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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. There is no such thing as a free room.
  2. There is only one road out. Either they continue to dilute the product until it is meaningless and goes away or they make changes. You simply cannot have 1/2 to 2/3 of the ship going for free drinks for an hour, or boarding early, or free laundry or whatever the perk is. It is not a matter of who wins and who loses but whether they can make loyalty rewards work. If they cannot it will be over.
  3. I would put little faith in those numbers. I trust they are accurate but totally misleading.
  4. I am sure it is a computer program that does analysis of specific cruise ship sailings and booking trends. A certain category shows up as light (really does not matter how far it is out) and sends out the data in an email. We get them all the time for our clients (but to be truthful, not that far out). Did you compare the price offered to online what was currently being offered?
  5. while I do not know the logic for the offers, my guess is there is some algorithm knowing your booking history, or just a blind outreach based in type of cabin booked. We are very selective and mostly take specialty cabins, so rarely get an offer.
  6. well then you are right. Now we can move on.
  7. LOL, even looking at my own pics confuses me….
  8. Adding multiple levels (doubling the levels with a plus as example) confuses the heck out of everything. IMHO either raise the bar or put qualifiers as you suggest on keeping current are best options (nobody asked me). Changing the methodology (from days cruised, to dollars spent, to type of cabin, to cross other cruise lines, etc etc) has been looked at many times. Did not happen then and I doubt will happen now.
  9. I would be shocked if CCL would touch anything with elite or ultra, no reason to and makes no sense. That said a change is coming, way overdo and totally needed to put some reality into the program.
  10. I would love to see the data behind gambling. Find it really hard to believe that 200 would entice anybody. while not a gambler, I can safely tell you that some we travel with regularly do WAY more than that and most always get nothing.
  11. True, but now that he the lead culinary for CCL, more of his items will be added and this can do nothing but increase the popularity of his restaurant on Excel class ships.
  12. I am not positive, but pretty sure on all other ships they are high tops. I had to do a double take when I saw your pic.
  13. You will not have a problem or delay, and you will not be disappointed.
  14. I will move on after this post. There is no such thing as a free casino room. I did not say anything about 3rd and 4th under 2 in a room. I said that all rooms are profitable. If in semantics there are a couple where it was totally comped, that is an offset. All rooms sold are profitable. Again, we can disagree, which is fine.
  15. Yup, sometimes easy and simple beats elegant. Totally agree.
  16. Of course they are making money off of all cruisers, silly to suggest differently. Do they make more off of first timers? Sure. We have been on a LOT of Carnival cruises. Do I spend a ton on pictures and other things like that? No. Do I spend way a significant amount more my cabin than the average cruiser? Yup. Do I cruise way more than the average cruiser? Yup again. Not bragging, just showing that sometimes it is harder to see the forrest thru the trees. Have they been promising a loyalty program enhancement for more than a decade? Yup again. Is it really going to happen this time? Little birdie told me it will. What it will be is the real question.
  17. Nobody did, the post was meant to suggest a direction for the op, nothing more.
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