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GA Dave

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Everything posted by GA Dave

  1. Welcome to the darkside!!! 😁 I may have to see if this one would fit in my schedule.....
  2. Yes, they do. They can separate them and push them against the opposite walls, with the end tables between them.
  3. Hi Peaches. As you can see in my signature, I am definitely one of the NCL Haven to MSC YC converts! Looking forward to my YC cruise this Thursday, as well as in December, January, March and Mera's 11-day reposition cruise in April!!!
  4. Yes, my screenshot from the app cut it off. I believe it was $19.99.
  5. From my Oct. 13 Meraviglia cruise. This was the only night I made it to the MDR.
  6. CruisePlum Solo Deals The bulk of them are on MSC.
  7. I asked the cruise consultant who booked my last NCL cruise to please have my deceased wife removed from the mailings. That was in May of this year. They are still sending them to her (just received another one today), yet I do not receive anything. They go straight into my recycling bin.
  8. Just posted on FB by an MSC-exclusive TA: Beverage Packages for US 3/4 day sailings I know there has been discussion, but it is now official and confirmed... Per MSC, effective immediately: Although you can book under a promo that may include a drink package, you are no longer able to book a drink package once on board, and our policy of not pre-selling drink packages on the shorter 3/4 day cruises is still in effect. A new drink program is being evaluated and discussed for these sailings. More info to come.
  9. Boarding times are all over the place right now. Many of the longer 4- and 7-night cruises are reporting 15 - 30 minutes from curb to ship. But the weekend three-night cruises are anywhere from an hour to four hours. Pack your patience and your Covid vaccination card. They have not had mandatory testing at the port since back in the early Spring.
  10. I just don't get it. I think maybe this is one way that their European background hurts them. As you can see in my signature, I love the MSC YC product, otherwise I would not have five more cruises booked with them in the next five months. BUT, if they do not start understanding the American mentality of the typical mainstream market cruiser, they may be back to 10-20% capacity cruises like I saw late last year/early this year. And there is no way they can make money that way, particularly with 5-6 large ships cruising out of the US. I almost think they should hire some US-based hospitality management personnel and let them run the US based ships as they see fit. Many major multi-national companies do that very successfully.
  11. I have spoken to several people currently onboard and a TA that deals exclusively with MSC. Effective with the current cruise, they are no longer offering drink packages for three-night cruises on Meraviglia and Divina, unless it is part of the cruise package you reserved. All drinks will be a la carte for those without the included packages. People are very upset that there was no notice and many scheduled to cruise on the next several three-night cruises are trying to cancel. Dumb move by MSC to do this with no advanced notice. They keep talking about how they are trying to break into the US market big time but keep pissing poeple off like this.
  12. When I have sailed in the YC on my Caribbean cruises, they have never even asked for my card when I ordered drinks. I have ordered things that were well beyond the $13 or $15 limit of the premium package and they never asked for my card and never charged me.
  13. Yup. Love the YC Beach.
  14. As someone who has all of my experience on MSC since the pandemic, I think I can speak from a recent viewpoint. As you can see in my signature, I have sailed MSC Yacht Club five times. My MSC cruise two weeks ago was in a regular Fantastica interior cabin. I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two experiences. Yacht Club is like a completely different world than the regular cruises on MSC. Having all the separate facilities, the escorted embarkation and disembarkation, the included drink and wifi packages, the unlimited access to the thermal spa, etc., etc. makes Yacht Club well worth the money IMHO. That is the reason why I have five more Yacht Club cruises already booked in the next six months.
  15. I carried mine on as I usually do for all three-night cruises. They also have a luggage drop off available right in front of the terminal if needed.
  16. Yes. Much worse. Spanish flu - Wikipedia
  17. Just an FYI: I was on the 10/13 cruise as well, in a regular interior cabin. As a frequent MSC solo cruiser, I always speak to many of the crew and officers, and I found out some things that were not generally known. The shortage of personnel was not all the fault of MSC. They said there was a large number of new crew that were supposed to be starting work on the ship after the TA (as I would normally expect). Unfortunately, there was a significant number that had not been processed properly by CBP through the immigration process and they never made the ship. This is most likely why we all noticed a lack of personnel on board vs the number of passengers. Another thing most people did not know that I am sure affected the crew's performance the first couple of days was that a crew member had died onboard the day before they arrived in Port Canaveral. These crew members live in such close quarters and truly become like a family. Something like the death of a fellow crew member has to be devastating to many of them.
  18. I am very happy to hear this, as I will be in the YC four times between now and then.
  19. Unfortunately, I have seen this type of behavior at many different venues since the pandemic. I've been on many cruises, been to multiple land resorts, and several of the theme parks in the Orlando area many times since things reopened in 2021 and it seems this is the "new" attitude of many people. No matter how small the issue or how insignificant the quality slip, they feel totally entitled to a free meal, free passes, and people being fired to satisfy their idea of restitution. It's become completely out of control.
  20. This was my lunch this past weekend. Rib, chicken, burger, dog, plenty of salads.
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