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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. Prices are pretty good on Freedom for peak spring break weeks. Maybe that's why it's so popular
  2. "The food in the MDR is awful. We only ate there one night (Italian)."
  3. "Sir, you're traveling solo. The new rule is only 1 bottle per adult in the cabin. Why do you have two?" "Well sir, I was planning on there being another adult in the cabin at some point"
  4. My upcoming Jewel cruise lost the category again. It was there, then gone, then there, now gone again
  5. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/will-i-have-to-take-a-test-before-i-cruise
  6. We did it once as it was a suite perk at the time. Then we about had heart attacks for as much money as they wanted to charge for the actual photos.
  7. Which is how it always was. RC just has eliminated the "whip up something completely different than anything on the menu" accommodation that people took too much advantage of.
  8. There was a week or two where "suite" wasn't appearing on set sail passes, but it came back.
  9. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/will-i-have-to-take-a-test-before-i-cruise
  10. If the demand for English tours is more than Spanish tours, then it makes great sense that the higher demand item costs more.
  11. They stopped accepting cases of water as checked luggage in 2018 or so.
  12. Just like Red Lobster is by no stretch of the imagination a good seafood restaurant.
  13. Go take a look at past cruise compasses to give you an idea
  14. Doesn't affect cruise passengers https://www.stlucia.org/en/entry/
  15. If you're booked in a suite, the concierge will email you a week or so before the cruise
  16. It wouldn't surprise me if the perk was always only available on W&F day, but never enforced
  17. You can buy collapsible beach buckets that'll help in packing.
  18. Actually the corporate guy in charge of food services said Indian food was the #1 off menu item ordered with the old menus, so there was enough demand to put it one dish on the menu.
  19. Get it for $80 or less, it's worth it once time. Any more than that and you're paying 500% markup for a lobster
  20. There's enough demand to put one Indian dish on the menu each night, but definitely not enough demand to dedicate a specialty restaurant to the cuisine.
  21. The Royal Up program is not out to get you. Its algorithms on who is able to bid is completely based on supply and demand for that particular cruise.
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