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Everything posted by SRF

  1. And yes, you can eat one or even two desserts and then ask for another one (or two) to go.
  2. We asked on a Dec 14 out of Baltimore and was told they did not have any.
  3. I posted about the no extra points, and it is clearly stated in the FAQ that no extra points unless "booked" as a solo. So you need to tell them in advance and they may reprice the trip.
  4. When you do your check in you will pick a time from a list.
  5. They don't work well as all the walls and floors are sheet metal. If everyone had a smart phone, but the free messaging in the Royal app.
  6. Have you ever visited any of their countries and seen the working conditions there????? Do you know what pay rates are in their home countries????
  7. Heck, one cruise I was talking to a cabin steward. She was on her 5th or 6th contract. Her mother was on the same ship working, and had been so even longer. And her daughter was working on board on her 1st or 2nd contact. Yeap, conditions are just so bad.
  8. If you have a package and want to get your free day for someone else, you have to talk Guest Services or VOOM desk. You can't just sign on as you are already signed on. We just did this last cruise. BTW, you can share your package with another user. When they log on, it logs you off. I only buy one internet package and share it with my traveling companion..
  9. That is why I do both. Mix land and cruise. And cruising, I prefer sea days. Port days are too hectic.
  10. And again, you are talking about something you only have 2nd hand. If things were so bad, why does any one work for them????
  11. So, what is wrong with having access to Whatsapp? You can text, send photos, chat and video chat. And it is secure, as the employ end to end encryption.
  12. I did not go to the Crown Lounge. I was in a Suite, so free drinks in the Concierge Lounge.
  13. Just got off Vision. Lounge was not crowded at all. It was almost like suite guests did not know about it. But last evening a young man was sitting in the lounge. The Concierge asked who he was, and he said he was waiting for his parents. She made him leave and wait outside until they showed up.
  14. Bottom line is maybe. They may enforce the times, so plan on that.
  15. Looking for the name of the comedian the first night. Thanks,
  16. Simple, divide price to each option by the number of points to get dollars per point. Say Interior is $1000 ($500 per person). 4 nights, so $125 per point (2 per night x 4 nights = 8 points). If JS is less than $1500, then the JS is cheaper per point.
  17. Have any of you gone out to eat these days?????? Dinner for 2 will be over $100. Heck, Chik-Fil-A today was $17 for ONE PERSON.
  18. Hope someone has more info. We are on Vision, deck 8, leaving in 3 days.
  19. We had one heli med evac off Grandeur the first night, still in the Bay. When my mother was taken off in Halifax, there was another one also. I asked the port agent, and he told me one sailing, the pulled and replaced the gang way 6 times for med evac. Each time they pulled it, before they could get untied, they had another one. But even a Vision class can have 3000 passengers and 1000 crew. You should expect a number of issues per week. US death rate is about 1% per year. 1,043 per 100k people per year. So a big cruise ship has over 7000 pax and crew, so per year, expect 70 deaths or more than one per week
  20. As to tanks tops on men versus women - Pit Hair. 🙂 I have seen tuxes and military mess dress in 2022 and 2023. Yes, VERY few but some. Amazing the change since 2017 when a lot of evening dresses and tuxes. And most men not in tux were in coat and tie.
  21. Since most people already boarded, and you are talking about thousands, how are you going to make the offer?
  22. I don't do lists. For ANY trip, I mentally go through dressing for each venue. And for other than clothing, I always pack workout and beach gear, flip flops, zip lock bags, sun screen, bug spray, general stuff (ibuprofen, imodium, benadryl, etc), motion sickness. For clothes, I mentally dress. So underwear, put enough in the bag. Socks, dress, casual, ;put in the bag. Undershirts, in the bag. Pants, what will I need, casual, dress, suit, short, put in bag. Shirts.....
  23. Yes, but as the cruise gets closer, they open them up to less people
  24. It can be a big deal, as they have a steady stream of planes for one runway.
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