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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. We had an outside corner aft balcony on Celebrity Millennium for a trans Atlantic. Biggest balcony we have ever had with multiple loungers.
  2. Ice cream is good. My mouth is very dry. I have a speccial mouthwash for that. DW flushes the feeding tube twice a day with water, I am not dehydrated. For years, she has said drink more water. Now, she just pours it into the tube.
  3. When I wake up, I wonder if i will be able to swallow today. I take my morning meds, I can swallow. Today is a success. I figure I am good for the day.
  4. Thanks. My chemo is about over, but still have a lot of Radiation to go. It is getting a lot more difficult to swallow. We are basically one day at a time. They will do a cat scan day after Labor day to measure the progress of the treatment.
  5. Actually commercial aircraft currently being used only require a flight crew of 2 officers to operate the airplane. Only long range flights require additional flight crew to relieve the pilots.
  6. I went back and looked, the snowstorm was indeed Feb 2013. When we sailed out of NJ, royal had bus charters from around New England that went to the port. WE always left the car at home, in the garage, took a taxi to Hartford , and rode the bus.
  7. That works till you get a really big snowfall. Once, as we were returning, Hartford was predicted to get 3 feet, and they did. That was the first one were we stayed on. There were plenty of rooms available that cruise.
  8. I have ben getting a lot of bad emails with attachments. My years of training working in industry of detecting bad emails and either deleting them or reporting them prepared me. I don't pay attention to the subject, just the sender. And it gets deleted. Just seems to be a lot more frequent mow.
  9. When we lived in Ct. , we did sailings on Explorer out of Bayonne from 9 to 11 days, so we could get to Labadee , San Juan, St Martin or other ports. Couple of times, we got back to NJ and the weather was so bad, we ended up staying on for one of the 7 day sailings, you know, PC, Nassau, Coco Cay. Wasn't exciting, but I put off shoveling snow.
  10. We did our only Alaska cruise in 1999, in fact we returned home on Labor day weekend. We were living in Fl at the time, and we packed the warmest clothes we owned. First day, it was obvious we needed more. And the cruise line (Princess) figured as much, so they had racks of ski jackets for sale that first day. That was the first thing that we bought. But, we already knew we were moving to Ct before the end of the year, so we ending up getting plenty of use of those coats.
  11. Now, Imagine doing the same thing in Bayonne, on Explorer, in January, when the temperature is getting close to zero. Get it over with, I'm freezing. Although once, the deck was covered with snow and ice, it had to be moved into the Royal Promenade.
  12. When the Quantum showed up in Bayonne was an additional motivation to sell our Ct house and move to Fl. Cheap winter cruises would be gone for a while.
  13. Ad has a suite/Pinnacle checkin for MTD. No need to wait in the res or no res line. WAlk past and you will see them. Breakfast is either in chops (deck 4) or Giovanni (left of WJ).
  14. In response to the OP's original question, I do not believe the Adventure has ever updated its kiddie water facility to include a splash area for toddlers in diapers. The first showed up on the slightly larger Freedom class ships (Freedom, Liberty, and Independence) and I believe all newer ships.
  15. That sounds like a good trade. My first RC ship was Navigator, so I was partial to that class, not to say we have some great longer cruises on Radiance class.
  16. Adventure was going to do a canal transit? I did not know they moved to a ship larger than the Radiance class to doing transits. I think I know why they were being canceled
  17. It was earlier this year when I was on Adventure. Am booked again in October.
  18. Adventure serves breakfast in Giovanni's, to the left of WJ. It's nice.
  19. Must be real old, we turned D+ just before they changed C&A to days. First time on Oasis, it was served in the CL.
  20. As a Pinnacle, Chops' or whatever venue is open for breakfast is great. JR on Oasis is good too, toss up with Chops.
  21. I did get a kick out of him talking about reporters claiming the west coast storm being much more powerful than anybody was predicting. Kind of like the local south Florida TV guys going into Publix and taking a picture of an empty shelves where there would be water, of course reporting empty shelves. What the do not say is they walked by multiple pallets of water just inside the front door, not to worry.
  22. While I enjoy seeing cruise pictures, after all , this is CC and it is about cruising. But I looked at this picture, and said, wait, we have been there. Sometime in 2019, probably in April, my wife called out from the livening room, "I want to go on a cruise". Well, she does that. So I look at cruises from FLL, nothing. Sane with MIA, even PC. But, I looked at TPA, and yelled back, "found one". May 4th, TPA to AMS, 15 nights, stoops in Azores, 2 in Ireland (of course Waterbury), Belgium, and finally AMS. Now we had done, I think 7 TA cruises, all west bound, because I did not want to fly back from Europe. And most of those cruises embarked from BCN. And most of the flights to BCN connected through AMS. Been to the airport, not the city. Wife fully approved. Booked a hotel thru an online booking site, Air2sea flight back to TPA , and we were good to go. And we did go the bank and got some Euro's. While we don't remember what we did in Waterford, some sort of ship tour, the other stop was in Cobh. Had no plans, but I said to DW that it would be good if we could find a drugstore. There is a train station right next to the dock, and the train goes to Cork. So off we went. Now in Cork, how the hell do you find a drugstore. As sometimes happens , this really nice lady sees us looking confused, and asks what are you looking for. Drugstore. She says, "I am my way to work, I will show you". Thank God we are in an English speaking country, the only language we speak. Well, except DW wanted Tylenol. Nope. Acetaminophen. nope. paracetamol . bingo. Thanks to our Canadian friends for that one. Things you learn on CC. We have looked for drugstore in Spain, and that is a challenge. That little excursion will be one we will always remember.
  23. That is the car you buy and store till the auction prices go through the roof. We have seen it before with some of the Ford GT cars they build, and they are not Mustang GT's.
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