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Everything posted by dleahy4444

  1. My husband is Onyx and received Offer 23MTh 205 for an interior room. When he gets an offer I usually get a better room offer, being Amethyst, with a similar code usually ending in 202. There was a problem with my account and Blue Chip claims to have fixed it. But he received this offer and I received nothing, no offer at all. Do certain offers not go out to the higher tiers? Has anyone received this offer ?
  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this informative and upbeat review
  3. I love the sunset veranda stateroom. We were in one on the Edge this past January. Fantastic! Enjoy!
  4. Since it’s a 10 day sailing I guess the minimum is not that crazy. It is still lower than the minimum on my 7 day sailing on the Apex, an older ship
  5. May I ask on what ship and sail date? I agree, that is really a high minimum. I’m going on the ascent in January and the minimum for a SS was 775pp. I am also in a sunset veranda on that sailing, so I’m not sure I’ll bid. On the Apex 3/2 sailing the minimum is 2000pp. Crazy.im in an infinite veranda on that one. Will not be bidding.
  6. True. But I’ve been participating in both Celebrity MoveUp and Royal Up since the inception of these programs and I have never seen an entry level minimum be the same as of upper level suite several categories higher. It’s not as if the entry level sky suite is at a premium, there are plenty of them.
  7. Move Up just opened on the 3/2/24 sailing of the Apex. The minimum bid for a regular sky suite is the same as the minimum on a celebrity suite. Some upgraded sky suite staterooms: sunset sky suite and aqua sky suite have minimums several hundred less then the regular standard sky suite. There are plenty of every category of sky suite in the website inventory. Strangely the all the minimum bids are very high, much higher than my upcoming cruise on the Ascent, yet on the website the regular cruise fare is substantially less on the Apex. I’m booked a Veranda room on both sailings. What gives?
  8. I’ve had multiple issues receiving my blue club offers. They were coming fast and steady until July when somehow Celebrity merged my husband’s and my emails. After multiple calls, emails etc I see one offer for me listed at the blue chip offers website. I am amethyst and received an offer for concierge/ veranda staterooms on select sailings. The code is 23CRB302. That is my only offer and expires 12/19. My husband, who is onyx and gambles less, received an offer for an interior room under that code number AND an additional offer 23MTH205 that expires 12/31. Did anyone else get this offer? I’m concerned my account is still messed up. Thanks!
  9. Hcat looking forward to our sailing. I’m on the roll call as well. OP, I was once on a royal carribean cruise where the occupants of the room next to us were smoking cigars on their balcony! I informed the room attendant and they said they would address it but by that time our room smelled like an ashtray. Hope this is resolved soon.
  10. Thank you for doing this. We are on it 1/28. Can’t wait! Do you have anytime dining or a set time? We were assigned 8:30pm which is ok with us generally. However on our last sailing on the Beyond 2022, the set times were not honored and even at 8:30 there were long lines to get seated. It’s my understanding that assigned set times are not honored on E class ships. The problem is because we have a set time the app won’t let us make reservations. I called but of course I was told to deal with it once onboard. I’d love to forgo the lines at guest services if you report that the lines aren’t bad. Thanks and enjoy your cruise!
  11. Thanks. That’s what I suspected. When we were on the Beyond TA last year it was a zoo, long lines 45 min wait to be seated. The app wouldn’t let us reserve a time since we had an assigned time, regardless that it wasn’t being honored.
  12. Thank you for your response. I’d gladly hold a place for the hubby by the pool in exchange for breakfast!
  13. Was the pool crowded? How about the lounge and Luminae? I’ve read that those s sailings were not at capacity. I love being by the pool but the retreat pool is quite small for a crowd
  14. We sail on the Ascent this January and have a set dining time of 8:30. On our previous sailing on the Beyond in October of 2022 we had the same designated dinner time, only to be met with long lines at the main dining venues. Apparently on that sailing the dining times were not being honored and it was a “first come, first served” situation. What is the story on the Ascent? Will our set dinner time be honored? I’ve read that larger groups have hadn’t problems, but it just my husband and me.
  15. We are currently booked in a sunset veranda stateroom on the Ascent and I’m sure we will be very happy in it. I’ve read mixed reviews on the sky suites lately considering the increase in prices and decrease in services. Booking a sky suite outright would be impossible on our budget but a Move Up bid is a possibility. Is the sky suite experience worth bidding on, with a low to medium bid? Since it’s a new ship the minimums are still pretty pricey for my beer pockets and champagne taste.
  16. Oh ok thanks I’ll try that. I just sent an email to the executive office at celebrity. This is very frustrating. I have 2 cruises booked for January and March and want to make sure my play is being tracked correctly wtc
  17. Thanks. I’ve called and asked about my play on my January 2023 sailing. It was the same as always and they did send me offers from January until July when they suddenly stopped and the combination with my husband’s email developed. I’ve asked for a supervisor and all they do is say they are going to send an email to their escalation center. Then I never hear from them again
  18. I just tried it. No offers. There is obviously a problem with my account as I was getting veranda offers as recently as July. The reps on the phone are useless. I’ve emailed also. No response. I think I need the name and number of someone higher up
  19. Thank you! I was unaware of this feature. I’ll try it now
  20. I’ve sailed in comped balconies for years on Celebrity, most recently the Edge January 2023. My play seemed to be correctly recorded and I was receiving offer mailings and emails until July 2023 when they suddenly stopped. This corresponded with my husband suddenly receiving offers ( he doesn’t gamble as much). His offers were sent to my email. I called Blue Chip and they thought somehow our emails got crossed and allegedly corrected the email addresses. Now my husband continues to get offers on his own email but I’ve gotten nothing!! I’ve been calling Blue Chip and the Captain’s Club for a month with no success. Is there someone higher level that I can speak with?
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