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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. Have done this a couple of times in both directions. No problems either way although closer to mid summer is likely to be calmer.
  2. Pick me, pick me!! Do you have a double wheelchair?😁
  3. There are a variables which could determine time in getting airport, especially by taxi. Ship arriving on time, Length of queues for taxi at the terminal, Traffic - Sundays are just as busy as weekdays in not moreso, Luggage. Personally, I would self disembark (as I always do) then take a train to airport. If you are able to manage your luggage that would the way to go and cheaper than a cab. The station is just a few minutes walk from OPT and the trains are regular and quick, and there is a station at the domestic airport. I would work on a flight time from about noon.
  4. Sounds doable to me. Have done this in the past but I can't remember the detail.
  5. If I do a cruise with a "Rock" theme night I'm good to go - or have theme nights gone?
  6. July 11 was her last post. Mentioned she was sick and cancelled Alaska cruise.
  7. Kinda, sorta correct (not Roy, although I like his music). My intention was to go as John Lennon and the plan was to stop somewhere just before the venue and don my costume, so to speak. However, when I arrived people were calling me Ozzy which puzzled me. I asked my friend Tony if I looked like Ozzy and she agreed with the others. Oh, the humility of it all and he doesn't play guitar! So I settled for Ozzy and John missed out. At least they were both English. One young lady even asked if she could have her photo taken with me. Yeh, why not. Must dig out my copy of Paranoid and listen to it again - it's been a while.
  8. Went to Piggs Peake annual wine release and tasting night last night. A good night of tasting plus spitroasted pig and beef, salads and complimentary beer and wine, for wine club members, and live music. Theme for this year was come as your favourite rock star. So I did. Guess who?
  9. I have cruised on both Radiance OTS and Ovation OTS. The smaller Radiance is definitely my fit.
  10. The odd thing with the Celebrity trial is that vaping is restricted to the port side of the casino. Weird.
  11. I can't imagine ever needing a butler. If I need a button sewn on I always bring a housewife with me.😉
  12. I'm well aware of that. Was referring to casinos.
  13. Over on Celebrity forum there is a raging discussion about Celebrity trialing vaping in casinos. Previously there was no smoking permitted in any X casinos. However many posters on the forum are threatening to "jump ship" if vaping is allowed. I'm not sure where they would jump to as smoking, and presumably vaping, are permitted in many other lines' casinos. There has been much news in local media about laboratory research finding a variety of dangerous substances in vapes, none of which seem to be mentioned in the X forum posts, including polonium-210 and other cancer causing substances. If that's the case why would Celebrity go down this path? A retrograde step IMHO. I was of the opinion that smoking or vaping is not permitted in all ships in Oz waters. Is this correct? Government rule? Personally, I would prefer (for health and workplace safety reasons) neither vice(?) be allowed but I don't make the rules.
  14. This talk of lobster got me curious so I Googled what was available at my local supermarket. Tails available @ AUD9.00. And, surprisingly, "Product of Canada". https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-deli-thawed-msc-raw-lobster-tails-1-each-3763596
  15. This may help. https://australiatravelquestions.com/national-parks/paluma-range-national-park-queensland-walks-swimming-camping/
  16. I bought only one glass of wine on my last cruise. It was a way overpriced Oz brand. I think, in future, I may just have water with my meals. It's not about not being not able to afford it, I can, it's the rip-off prices that doesn't sit well with me.
  17. Agree. Noticed that, especially on a White Pass tour. Very picturesque.
  18. I have done four New Zealand cruises - Celebrity, Royal, Princes and HAL. My favorite cruiseline ATM is HAL (same numbers of cruises as X) due to a better itinerary, followed by X. IRC Princess and RCI cruises were return ex Sydney. HAL and X are one way with a return flight to Sydney/Aukland which saves 2 sea days which, IMO, allows more time to be spent doing some land touring which may be more attractive for those coming from northern climes.
  19. I have done three Alaska cruises. One in late August, one early September and most recently this June which was the coolest. I didn't find much difference with any of these times. Had a very wet and windy arrival in Whittier this year and a rainy windy day in Juneau in September (all flying cancelled and ships sheltering) which were the only wet days.
  20. I have done one Princess cruise and was happy to find comprehensive bar menus on tables in the pool area. Lots of choices.
  21. How can I ask for what I want if I don't know what I want? I am not a regular drinker of cocktails, I never have them at home, only on cruises, so I am not familiar with what's available. I am disappointed by the lack of drink menus, not only on X. I ask waiters for a list and their response is similar to yours, "tell me what you want". I have gotten to know a couple of drink types but I like trying something different - "variety is the spice of life?"
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