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Everything posted by Homosassa

  1. The OP wanted Paxlovid. Paxlovid has a long list of contraindications in patients with certain conditions such as heart, kidney and liver problems. There is a long list of interactions with commonly prescribed prescription drugs. To safely prescribe Paxlovid to an unknown patient walking into the medical center for the first time, there would be a battery for tests to screen for all known contraindicated medical conditions' They would be costly to the patient and then there is the actual cost of Paxlovid itself. Keep in mind that for any expenses in the medical center on board, it is an out of pocket expense that must be paid by the passenger before disembarking the ship. Any recovery of costs through available insurance is on the passenger to file for and receive after the cruise. It is entirely understandable that the medical center warned someone who wanted Paxlovid of the costs of the required testing and the cost of the drug. Six thousand dollars to cover all testing (ECG, kidney and liver function, etc) and the cost of the drug itself is reasonable and to be expected.
  2. You can ask for the following and they will be provided: washcloths box of tissues bar of soap for bathroom sink
  3. I am 5'6". When I was at the Baths, it was high tide and starting to go out (outgoing current). The section where I needed to swim was approximately fifteen feet across and was over my head in the middle. If the tide is a receding high tide with a current, I would not recommend a non-swimmer attempt the crossing. If you enter from the Devils Bay end, the section with the potentially high water is towards the opposite end and one can turn around and walk back the way you came in. From the other end (the cove with dinghy mooring), the high water section is at the start of the trail.
  4. It is not MSC that requires this, it is the Immigration officials of the country to which you are returning. The various cruise lines have the requirement to ensure that all passengers have proper documentation before boarding a cruise ship. This requirement is not new. If some one has a US driver's license that meets the "Real ID" conditions for proving birth to current day names used, then the linking documentation has already been provided to receive the Real ID compliant driver's license.
  5. You need to read to read the Terms and Conditions and Conditions of Carriage on the MSC website to help you understand MSC's rules on changes to reservations and cancellations. Then, if you think you still might be able to request the change, be prepared to have to cancel and rebook.
  6. My apologies to all that corrected me about Sitmar to Princess (head slap). I do know that and misspoke. While we also cruised Sitmar in that time period (and Princess now), I should have said Chandris ---> broken into two brands Celebrity (upscale) and Fantasea (budget level to compete with Carnival) ---> Celebrity bought by Royal Caribbean.
  7. She was not disembarking the cruise at the final port, she was going ashore at the port stop. For those not familiar for cruise procedures in Bermuda, security checks can be made as you leave the ship (drugs and food are checked for). Drug dogs routinely search the ships in Bermuda for any illegal substance bought on board by passengers (and probably crew). This has been the routine for as long as I have cruised to Bermuda (first time in 1986).
  8. And that was part of the reason why I started asking the bedecked Pinnacles (especially the Pinnacle that felt she had the right to ask others to vacate the elevator for herself and her husband) if they cruised other lines. It was surprising that all we asked would only cruise Royal Caribbean and miss the opportunity and experiences that other lines can offer
  9. Same here. There is also the visual memory of the bee hives and bee that were sometimes on the road signs for the road.
  10. My story is based on actual experience on my February 2023 Radiance of the Sea cruise. The ship was loaded with Pinnacles who wore C+A earrings, tee shirts and other status announcing items. We started to ask them if they have traveled other lines. Most firmly shook their heads and said things such as: "We are loyal to Royal," "We are very happy with Royal," "There is no need for us to try anything else," etc. Interestingly enough, further conversation with them found anyone we talked to had only started cruising with Royal Caribbean after 2000 (when the target market demographic changed and on board experience started its downhill slide to be a competitor for Carnival Cruise Line). So my "stereotype" story is based on an experience on a very recent cruise. Just an FYI, our first Royal Caribbean Cruise was backed in 1985 and was one of our go to lines (also HAL and Sitmar in that time period). As the on board experience went down from its former standards in the early aughts we stayed with Sitmar, (now known as Celebrity and owned by Royal Caribbean) and other lines that offered the same level of on board experience. The recent RCL cruise was the result of us deciding to join my sister who had a FCC to use up because of a high school reunion cruised that was a Covid cancellation. It met our expectations of what a Royal Caribbean cruise has become.
