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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Where do all those thousands of $600 OBC come into the equation for all of the cancel rebooking from covid. We had 15 of them.
  2. It is announced or available in different ways. As example, at the Diamond Luncheon they took about how many are on the ship. When you done to claim the casino 2 for, they have a list and share the info.
  3. And I have seen adults in them for hours without getting out and drinking buckets of beers.
  4. The cruise industry is a business. A business based upon giving people memorable vacations on floating hotels with options pretty much anywhere there is deep water and things to see (for most, it centers and lives on the Caribbean, as it was for us for years, but can be so much more). This industry is recovering from a 3 year plus time where they were hammered more than any other industry and with no government relief, do not want to drag it up, but it is a very significant factor in all that has occurred. The tough times emphasize their financial issues and possibly cause them to things that they might have not otherwise done. Loyalty programs is just an example of some of things that have changed. We have enjoyed Carnivals since its inception, the first cruise when we walked on and they said “Welcome Home” we both smiled broadly. We have enjoyed the gifts and the perks, they are kind of like golden handcuffs that are part of the reason we keep us coming back (55 + Carnival cruises). It is unsustainable to keep the same level of recognition and perks on something that grows significantly every single cruise. As example, our first platinum cruise (on Ecstasy spring 2006) we were one of two couples that were plats on the ship. Our last cruise last month on MG, their was 400 Diamonds and over 1,000 (knew the actual number, but have forgotten, sure it was more). What you do for 4 is easy, doing same for a third of the cruisers every single cruise is much more difficult. Do I understand that many want the perks? Sure. But the math does not work, it has to change, how it changes and when, we do not know and can speculate, but it will change. There has been much discussed here on the program, some not happy with where it is going. Emotions can play a factor in posting, as is always the case, discussions get animated. Your assessment of what is best here at CC is right on, but I might suggest that discussing some of these other things (active discussions tied to loyalty perks as an example) are just as much a viable part of CC as well (within the course of normal boundaries). There are posters with agendas, and fairly easy to spot, but their views count as much as the Carnival lovers. I have been around here a long time, done a ton of posting, posted many reviews, almost 2 dozen live but we all add to the electric mix of why it all woks so well. Happy cruising.
  5. You picked a great cruise and a great ship, sailed her 5 times. You have been around here a while. Read review that posted. They give give you insights. Check out youtube for videos on the ship and sailing. Do some planning on ports and what you think you would enjoy doing. There are a ton of things going on every cruise, all day long, music, entertainment, fun and games, role call get togethers, dining options and the list goes on and on. Use the time you have to do and make them part of the fun you will have when you cruise. When you get on the ship, take time and explore it all, it will pay dividends. Have a great cruise and let us know your thoughts when you return.
  6. This is true. I have never seen it closed, stayed in Havana rooms a good amount of times. Early on, as it has been said here before(and a couple of our cruises staying in this room type), they opened the area to all in the evening. That went away.
  7. If you mean the bar and bar area….yes
  8. The point of my post was (and I will type it slower this time…. MORE of his items will be added. Which makes that a yup. Sure you will see it when you start sailing Carnival again…..😂 . Take it the bank.
  9. As always, thanks for the expertise and knowledge
  10. What are you trying to do with it
  11. As Lou Cristie used to sing….Lightning striking again
  12. There are without a doubt facts there. Is there conjecture? Sure. Part of what CC is all about.
  13. Just heard it was a lighting strike.
  14. Not sure where it started but sef pretty much gone by the time it was out.
  15. My guess is that would be the best as well. Some states (specifically in the Northeast), they go back before labor day. Op, love your name btw.
  16. Depending on what time of year it is (and it does make a difference), and not taking into account Journey cruises, while I do not have the data to back it up, I have seen lets where there are a few hundred Diamonds and over a thousand plats. On some Journey cruises we have done (agree they are not the norm) we have seen where only 300 (or thereabout) are NOT diamond or plat. Again, the real point is the number grows, every, single, cruise. On our most recent MG cruise (the ships sold out) there was 4 new diamonds and I would estimate 25 or so new plats (including 3 of my grandkids), these were just the ones that were at the (watered down diamond/plat party), who knows what the real number is. That is one cruise, multiple that by 26 others ships (give or take) at least every week. Something has to give.
  17. I am awayre of casino perks and who pays, I guess I misunderstood your post.
  18. It is certainly headed in that direction. I have seen sailings where 2/3 of the ship are plat and diamond. More and more get added every single sailing’
  19. You really think big spenders cover the cost for everyone that gets elite or ultra perks?
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