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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. No trick or treaters here because we live in the country, the houses are very far apart and it is dark. Throwing away the useless piece of paper called a power ball ticket. @Lionesssthat reminds me I need to find a new place for glasses. Mine will do for awhile longer but at some point I will need new ones. The place I was going was awful during covid. The receptionist would fly around the counter with her thermometer and proceed to pepper you with questions about covid exposure. I wanted to ask her if anyone had ever said yes to any of her questions. It was very annoying so I won't go back. I need to find a turkey so I will be stalking Winn Dixie until I get one. The meat guy said they should get them in this week.
  2. Or you can pick someplace else to visit that will be just as interesting without having to do all that.
  3. I just have to say - Who in their right mind would answer yes?
  4. Last weekend I was at the Fiber Fest and this weekend my husband is at a tractor show. He is having a great time getting to plow with his rollover plow.
  5. I like to use my phone to call people, text people, share pictures and look up places and directions away from home and my laptop. I don't enjoy using my phone to try to read email on the little screen. I don't enjoy having to have an app for everything, trying to find and download the app and then trying to remember the password that goes with it. I really dislike trying to read a menu on my phone. On a cruise I want to leave it in the cabin. I don't always have pockets or want to carry a pouch for the phone.
  6. If you love what you do then there is no reason to retire. I retired at 55 and my husband retired at 57, now we love what we do.
  7. We used to when it was cheaper and you could win good prizes. I won a nice sculpture. Now it is too expensive, there are not enough games, too many people play.
  8. It is 38 this morning. Turned the heat on last night. Supposed to be 60s+ for the next couple of days so it will stay on until it gets back to the 70s on Friday.
  9. @helen haywood I understand why you want to move. You will find a wonderful new home and someone else will have a lovely old home to enjoy. Don't stress about the cats. Cats sleep the majority of the day. Mine are up for about an hour and then nap. You can put them in good size carriers, they may fuss at first but should settle down and nap for the trip. We moved seven cats and 2 dogs 12 hours to our current home. The dogs were loose in the back with potty stops along the way. I had 4 of the cats in carriers and they were fine all day until the last hour when it had gotten dark and they all woke up. Then they started to complain a bit. Our really old cat had a dog crate with a small litter box and water. The first thing we did was set up litter boxes and water dishes for them and showed each one where everything was. Then we put out food. They spent a good amount of time walking each room. My husband had 3 with him and he had the one on the 10 second delay all the way to Houston (2.5 hours). Even he settled down eventually and took a nap.
  10. Well that is not the way to start a vacation. Take care, take your meds and have a good time in your sexy sling.
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