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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. We also use the white noise App AND foam ear plugs. Between that and the gentle rocking I sleep like a baby on a ship
  2. I remember we always used all the E tickets and sometimes had books leftover with just the A ones.
  3. Thanks Ken. I had assumed that the COR was to be used if the pre cruise test showed positive. So he won’t even need to test?
  4. we cruise from Denmark in 45 days. He’s over it and well now but still tested positive today. We cruise from Denmark in 45 days. Hoping he tests negative soon Yes cruise is 45 days from today. We plan to do the Emed test from hotel room in Copenhagen. He is all better but still tested positive today. Thanks.
  5. He’s been positive for almost a week. We’ve scheduled a PCR test tomorrow and I assume 11 days after another PCR test if he’s still showing positive, the recovery would be needed? I think that’s what you meant?
  6. I’m not sure, but I hope they do in case hubby still shows positive. He’s 10 days from first symptoms, but wasn’t showing positive right away. I know some show positive for a long time.
  7. Does anyone have a copy of the certificate of recovery form I can use as a reference for my doctor. I’m not even sure he will do it for us, so I may also need another place to go to get it. Any tips?
  8. Yes but you need proof of when it started don’t you? An official PCR would be that proof
  9. Over a week in, PCR scheduled for tomorrow. Home test didn’t show positive until day 4 which is why the cruise testing won’t stop it on ships. Cruise in 45 days. Thanks.
  10. Thanks. PCR test is scheduled. We cruise in 45 days and symptoms started over a week ago.
  11. If you tested positive at home and didn’t get an official state test, how do you get a certificate of recovery if still testing positive a month later?
  12. So far we’ve been on 6 cruises since shutdown and double points for all.
  13. If you are traveling with a spouse and each get one day, you can spread that day from say noon one day to noon the next day. It’s 24 hours straight. then your spouse can do that same. So your two free days can be used for 4 days.
  14. On the Odyssey TA it opened at 7am. It was locked but I don’t know what time at night they locked it.
  15. I’m my case I go there for my morning coffee because I can mix and match what I want without talking to anyone. 😉
  16. I don’t recall that type of coffee machine, but I’ll definitely be on the lookout for any way to increase the strength. Our new Keurig we have at home has strength choices. Thanks.
  17. Are you referring to personal home machines or the ones in the D Lounge?
  18. The wording was confusing and I don’t want to screw up
  19. I saw that too. So do we need one to enter Denmark and then another to board the ship? Because we are flying in a few days ahead. Now I’m very confused.
  20. In our case we knew we needed boosters for Europe and had them, but when we did the Checkin we could only put the original vax card and couldn’t show the back that had the boosters. When we boarded we showed them the back and thought all was well. it wasn’t. The day before we got off the ship our card was locked to any further charges and it was because at the start of the cruise the agent never recorded our booster. Thankfully guest services straightened it out. I think now you’re able to upload more than 1 photo so you can show boosters.
  21. A booster was needed on the TA to Rome if your last shot was more than 270 days
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