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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. That's a different pattern to the one Sea Princess did when a bloke went overboard shortly before reaching Sydney. I had been tracking the ship's course with my Garmin GPS and I could see that the ship followed its course back to the search area pretty much exactly. It then started figure eight search patterns until it was released, by search and rescue in Canberra, to countinue to Sydney. We spent an extra night at sea having missed our docking time. Pandemonium reigned at CS desk that night.
  2. Have done that one. It's a nice little side trip to fill in some time having been to Dunedin five or six times already.
  3. Taylor Swift does that for me.😁
  4. I have registered as an ex serviceman with HAL and was approved. I have yet to test for any benefits. On my last HAL cruise I attended a get-together often put on for vets by cruiselines. I was made to feel very welcome and was the only Aussie there. I got the usual "thank you for your service" too but felt a little embarassed by it as we antipodeans are not used to it, military service is something we just do if required. I am the third of four generations of my family to serve in the AIF but the only one who didn't volunteer - Nasho😉.
  5. Thanks for your interesting and informative logs, I've been enjoying the read. You wont find "locals" on Conflict Islands as they are privately owned (by an Aussie). The only residents on the island are staff connected to the turtle conservation and research facility. I believe the set up for tourism was done to help finance the consevation/research. The island owner, Ian Gowrie-Smith, was on board our ship Noordam and gave some talks on his background, island history and current work being done. The coral there is the best I have seen but one has to purchase a ticket to view it and you are transported by power boat to a pontoon above the coral and the "abyss". Snorkelling equipment is provided. When I was there last, Jan 2019, we needed to buy vouchers to purchase anything - my memory is hazy on how it worked but we knew this before we arrived thanks to info provided on Noordam. I donated my remaining Kina to a PNG island school before we arrived - I've forgotten which. Since my visit, I believe Eco resort development is happening.
  6. Agree. Have never worn a tie on 'formal' nights. On my first HAL cruise, ten years ago, I was given a loan jacket to wear in MDR because I hadn't brought one. I didn't have to wear it as the maitr'd hung it on the back of my chair.
  7. I have never noticed a chlorine taste from ships' water. If you notice chlorine leave your filled water bottle uncapped overnight either in open air or fridge and chlorine will be gone by morning. Ship water is desalinated sea water and is also filtered, usually by reverse osmosis.
  8. I don't know why people use those dispensers. I've always filled my water bottles from the tap in my cabin bathroom.
  9. An interesting way to spend a couple of hours is to take an escorted Segway tour of historic Devonport which is a short, pleasant, ferry ride across the harbour from Auckland. The ferry terminal is next to the cruise ship dock and I believe there is a luggage storage facility there. The Segways are located at the ferry wharf in Devonport. It is best to pre book. Myself and two lady friends did this tour in Feb 2020, all of us in our 70s, it was interesting and great fun. Here's the link for the Segways. https://www.magicbroomsticktours.co.nz/
  10. I did a quick scan for an existing thread for your cruise. This will take you straight to it if you haven't found it already.
  11. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/270-norwegian-jade-roll-calls/
  12. Have done that many times but never had to "drag" luggage. Granted, it could be a chore for some who ridiculously over-packed. You make it sound more onerous than it is. Those four-wheelie suitcases are great, so easy to move along. Pay taxi with credit card or scan at turnstile no extra chore there and, if prepared, have Opal card at the ready. By train you know the cost and the train driver is not about to try and rip you off.😉
  13. @Blackduck59 My Alaska cruise is now booked in. Will arrive 3/6 for cruise 4/6. I don't know if we'll be able to meet up as time , on arrival, is limited. I am at the mercy of my three companions movements as it is their cruise/holiday and I'm just along for the ride. We have Qantas credits we need to use up on accommodation as Qantas has refused to refund for cancelled flights that were booked before COVID - will only give credits. BTW Qantas is charging more for flights using credits than they do for newly booked flights. Air pirates! Grrr.😠 We have a post cruise tour to Fairbanks so may be able to squeeze in a day or two in Vancouver afterwards but not sure of dates ATM...
  14. Got my fifth vax on Wednesday at my GP. First two were Moderna, then two Pfizer and this one was Novavax. My fourth was in March (nine months ago) and, as I will be cruising to Singapore in January, thought it better to be prepared and "up-to-date". No reaction to jab whatsover.
  15. Not all are struggling with it. Many enjoy smoking regardless. The cost alone would put me off.
  16. My BF has an Apple watch and likes it. Apparently they require daily charging. My Garmin lasts for a couple of weeks between charge, depending on usage, but I can't take/make phone calls on it. The Apple sounds like the way to go in your circumstances. If you have a smart phone I would strongly recommend installing (if you haven't already) the Emergency Plus app. It gives you a three letter emergency code which allows emergency responders to pinpoint your location to within 3m2.
  17. I'd been considering buying a GPS sports watch for some time. Black Friday sales gave that a kickalong. I ended up buying a Garmin Fenix 6X Sapphire half price at Rebel Sport - $699! Before this I'd never paid more than $40 for a waterproof, digital, watch.
  18. It's not without a little envy that I am reading about everyone getting into multiple cruises. ATM I have two booked, one for Jan 23 and Jun 23. For two reasons I don't think I'll be booking any more for next year. First is that I am a destinations cruiser and I've done pretty much most of all the Ozcentric ones, some more than once. Second is, in the last two years I have invested close to $30k in new sailboard equipment and, at age 74, I need to get the most out of it while still fit enough and sailboarding is what keeps me fit. Six weeks away in August and September this year has set me back and, for the last four weeks, bursitis in my right shoulder. A cortisone injection last week seems to have done the trick and I'm back on the water without too much discomfort. Oh, there is a Third reason, my travelling/cruising companion has had enough of weeks away from home, pet poodle, young grandchildren so, if I do travel, it looks like being solo and I'm not real keen on that. My late wife and I travelled a lot with her and her family over many years in Oz and abroad so I will miss the company but we still see each other. So, apart from the two cruises, I have no other plans for 2023 except to keep sailing (and working on and riding my bikes but that's another story).
  19. Last time in Wellington, just before the shutdown, we had an excellent meal at the Foxglove pub. Has an upper floor dining deck with views and is right next to harbour. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x6d38afd309f9c565%3A0xe788f7455851a173!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMTiyZ8lyAMjYmLQG8_FijIRi6G6uAsxfIdoMqU%3Dw86-h87-n-k-no!5swellington nz pubs - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMTiyZ8lyAMjYmLQG8_FijIRi6G6uAsxfIdoMqU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcnuGsnMb7AhW71TgGHbagAFEQ7ZgBegQIHBAN
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