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Everything posted by Angel57

  1. Well done and that was quick 👏. I have found that 5 lbs might go on during a 1 week cruise and it will then take me 5 or 6 weeks to take it off!
  2. @Beckett how is Teddy doing, Jane? I hope he is back to his normal happy and bouncy self.
  3. That was an enjoyable and informative read. Thank you for posting, and I’m so glad the cruise was a success.
  4. Oh poor Ted. There seems to be quite a bit of doggy squits about. Freddie has been fine, but several that we meet in the park have had similar issues in the last week or so. I hope he feels better soon. Gill and Freddie x
  5. Tables for 2 being set aside in Freedom restaurants for various reasons (eg kindness, regular cruisers or monetary) wouldn't surprise me at all as heard of that happening last year on Aurora. I would add that the man I spoke to on board, said his table was only held for the first 15 mins of service …..
  6. Thanks from me too. I’ve really enjoyed reading all about your cruise. Your gorgeous dog looks very relaxes and she obviously had a good holiday too (altho leaving the dog is the worst bit of any holiday).
  7. Happy Anniversary Avril and Frank. 🎉🥂🍾. I imagine that after all you’ve both been thru, this one is all the more sweeter. Gill x
  8. @Eddie99 thanks so much for all your posts from your cruise. It’s been great to read and see your photos. @cruising.mark.uk have a great cruise and fingers crossed for calm waters!
  9. I was only thinking the same thing an hour or so ago…….
  10. Oh dear. That weather is monsoon-like. Such a disappointment for you all - I really hope it improves soon. Loved the video tho and I am thoroughly enjoying all your reports. Thank you.
  11. We had the same postie for 20 years. You could set your watch by him. Always efficient and always got a tip at Christmas.
  12. Last year we were lucky to get one postal delivery a week. I think we now get two. The permanent posties try their best to deliver, but with being so short staffed and with lots of sickness it is near impossible for them. One said to me they now have agency workers to help, but they do not know the area so quite a lot gets mis-delivered. I’m not far from Poole and Bournemouth so not exactly in the middle of nowhere.
  13. It was a pretty rough night here, but I suspect Dorset fared better than many areas. I was awake until around 3am listening to it gust. Strangely Freddie showed no inclination to visit the garden during the night! I hope everyone is safe with not much damage. Gill x
  14. @Megabear2 what a shame re Key West. I remember going there around 1997 - Mum and I explored on our own and loved it. I know memories change over time, but I recalled it being quite upmarket so am saddened to hear how it has changed.
  15. Oh gosh. More inefficient customer service. Not the greatest start for you. Enjoy a hopefully smooth flight and great holiday. Gill x
  16. Oh dear. Customers services always used to be so much better on the ship than land side. The table situation was not handled well but at least you have been able to move to a more comfortable location. The great shame is you having to miss your trip, but i suspect that is a wise decision. I always think that the way an issue is handled is the true indicator of how valued one feels, and by the sound of it, they have failed you miserably in several occasions.😢 I’m not at all surprised cleaning etc has been stepped up prior to entering the US - let’s hope the extra effort (which should be ongoing) is due to that a not an up-tick of you know what, but……. I hope all goes smoothly with immigration. Thanks again for all your posts.
  17. I’m sure the horrendous journey will be forgotten once you get away from this awful weather. Have a great time.
  18. @Eddie99 thanks for posting your reports. I’m finding it informative and helpful. Who is on stage for your Limelight visit?
  19. @Adawn47 - hope your cold is not too bad and it is so great that Frank is improving under your TLC.
  20. Good morning. I was awake between 1am and 3 am and then finally went back to sleep for a few hours until 0630. No idea why I had a bad night apart from the fact I have the dentist this morning! A very thick frost here - and I stupidly who forgot to put the car in the garage yesterday in order to stop me having to de-ice it this morning (rarely do this as it is such a tight squeeze to get it in and me out). Stay safe everyone in the ice and frost. Gill x
  21. Wow. What a great start to the cruise……. Have a wonderfully alcohol-fuelled cruise!
  22. @Adawn47 what wonderful news to wake up to. I’m so pleased to read that Frank is home. I imagine you will be feeling very relieved but shattered. Look after yourself.
  23. @Presto2 Have a wonderful cruise and enjoy getting away from the awful weather here 😀
  24. @Selbourne - I love seeing them as I decide what I would eat (today’s choice would be the chicken starter and the goan curry for mains) and I then sadly realise I only have soup to heat up for my tea! 🤣
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