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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. Just stay home in a bathrobe and slippers if you don't want to wear appropriate clothing to dinner. Bring out the tv trays and have a ball.
  2. With the information you shared, including how sick you were previously with covid, I'm another one to vote no on another cruise adventure at this time. People are getting covid multiple times, and some are mildly ill but others are gravely ill. Why chance it?
  3. I was saddened to read about how you were treated. The fact, also, at the end of the cruise no staff wished you well is just hard to read. No one wishes to be sick, but to be treated as a burden is depressing.
  4. Unless you are a doctor, you are not qualified to make assumptions about what sort of "self care" you could possibly need. It is naive to expect that you will have a good experience with covid that you describe unbelievably as "special" when so many other people have had terrible outcomes. This is not noro and to compare the two as similar is just plain wrong.
  5. See, now, minimizing this whole issue borders on petty at this point. No one is frail when they seek medical attention and it's nice of you to stay home when you are sick. But, you are not home. You are on a cruise ship and if you think it's ok to "self administer" your health care when possibly you have covid, well, that's just self centered and wrong.
  6. Your point is made and you obviously are correct about the amount of beach. But, I like the one row of chairs vs. 12 rows. Just saying.
  7. Funny, I didn't notice it dramatically in February this year. We've been to NCL's private beach this year and didn't like it at all. Each to his/her own. Maybe I just prefer HAL overall.
  8. This is so easy for me. I wouldn't miss either. It's such a treat to go ashore and get in the water, and I do love the barbeque at HMC. I once talked with a HAL employee about visiting ports and he said he would never miss a port; it's just such a privilege for the staff to get off the ship for an hour here and there. That certainly puts things into perspective for me.
  9. I'm afraid that "taking all measures within your power to keep the virus or any illness from interrupting your trip" is near to impossible these days. "False protocol and false sense of security" are your opinion only and not shared by so many who feel that testing is a valid form of insuring that some, not all, can have a fair chance of staying healthy.
  10. Actually, what you are really saying is that the most effective way to stay healthy is to be fully vaccinated and masked and basically just stay home. If taking the test is a "crap shoot", as you call it, then my guess is that you no longer wish to cruise. Pure conjecture, but that's how it sounds to me.
  11. Put quite simply, I'm all for testing if it prevents invected people from boarding the ship. Logically, of course it doesn't prevent all invections while sailing, but it is one step that can prevent some illness. The cruiseline is trying to keep the numbers down.
  12. I love back to backs because when other people are leaving, I'm not. It's great fun to have more cruising ahead!
  13. Plus, I truly believe I am better behaved when I am all dolled up. That's why I always dress up for dinner without fail. It's far more elegant. Plus, I love the wolf whistles, lol.
  14. It's grilled. Very delicious, butter and all. One item that is great, too, is the quiche. Great for lunch and it comes with a tasty small salad. My favorite.
  15. Thanks for your really nice review. Yes, one note: excursions through the ship are expensive. We've found that the more we traveled and the older we got, the more we went off on our own. However, your roll call is a very good resource for less expensive tours, as well. There's many times someone there setting up tours for far less money. God bless them.
  16. We really enjoyed the Dutch Cafe on the Pinnacle class ship. However, if the ship is crowded, as another poster has indicated on a European cruise, I doubt I would enjoy long lines there, as well. The staff really hustles, but the service is not super fast, and if the ship is crowded, it will be one hot mess.
  17. Thank you for posting. I've really enjoyed your travels. One thing though; those long lines at guest services always slay me. They just don't move quickly enough.
  18. Every time I had saltines on board, they were stale. Every single time. But, I'm a boater and realize it's impossible to keep crackers onboard without running into this problem. It's the damp.
  19. Of course, you are right. The plastic in the sea is such a concern to me. I live by the ocean and see the damage it can do to wildlife, not to mention fishing netting and hooks. It's a regular tragedy.
  20. Such a drag. I'm so hopeful on more cruising, but this puts a real damper on it. The quarantine would drive me crazy.
  21. oh good. Still, plastic....going into some dump someday.
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