on cruise requirements. It is clear at this time. A test is needed to visit/ embark if going to Greece by ship. pharmacies are the place to get an in person test.
  8. Hi dapper! interesting. I checked my personalizer & Travel summary- my middle name is not there. I checked the app and my middle name is there. All is well for me with website & app, after I contacted support. I have never re registered, changed my password or deleted anything. Most of my personal information moved from personalizer to app without me filling it in. Even the photo from Dec.2019 was there. Now photo is replaced by my May 2022 photo. I have had the same log in issues a few times in the past. I contact support by email & report it. I leave it alone. I agree with others who have said the problems are on Princess end.
  9. I would not trust what someone on phone at Princess says about testing. I go by what it says in writing for the cruiseline I will be embarking on. what else can I do? I am not willing to take a chance of being denied boarding, by challenging them. To me, the Princess website NOW clearly outlines the requirements I will follow for my next 2 cruises with them. Hope all goes well for all.
  10. In May 2022 it was for the first night. Other nights were charged to credit card
  11. This worked for me. They only emailed me back once but fixed both websites and app issues within 10 days.
  12. Gdańsk- princess coach transfer on our own. Quite a distance. Stockholm- taxi to museum then to town centre. Easy walking around town. Helsinki- princess offered coach transfer, easy to walk around town. Tallin- short bus ride to town- easy to walk Copenhagen- huge lineup for taxis to town. many took princess coach transfer. I think we paid for coach rides- not free, from what I remember.
  13. I email them for support. No use phoning IM experience. I posted information in this on another thread with their contact numbers for website/ app issues.
  14. Yes, there is a lounge for suite guests. Drinks, snacks & 1-2 crew service it. Will make reservations for you. free specialty dinner for first night can be booked in app pre cruise. boarding times open up to book on app about 60 days prior, but suites have Club Class and no reservation is needed. Breakfast in Sabatinis
  15. I googled Covid protocols Greece Viking cruises. Sorry I cannot paste the paragraph on here, don’t know why. However, for those of us with a port visit to Greece—- if we are going on a Princess ship, then we could be denied boarding if we fail to follow what Princess has posted on their website. There is a separate update for Greece on website now. Requirements are changing all the time. I see no need to pick apart, dissect, over analyze the requirements. I intend to follow requirements my cruiseline lists at the time of my cruise. My expat friends in Italy tell me to get my Covid test in a pharmacy - and to prebook it.
  16. The Ports of Call forum for Greece also has discussion on this topic- mentions other line’s- Celebrity, Norwegian, Viking.
  17. In the Viking Cruise website they include test for cruises visiting Greece , as well.as of Sept 6/22
  18. you bet! enjoy that miserable cruise I wish I was on!
  19. True in some cases. the early group in Vancouver May 4/22 had an agent walk down the long line up & check their boarding times, they reported. I did not see that happening at the time I arrived in the second group.
  20. My understanding is that the Canadian government is requiring us to test pre travel before we embark in NYC for a cruise that visits Canada. This is what the email says for my upcoming cruise. We do not need to test before visiting Canada by land or air- at this time. ——- - also in Princess testing chart it says: ” Definition by country’s Health Authority” ———— Check with the cruiseline directly & with the Australian government. Do not rely on message forums / social media.
  21. Canada also requires Covid test to embark, & for stops on cruise ships in Canadian ports. It is the government requirement, not Princess deciding this.
  22. You are fully vaxed with first 2 Pfizer/ Moderna etc. you are up to date with above vax plus one booster. no 2 nd booster is required at this time. it is your benefit to get a second booster- has nothing to do with number of days. stay informed as things are changing
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