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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. Kids get drinks. We've never had a problem with that.
  2. The best answers regarding RC transportation would be to call RC transportation
  3. RC just had record bookings for a new ship that offers by far the most expensive fares ever seen for an RC ship. Getting more customers is not something RC has to focus on right now. What they have to focus on is battling through a staffing problem that exacerbates itself in the cruise industry as well as paying off debts incurred due to being forced to shut down for so long.
  4. It can affect cruises depending on the "no sail" zone that's established around the launch time. https://www.cruisehive.com/port-canaveral-juggling-cruise-ships-and-rocket-launch-conflicts/94823
  5. Yes, because they do "charge" your drinks to your account (at $0 of course). But if you are up there every night they'll remember your room
  6. Other than coffee cards which tend to be the same price if I recall, nothing is ever cheaper on the ship
  7. I've never seen this checkbox before and I always use the website to check in.
  8. If you get the "this photo isn't the right resolution" and you're sure that it is, just try again. I use the same photo for each cruise and it always goes through on the 2nd attempt
  9. Blood donors? Must have been some serious injury vs. a medical health issue.
  10. If you want to do the Panama Canal, then your ship options are limited.
  11. I wouldn't pack any differently for dining on an Alaskan cruise than any other cruise.
  12. I think some people exaggerate how much they tip. So tip what you think it's worthy and don't pay any attention to what other people claim. Remember you aren't obligated to tip a single penny over any included gratuities.
  13. Due to the air flow and filtration on modern airliners, being on a plane is one of the least likely places to get covid.
  14. The sale is not across the board. It's just reflective of the pricing for your particular cruise.
  15. Cruising is pretty much pre-covid normal. A few people wearing masks, but not much more than you see in every day life.
  16. Is it too expensive for you? That's all that matters. Some will say it's a great deal. Others will point out that paying extra for food when you've already paid for food is a rip off.
  17. The photo package is probably the biggest on board rip off of anything you can buy.
  18. The CHOPs breakfast menu is a subset of the MDR breakfast menu.
  19. I have never seen this before. You must have gotten an ambitious room steward.
  20. The agent was wrong. You'd have to get water during the happy hour.
  21. As long as people keep paying the prices, it'll keep going up
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