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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. It has been a while, but I do not remember a ton of options like 5 open docks, and there are contracts for things like that....but all options are a good thing, especially right now.
  2. Carnival tends to stretch these out and get the most mileage they can from twigs like this.
  3. Agreed, traveled the 94 rout many times. When we had our motorhomes had to go 695. Key bridge was way shorter route than the west route.
  4. It sure matters to the people driving vehicles that cannot go through the Baltimore tunnels.
  5. Do not know, I am sure I have been out on deck for going under both, but remember the existing one being lower, but it has been a while.
  6. My guess is that they are totally focused on this week’s debark. The domino affect of following weeks cruises will closely follow, certainly an option.
  7. You are correct, and while I am not certain I believe that one has a lower span, but not sure.
  8. No, the cargo ship would have cleared the span, it was a dead on hit the main channel support. Some video show what appears to be a power failure on the ship before it hits the span.
  9. Understand, I have sailed out of there 4 times. I should have been more clear, understand the two weekly cruises, but kew there were at least two other lines and was unsure as to where they were cruising now. Thanks for the reply.
  10. Heard there were 8 workers on the bridge as well….. interesting aspect on the debark for current cruisers. Have not looked at how many ships are currently sailing from there. I think there are 4 cruise lines in total but not sure on the frequency.
  11. Not even close to going through the ship pass thru, almost a dead on hit to the north main support. I could not even guess how long it will affect cruising from Baltimore Cruise Port.
  12. And yet you post here…. And you block access to your post history….hmmm
  13. Watched the video, just wow. If it were daytime there would have been a ton more vehicles on bridge. New report says they are lookinf for between 7 and 20 people
  14. Pray for all those in peril. Been over it and under it many times. Hit by a cargo ship. Once rescue and recovery efforts are completed, this will have a horrific effect on both marine and any traffic traveling north and south on 95 that carries hazardous material (truck or cars and campers that have propane) because all is prohibited on tunnels near Baltimore. Terrible
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