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Everything posted by ARandomTraveler

  1. 1 DAY!!!? That's it? I guess it's just a 4 day cruise, and maybe you just had 1 port day anyway, is that why they're just giving back 1 day? I would hope to also get some incentive to rebook another cruise in the future; 1 day refund plus 50% off a future cruise. There are insurance policies that give you money if your cruise misses a port or changes itineraries, but I'm not sure if you can make a claim if the cruiseline has given you something for the trouble already.
  2. Yet another time that I'm glad I bought insurance. I don't think I'll need it cause my cruise isn't for 2 more weeks, but the reassurance it gives me in this moment was completely worth the $180 or whatever it was I paid for it.
  3. Here's the link. I'm bummed that my November Symphony sailing can't book anything ahead of time, but I have an early boarding time with the intention of playing the amazing-race to book my shows and then my dining as originally planned.
  4. I know that you believe I understand what you think you said, but I'm not sure that what I heard is not what you meant
  5. Your 34 month old 😂 Aka, your (basically) 3 year old, or, your toddler whose 2 months shy of being 3. I'm sorry I couldn't resist 😂 I've heard people say that you need to line up right away on the first day in case there's a lot of kids on board. I never used adventure ocean. My daughter was 2 years old when I first sailed with her, and at that time, 2 was too young to use adventure ocean in any capacity, but it sounds like that's changed to some degree. She's 248 months now, so she's still too young to fully utilize all the ship has to offer.
  6. Yuck. Well I hope you get some FCC, or OBC, or discount towards a future cruise for it. Honestly, if I had to spend a week on a ship in less than ideal weather conditions in order to get a 50% discount on a future cruise, I'd sign up 😂 I know it's not the trip you were looking forward to, so that part sucks. But if you get to take another cruise in the future for less money, I see that as a win.
  7. Good question, is it $20 per venue or $20 total, pick your venue for the day. I see at the bottom of my confirmation email it says "...bla bla bla, offerings can change without notice" so I guess they can make this change even after we've made our purchase under the previous conditions. However, they should send an email that says "Hey FYI we changed the conditions, if you don't want this anymore you can cancel it." That would cut down on the confusion and disappointment once on the ship. That being said, it doesn't make or break whether I want the package. I'll keep it, and would still buy it under these terms, but it's annoying that they didn't say anything, and had I not seen this post, I probably would have been disappointed finding out on the ship.
  8. Hmmm - I wonder if there's a way for them to tell who bought the package before the change was made. I can see this causing some confusion for a while. This was not in the terms when I bought my package back in June, but the email where they give you the confirmation of purchase doesn't list the terms and conditions, it only gives you a link to the current cruise planner (which I checked, does in fact state this once per day limit). This probably won't affect me since I can't eat that much food anyway, but if I want to order an appetizer while watching a football game, then come back later for dessert, I should be able to because that's the package I purchased. It's unclear if the "$20 credit that can only be used once per day" means you can use "up to $20" once a day, or if you can make as many trips to the venue as you want, "up to $20."
  9. I uploaded random photos of us with dark gray backgrounds. I was surprised they accepted them because they didn't fit the parameters of having a plain white background. They weren't our passport photos.
  10. I'm mostly curious what the likelihood is that my cruise during Thanksgiving week is going to have this weather too.
  11. Open the app, and at the bottom of the page you'll see the "check-in" button. Click that and it'll take you to the health questionnaire and the place you get your set sail pass. You can also do it online. Go to RoyalCaribbean.com, the select "sign in," and then it'll show you your upcoming cruises with links to those things. Here's a photo of what the button on the app should look like:
  12. It sounds like Glacier Bay is the "must see" of Alaska, I wonder why RC doesn't go there.
  13. Maybe it's just my provider who isn't doing it. I was able to download the digital version of my vaccine card, and it shows all my shots and boosters.
  14. So nothing extra is offered for Black Friday when you're on the ship vs when you're shopping online? I was hoping for extra on board credit or something like that.
  15. I only needed passport info. I think the vaccination stuff is part of the health check that you're not supposed to do until 3 days before the cruise. I leave for mine in 14 days so I'm not sure, but I haven't been asked for my vaccination card yet. Interesting note (or maybe not interesting), but I got the current booster a week ago and they wouldn't put it on my vaccine card. They said they don't do that anymore because there's been so many boosters and they assume there will continue to be more, and people are running out of room on their vaccine cards. Since you can access the vaccine records online now, they no longer update the physical card.
  16. If your cruise stops at a port that has self-serve laundry, that works too. Puerto Rico has a couple in old San Juan, and Aruba has one on the road between the cruise port and Palm Beach.
  17. When did they make this announcement? And when does it start? It seems like everyone who has done trip reviews in the last couple weeks has been able to use their dining package more than once a day.
  18. Easily. For 2 of us on our upcoming Thanksgiving cruise, the cost of our ocean view balcony, daily tips, refreshment package, dining package, round trip airfare on Southwest Airlines, and pre-cruise hotel, we're already at $6,000.
  19. I have a t3 and a Dyson at home. I also have VERY thick curly hair. For me, the only thing hotel and ship blow dryers can do is blow my hair around into an even frizzier, slightly less wet mess. But when I'm in the Caribbean, I'm not worried about my hair looking good, it goes up in french braids, a ponytail or a messy bun, so I'm ok using them to make an attempt to help my hair dry slightly faster, but if I want my hair to look nice and shiny, and not frizzy, I bring my own. If you're not using an expensive hair dryer at home, or if you're hair is straight, you probably won't notice the difference.
  20. It's crazy to me that anyone cruises enough to reach that status. Do people not enjoy seeing other parts of the world that can't be visited by ship? I guess if you live near a cruise port and just hop on cruises for the weekend or for a week when you're bored and have nothing else to do, it could be easy, but I would much rather not repeat the same vacation over and over and over (and over and over) again. I also don't book my cruises based on when they're cheapest, I book them for when I want to take vacation, and pay whatever it costs. I also have to fly to the port, and stay in hotels, and that usually doubles the cost of the cruise. A balcony cabin during busy times of year (summers, holidays) runs about $200/day per person at its cheapest. My Singapore to Japan cruise next summer is costing me $4600 for a balcony cabin for 12 days which isn't that bad (under $200/day), but the hotel we're staying in is costing $800/day. I'd much prefer to vacation this way, than to choose to take the same trip multiple times a year during the cheapest times possible just to get a couple free drinks, which I can afford to pay for myself anyway. I take at least 1 big vacation a year, sometimes 2 or 3. And most of them are not cruises. I take a ton of 3-4 day mini trips, all land vacations. I can't imagine giving up all of those varied travel experiences to take the same cruise every time instead. But to each their own I guess.
  21. Which month is better? I've heard May for seeing whales (I think) or September?
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