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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Macro 101, how many ships are sailing from PC, LB, Galveston, et al and how many from NO? Then add other cruise lines to the same question. There are other factors without a doubt. I have been told that Galveston is Carnivals best home port. I got that info from someone who should know the answer.
  2. Done the Horizon itin 4 times and another next spring. Home run
  3. I would love to hear their rationale on why older ships to Europe, my gut tells me it is more of a size of ship (less staterooms to sell) than anything else. It used to be that Carnival only did Europe seasonal sailing when a NEW ship came out and it fit in the grander scheme of things (Liberty/Freedom) as example.
  4. Have not the Hawaii option but totally concur in the Horizon ABC.
  5. A whole different mental image....(either old or new).
  6. Without question. Of course recovery is priority one. That said, not a single threaded job queue in terms of staging, and I have no idea what clearing the shipping channel is compared to clearing everything. We can be optimistic or pessimistic or realistic, I have no idea where these gray lines begin and or end. You seem knowledgeable, what is the difference between the navigation channel and the rest? Does it all have to be removed before shipping can begin?
  7. Not surprising, now I am sure they will review manifests and try and determine what the exposure to be. Hopefully nothing really dangerous that impact the initial cleanup and channel clearing.
  8. I agree on the financials, was not disputing them. What I was commenting on was that regardless of how they accrued the OBC when they handed it out, it is less revenue coming in, lots less. They have absolutely no way of knowing what OBC is being used on which cruise.
  9. I have been wrong before (today even), but I am more than fairly confident that unless something else really goes bad, the chance will be open ASAP, too much dependent on it. The only thing that gives some cause for concern is whether some of the containers on the cargo ship that were compromised had something in them that could create a hazardous waste/contamination issue. Let's hope that is not the case.
  10. it is an acceptance, no signature required. Every single person that boards falls under it.
  11. While the bridge reconstruction will take years, I cannot see any reason that the port will be closed more than a few sailings.
  12. FTTF came before offering it as a perk. It is a revenue driver (whoever thought of it should have got promoted). If they dropped it from a loyalty perk, it would continue as FTTF. When half the ship has it as a perk (from a loyalty persective), it simple cannot be done in the time constraints.. There are options, and I love the perks, just stating the reality of the situation. IMHO, the easiest way would be keep the same things (more or less) but cruisers wold have to aintain some level of persistency (like cruise X times within X period of time, or they drop off.
  13. All you said is true, in regards to past efforts. The problem with that is if they protected all those at the same level, the problem does not go away. The problem is (big part of the problem anyways) that the volume of people that qualify for the loyalty levels has grown to a level that is becoming unsustainable. What started as a few on a sailing grew to 10’s then 100’s and approaching 1,000’s. Simply unsustainable.
  14. There has been much discussion here over the years on this topic. One thing floated out was the ability to have a menu, your level in loyalty gave you access to select things off the menu (not all levels could select all things that were important to them.
  15. It was a fantastic trip, certainly top 3 for us (and we have cruised a lot). Laid back, very informative interactice sessions with senior staff, and way more. Highly recommend it.
  16. Agree with most all of what you say. My comment of the smokers was really how many ignored the rules. I have never seen (smelled) so many balcony smokers, it was commented on by many. Journeys outside Florida had less, but still and issue. HArd to stay away from that. Did it ruin the cruise? No way. Just worth commenting on.
  17. How quickly some forget what 30 billion in the hole is…..
  18. I would suggest that any changes will be on the qualifying of the benefits vs what the benefits are (or change), but just my guess. The facts strongly suggest that way to many people qualify vs what the costs of the perks are to the company.
  19. Seen a lot of them and one appears to lose it at least twice. It will be interesting to see how the investigation unfolds. Sometimes Murphys law is just not pretty to watch.
  20. I am not aware of any ship that cannot clear VNB, even QM II can fit. Venezia fits as well. I am not sure New York (year round anyway) can draw enough to make the beards do this. Seasonal, is another issue. Iteneraries are the drawbacks from my view....
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