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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I haven't watched Coronation St for many years now, not since it changed from a funny light-hearted northern soap opera into a doom and gloom miserable saga. I watched from the very first black and white episode, when Ken Barlow first walked the cobbles coming home from college, Jack and Annie Walker ran The Rovers Return and Florrie Lindley had the corner shop. I also remember Alan Rothwell, who played Ken's brother, David and old Albert Tatlock (Uncle Albert) Avril
  2. The course of true love never runs smoothly, so the saying goes. You know Harry, you have me thinking about age, and I was half David's age when I got married. I was 3 months shy of my 18th birthday and Frank was 19. It's strange now that I think about it and the advice I gave to David. Which means even though the right one is out there, some are lucky and find the right one sooner. Avril
  3. Morning all. Well our grandson's wedding went beautifully yesterday, despite the dreary damp weather. The usual hiccups occured, David forgetting his name and the ring not going on easily, but it was all to be expected. We didn't go to the reception afterwards as Frank was struggling with his back and hips, but he was determined to go to the wedding regardless. They've sent us plenty of photos and videos, so we didn't miss out. They fly to Cyprus tomorrow for their honeymoon. I can't help but recall a long conversation I had with him some 15 years ago when all his friends were getting married and he thought he would never find anyone. I told him then that he would have to patient, that the right one is out there. Now some of his friends are into their second marriages and he, at 38 has married for the first time, and I have never seen him happier. He took me to one side and said 'I'm glad I listened to you Gran, and waited until I was certain'. Avril
  4. @purplesea I'm sorry your consultaion didn't have the outcome we were all hoping for. I hope your oncologist contacts you quickly so your treatment can begin soon. 🤗🤗xx Avril
  5. Such a beautiful photo Andrew. The love you had for each other shines through. Avril
  6. I do understand your point of view, even if you think an old bird like me can't, but can I put my spin on some of the wording of some posts. Homosexuality is not new, and even us oldies that you think don't understand have had friends and/or relatives that were gay. The difference being that until 1967 it was a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment, and was something that couldn't be spoken of openly. I know I can't expect you to really understand as you were born into a different society, but please don't equate some posts as homophobic. In this 'cancel culture' it can be very difficult to find the right words that won't offend someone no matter how hard you try. I know you think I'm jumping in too, as you hinted earlier, but don't assume that because of my age I have not lived and don't understand, because believe me I have, and I do. I shall now leave this thread as I obviously don't 'fit' into your box. Avril
  7. I think you misunderstood me, I was referring to your post😉 Avril
  8. This thread, started with a genuine question, has now been reduced to denigrating certain posts and/or posters. All posts should be respected. I am surprised this thead is still up. Others have been removed for far less. Avril
  9. I have one long dress that I love, so take that and then evening trousers with dressy/sparkly tops. My husband takes his dinner suit, dress shirts and a couple of bow ties. You don't have to be uncomfortable to be dressy. Avril
  10. and then looks up the appropriate medication in a book😒 Avril
  11. I don't think so wowzz. It must have been delayed shock from washing up.😁 Avril
  12. Anything would be nicer than MPW's Beef Wellington😖 Avril
  13. Found it zap, and I also spotted an elusive rainbow trout too🧐. There was always at least one fish dish on the menu every night. Disappointing as I tend eat more fish than meat. Avril
  14. I've gone back and had a closer look at the menus in the MDR, and there seems to be a lack of fish. I've seen salmon once. Avril
  15. Having read this thread through, I have to say that I am completely flummoxed by some of the posts. Having gay friends and family members my gentle reminder is this. We are all individuals with our own personalities, we are all part of this unique and diverse human race, and as such we should be able to live our lives in our own way. I hope the OP gets the information he is looking for and enjoys a lovely cruise with P&O Avril
  16. Take heart Sandra, the news about your dad, albeit small, is positive, and I hope he contines to slowly improve. I fully understand your feelings for 'your dad'. It's not always DNA that makes a mum or dad, nor son or daughter come to that. You're doing all you can to help and support everyone under the circumstances and I hope you will be able to visit him soon. My best wishes to you and your family for a speedy and happy outcome. Take care. x Avril
  17. It's healthy to release anger and stress. Shout, scream, cry, or swear. Much better than holding it in. Sis
  18. Delete the + and() and try again. It's worth a try. Avril
  19. @Purdey16 I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, Sandra. I hope he gets better soon and can return home to Fuerteventura. Take care Avril
  20. Can't do that anymore as you get older bro. Your immune system isn't what it used to be. Bathe it in warm salted water for while and then use an anti-bacterial and antiseptic cream, and keep it covered. I always keep a tube of Brulidine in the first aid box. I'm sure you can find something like it locally. Can't afford to be too blase about it bro, especially in a warm climate. So do as you're told😉 Take care. Sis
  21. It's called Calabrian Chaos. You're right though kalos, I've eaten meals that are a delight to the eye and taste terrible. Avril
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