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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. Save Broome for a land tour. Not enough time during a port stop to see some of the better things Broome has to offer. Have been there twice - so far.
  2. @zukecruiser Most card transactions in Oz are tap-and-go, or wave, or swipe, for amounts up to $100 or, in some cases, $200. Over that you will need a PIN. Most businesses include the the bank fee in the price, a few don't. I bought something this week and noticed an added card fee of 1%. I can't remember the last time I signed for anything, well, that's not strictly true as I did sign for coffee and bar drinks in Alaska earlier this year.😉
  3. Which is OK with me as I'm not real comfortable wearing thongs.😉
  4. True. Those arriving by air can carry bugs onto a ship already here. Remember Ruby Princess?
  5. Those coming by sea will be easily beaten by the many more arriving by air.
  6. I noticed the article in post #5 was just pre COVID. I wonder if anything has changed since.🤔
  7. Why can't they build small ships with big water slides? I love water slides. Actually, I love anything to do with water.
  8. I did did Sydney/Singapore last January on Westerdam. Again, there was confusion about what HAL would or wouldn't do re visa. My cruise arrived at Komodo Iland first, then Lombok and then Bali. Lombok was not an "entry" port but it didn't really matter. I successfully applied online for a visa following information in my roll call. Here is a link. Hope it helps. HAL eventually did the Visas but, as usual, cost was more than doing it online.
  9. I'll add my vote for Ocean bar. Excellent bar service (NA), soft music and quiet conversation. On a previous HAL cruise happy hour in the Crow's Nest ended just before our MDR dinner seating, but no music there.
  10. Don't forget your gumshoes. Forget the pork pie, this may require a deer stalker.😉
  11. Take an Alaskan cruise and find a real one.😱
  12. First blow fly just buzzed in through the back door. 🪰 Seems like we missed spring and gone straight into summer.
  13. Would it be too disturbing if someone, or even a bunch of people, wore a life jacket to the party?😁
  14. The last week has gone quick Lyle - as usual. And the planning begins again.
  15. Something different. Roofers finished my new roof today. Goodbye terra cotta, hello Colorbond.
  16. Your stoppages were most likely having to give way to freight trains - they have priority - then Vial Rail has to make up time where they can, e.g. cutting short on stops.There's nothing Via Rail can do about it. I have done the shorter Via Rail overnighter Jasper/Vancouver and enjoyed it. We travelled to Jasper by coach from Calgary. Very scenic and good stops along the way. Better than going by rail.
  17. I like LLB, Ginger Beer (not ale) and Pepsi Max etc.. Anything sugar free - if I can get it. I go with tap water as an alternative. I like a wine with dinner. I always opt for PAYG.
  18. Maybe because they don't get tips, there's no point in being nice. (Refering to LAX staff not Oz Boerder Force).
  19. Noumea was our first overseas family holiday in 1980. Our two boys were aged 2 and 4. We spent a week there and had a great time. We had also done three years of French in highschool which helped a little. The kids, one with blonde hair, the other auburn were a hit with the local native population and Japanese tourists - they loved the attention. Have been back about three times since and always found something new, interesting and different.
  20. Have always for staff in LAX to be very surly except on one occasion. There was a gentleman employee directing pax to various queues. We exchanged a few pleasant words and we walked away thinking what a change to the usual. One telling factor to his happy demeanour was his English accent.😉
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