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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. It was hot here yesterday so I decided to drive with the windows down for fresh air rather than use the aircon. Ironically, the pool water was a bit low yesterday so I topped it up. As usual, whenever I do that it has often rains the next day. It's been overflowing all day which will mean it'll needanother bag or two of salt.
  2. Raining non stop last night and this morning. When I went into the kitchen for breakfast I looked out at my van in the driveway and remembered I'd left the windows down. Doh!
  3. There was an alert on news today re monkey pox. It expected there could be cases due to influx of visitors for the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The MP virus is spread by skin or surface contact. Masking not necessary but hand hygiene, as mentioned by Mic, is recommended.
  4. I bought what looked like a nice pasty from The Bakery, Greenhills. I couldn't eat it. Some idiot pastry cook had decided it should have broccoli in it. Ugh!
  5. Seems Princess ships don't have helipads. Is that correct? If so, it could mean life or death if someone is seriously ill or injured. I've been on Celebrity ships that have helipads.
  6. They are plentiful in bakeries around here. A local bakery has a choice of mock cream or fresh cream. Mock is my favourite.
  7. That's been my experience with my NAB Visa CC, except I've never had to present one when boarding. Have only been asked once on a land tour Deal Trip for Egypt.
  8. I pronounce pasties as parsties. The other pronunciation evokes images of exotic dancers.😨😁
  9. You've just thrown another word difference into the mix. "Pasties". Also, I met an American cruiser who wondered what sultanas were when I mentioned I have them in my porridge (oatmeal). The best I could explain was "white grape raisins". She was Alaskan if that makes a difference.
  10. I wont be cruising on any ship that requires the wearing of jackets at dinner. To me, wearing a jacket is worse than wearing a mask.😱
  11. I was wondering if the inability to fill ships in Melbourne and Brisbane is not helped due to cost of interstate flights. I can recall, pre COVID, getting a one way flight Newcastle to Melbourne for $69.
  12. HAL still provides water at stops but only in paper cups, sometimes with ice.
  13. Not silver service trained Lyall? Knife should be placed with sharp edge towards the plate.😁
  14. Occasionally I have had something to declare and been sent to the declaration queue. My wife, who had nothing to declare, was able to accompany me each time. There was rarely anyone lined up in the queue. I carry declared items in my back pack so it only took a moment to be checked and away. The border control staff were going along the main queue checking cards which singled out those, like us, for the 'express' lane.😁
  15. With Liz gone will there be a Cunard (or other) MS King Charles?🙄
  16. Here is a good summary of COVID statistics for the state of New South Wales. I think other states would be similar. Scroll down to page twelve for sewerage testing info. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/weekly-covid-overview-20230128.pdf
  17. Travelling on the Trans Siberian railway was like cruising. Unpack only once if going all the way Moscow to Vladivostok - 8 times zones. In my case I finished in Beijing which meant a change of train in Mongolia then a different time zone again until reaching China which has only one. It's a good way to beat jet lag if travelling from Europe to Oz - just a bit slower.😁
  18. I wear glasses but draw a line at wearing earings.😁
  19. I agree. Pre-booked shuttles are very hit and miss. Take a maxi - cab from airport rank as above.
  20. I didn't find them uncomfortable. Different faces I suppose. One size doesn't necessarily fit all but will fit some. I did take my own but saved them - not sure for what. My only problem with masks is getting them tangled with my hearing aids.
  21. Shortage of white leghorns on Azamara Cruises, they're all on Princess.😄😱
  22. I would like to agree with you but I'll 'fess up, I got it totally wrong. 😟🙄 Begs the question. Why duplicate Motorway numbers?
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