  11. Also summers in many other US coastal communities. I grew up on eastern Long Island, NY. Heavy fog was pretty much a given at night during the summer.
  12. Yes, Texas and Florida port cities can be dangerous. At least other states have better restrictions for firearms which does help.
  13. That is the truth. Also never do plant inspections of food, drugs, medical devices and cosmetics. I haven't eaten a fig newton in over fifty years after learning the crunchy bits in the fig paste aren't all seeds and stopped using make up when I realized what went into them.
  14. LOL - it could be offered by the same folks that encourage people to swim with the manatees here in Florida. There are usually alligators around which are not mentioned.
  15. You can have a good idea if fog will be an issue for boarding by checking the local weather (also works for debarking but a passenger may not have access to the local weather). The fog that occurs during the "winter" months in Tampa usually happens in December, January and February. The Gulf of Mexico water temperature has cooled down during those months. A front with warm and humid air comes through and combined with no wind, causes the moisture in the warm air to condense out to form fog at the cool water surface. Conditions for fog formation: Cool water temperature, frontal passage with humid air warmer than the water temperature, no wind. The same water/air conditions will not cause fog if there is a strong enough breeze to disperse the fog. I have cruised out of Tampa numerous times in January and have never had a fog delay.
  16. What do you want to stay open on the island? Any services available on the island are geared toward supporting the passengers' needs while ashore. No need to stay open when food, bars and rest rooms are available on the ship. And no, you do not want to take a night time dip or wade in the water at night. MSC has employees watching for sharks during the day. You can't see them at night.
  17. Technically, the listing of the same issue under different bullet points is correct as the issue may correctly fall under each section. However, you are correct when you say it is the same item. That is why the reviewing compliance officer will look at the actual number of problems (will be counted as one issue, not ten). However, for example, the compliance review will show that there is a problem with inadequate cleaning of food contact surfaces and note the location where the problem occurred.
  18. 🙄 If you want to be specific about it.... That may be the distance from the pier roadway to the entry point for the pier. The pier entrance is onshore a bit. I measure it out to be a bit over four miles. The remaining .14 miles (528.20 feet) in your calculation may get you into the parking lot. It doesn't get you onto the ship which is about the same distance again from the parking lot. Yeah, I have been and I have walked it.
  19. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Progreso+Cruise+Ship+Terminal/@21.3397805,-89.6903475,4747m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8f55c2507d7789af:0x602eaf3e3d3ec100!8m2!3d21.3411945!4d-89.6719232!16s%2Fg%2F155rnb6b Click on link for aerial photo of entire pier
  20. The water off the coast of Progresso is just a few feet deep (local joke is you could walk offshore to Texas). The pier is five miles long out into the water to protect the shoreline. Cruise terminal if four miles out. When you dock in Progresso, there is a port shop area on the pier. Ship's shore excursion buses will also be there. There is a free shuttle bus to take you the four miles to shore where there are beaches. The shuttle will continue into town (about another mile) .
  21. LOL - google for pictures of Tampa Bay and Hurricane Ian. The combination of the wind direction and tide conditions pulled the water out of the bay and left dry ground.
  22. Morgsmom, My post would have been better written as "I am surprised more members didn't pick up on it."
  23. As you stated that your were offered a 1000 pounds each and there were three in your party (you, husband, son) was the offer for 2000 as others are assuming or 3000 pounds? In any case, NCL does not owe you anything for a slip on a wet deck in a tropical storm. Wet decks doing a rain storm is to be expected. The offer of any type of compensation should be accepted with a smile and a thank you.
  24. If you ever want to get the fisheye from someone, with a straight face, ask a Pinnacle level cruiser bedecked with the tee shirts and jewelry that proclaims their lofty status if they ever had the desire to cruise on a more upmarket cruise line. The reactions can be interesting, especially if you commiserate with them on their limited experience of what is available in the cruising world.
  25. For anyone who is thinking to stay a night and fly out early the next morning, remember that if fog is a problem for the port, it probably also be an issue at the airport.
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