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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. I bet you are right on in regards to the amount of people that drive to the port. It will be interesting to see how long the temp arrangement is and how they come up with plan to mitigate the issue. Your cruise is fairly unique in nature.
  2. That is a lot of thought into that....I agree in the Glory and Conquest.
  3. S0 I lied. I thought, and was pretty sure, that you could search all your history, but I cannot go more than 183 pages (know that seems like a lot) of data. that gets me back to 2022, wanted to link to a 2019 Journey cruise..... sorry.
  4. I had heard you were mainly over on the Royal thread, what is your take on how the financials will rollout.
  5. Sorry, I was not trying to be funny or coy. You are correct, like many things China holds most of the cards. There is absolutely no cause for optimism. I did not view it as sarcasm, and was not meant to be, but more like dismay. It certainly will not be a help to an already dismal situation. All that said, hope remains supreme.
  6. We were on one on the Breeze in 2019. Of the 3,600 (more of less, cannot remember the specifics), all but around 350 were diamond and plats.
  7. Been on 4 Journey cruises, highly recommend them. Som much better than a B2B I will not even do the compare. In terms of the loyalty perks, there certainly are concessions in regards to the number of diamonds and plats, just part of the equation. I would never not do one because of this. For us, the drawback (and it is minor) is the number of power scooters and smokers.... I can point you to some of my reviews if it would help. Lastly, DO IT
  8. there are certainly similarities. All the talk about height, it seems to be a red herring. There is another bridge to go under....unless they stretch that one, it matters not.
  9. I am familiar with dolphins, did not want confuse the conversation more. Seems premature analysis at this point but experts do know more. I would wager the protection this time will be as big as possible. Knee jerk reaction but the way it works. Look at pics of the Sunshine before and after. Significant change, if memory serves.
  10. Thanks, that makes my point even stronger. Someone thing this would be done in two years is dreaming. Applaud the optimism, but not happening.
  11. Depends who it is. They sure better be. One of my past lives was with reinsurers (had the Sunshine contract). They best have really deep pockets and be really cash rich. Hope it ain’t Merck.
  12. Neither do I. Hope I am all wet in my procrastination. Clearing the shipping lane is one thing. Removing all the old bridge is huge. Then start the build. That is a long road to hoe.
  13. Bet the next one has plenty of protection around the main struts. Wonder if the owner of the cargo ship goes belly up.
  14. One more ray of sunshine for all the optimists. Where is the vast majority of steel produced.
  15. Agreed, there is absolutely zero change of getting a new bridge in a year. I doubt that they could clear all the pieces (not just the shipping channel) in that time (which will be the number one priority once rescue and recovery are completed).
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