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Everything posted by Scout16

  1. I am a bit old fashioned, I feel better doing my own socks and underwear. The new laundry arraignment makes it much easier to find empty machines.
  2. In 2019 this was normal and the Social Hostess would often check to see if there were any openings for Prime Seven or for Setti Maria, this was on the Navigator. We also always had an entertainer or staff person join us. This past Summer due to Covid the passengers were not able to eat with the crew. I believe that this has now returned to normal. We had several couples join with us.
  3. If you want to meet new people for dinner one of the best options may be to look up the Social Travelers gathering which will be listed in the daily Passages. In 2019 there was always a group which went to dinner together often with an entertainer or the Social Hostess. This past summer the crew were not allowed to eat with the passengers due to Covid, but there was often a few of us who would join together for dinner.
  4. I have never heard of any problems forward of the forward elevators.
  5. I have three reasons for going with Regent. First, the inclusive nature of the cruises means that for all my cruises, except for this past summer, once I was dropped off at the airport I did not have to worry about connections to and from the cruise. This past summer the problems were with the airlines and there was a bit of worry but Regent helped with the problems as they occurred. Next, I am not thrilled to play dress up. I have no problem with wearing respectful clothing, a button down shirt and long pants and even put on a jacket for the more formal meetings, but I remember as a child having to wear a suit to dinner every night when on a cruise. Finally, I find it difficult to spend money. Yes I know that Regent is initially high cost, but once I make the payment it is done. I do not have to decide if I really want to spend money for a drink, or a shore trip, or going to a special restaurant, since I have already paid for it I will go ahead and do things that I most likely would have nickeled and dimed y self out of.
  6. I am on a Tokyo to Vancouver cruise in April and the initial offerings for some ports in Alaska were only premium tours. They have added regular tours since then, my guess is that some of the offerings depend upon what is currently available for them to offer. I have heard that there is still a problem with the limited number of people in the tourist industry.
  7. During my last cruise from Spain to France to Ireland we were required to mask in Spain but we no longer needed masks in France. I began noticing a nasal irritation in France which required many cough drops to keep under control. Another passenger suggested that I may be reacting to the disinfectant that was used on the buses. This advice came too late to stop the irritation, but it may cause me to keep a mask to wear on the buses.
  8. I would say that in most cases tips are proper for non-Regent employees, the people who meet you at the airport and get you to the hotel are in a gray area. I wish that there would be suggestions in the ort information in the daily passages as to what is expected as to tipping in the country you are visiting, such as percentage and if there is a preferred or forbidden currency. I lack much experience with pre and post cruise tours. I will be on a pre cruise tour in Japan this April, what is customary for the guide and driver for a three day tour?
  9. I am not a wine person and due to a limited sense of smell, I miss many finer points of taste. The problem i see with requesting a wine list is that it may or may not be accurate as some of the less called for bottles are used up and the assortment of odds and ends remain on the shelf. My wife's taste in wine was a little above that of Boones Farm, but they would work with her and find something she liked which then would be offered each night. I found it best to simply ask what they thought would go best with what I planned to order for dinner.
  10. I can understand your point, but most of these problems exist throughout the industry both on ships and on land. I would list the following; the need to step up into the bathroom (I guess this is due to the need for space for the pipes, but it is easy to miss the step in the middle of the night), the seating is too low except for the dining areas (I find it difficult to get u from a seat where my knees at an angle greater that ninety degrees).
  11. From my experience in June, I believe the wrist band is used to allow people to skip the need for any further Covid processing especially if you are on from a prior leg of the cruise. I do not remember any gold stickers but that may be used to direct those people to visit their muster station. When I arrived in Barcelona to board the Voyager, I was the only passenger in the terminal due to problems with the airline and my luggage so I cannot comment on how long the processing took.
  12. I have never had any problems yet even though I now make up separate bags for each day AM and PM due to the number and size of the medicine bottles. The only problem we ever had was over ten years ago when my wife found that her pain medicine bottle was open with most of the pills gone after going through a security check point where they hand checked her purse and we did not discover this until hours after the checkpoint.
  13. You need to check with the representative at the hotel, many times we were required to confirm that our bags were present before boarding the bus. One time the bag had not been collected yet and the had to send someone to go get it. I am not sure if I have ever been where the bags were shipped separately from the bus, but once the ba was identified it went to the ship and our room with no further contact from us.
  14. Tipping on the ship is one thing, but in most orts remember to tip the tour guides and the drivers.
  15. You should warn whoever you are calling since the caller id comes up with a totally unidentifiable phone number. When I tried it to call my children they let it roll over rather than answering until I worked out a time to call by email.
  16. IF you like to dress up you will not be alone. I would say that most nights on the Voyager in June there were five to ten percent of the men wearing jackets. I really am not up to what the woman are wearing, but there were only a few times that something outrageous appeared.
  17. I have never used it but the hair dryer is placed in the top drawer of the closet drawers. I believe most people use it while seated at the vanity in the main cabin area.
  18. I downloaded the app and only had one time on my June cruise on the Voyager that it was used. On that occasion only a few of us were set up to use it and most of them did not want to use it since they were sing their phones as cameras. The system was dropped after about five minutes. I am not sure if it would have helped since we were going through a French World War Two museum where there were few English signs but it was just a general history of the entire period. I doubt the guide could have added much to what you could see.
  19. My past BTB were just treated as the same cruise but I have one in 2024 which is under two different numbers. I have signed up for the same cabin for both cruises. I rust that they can move all of my stuff, but I am not sure I would remember to go to the correct cabin. The one question I have is will I have to use the OBC up from the first cruise or will they carry over to the second.
  20. I was on the Voyager in June this year when one leg ended in Southampton. The only thing i can add is that since this was the first stop in the UK everyone had to meet with UK Customs people. It was nicely handled on board with an announcement broadcast though the ship after most of the departing passengers left. Due to Covid you had to put on a green wrist band to return to the ship without going through the check in procedures for Covid when returning.
  21. I was on the Voyager in June and there was no shortage of pens. I wonder if this may be some short term supply problem.
  22. The Enrichment lectures are the luck of the draw. The lectures on my last two cruises in 2019 and 2022 were quite good and related to the area we were cruising, the ones in either 2017 or 2018 were terrible. It is important to comment on your cruise survey about the Enrichment leatures so that Regent can bring back the good and drop the bad.
  23. My luggage arrived the next day as we were leaving the first stop following Barcelona. This is the adventure of travel but in the long run I trust Regent to see that it works out.
  24. Entertainment There were three production shows on these legs of the cruise, The Hollywood Musical, Rockin' Soul, and Dance To The Beat. All the shows were well done and well performed but there were few songs which really were my type of music. I am the Simon and Garfunkel and Peter, Paul and Mary type and I understand that there is little chance that these will ever make complete song and dance shows. The special performers were Duo Esencials (a violin player and a Flamenco dancer did two wonderful shows), Ruben Vilagrand (a magician who did the first show as a mime and spoke during the second show), Dave Kristian (he did two comedy shows), Lisa Lawton (she did two concerts with opera to popular music, this is more to my preference), A celebration of Song and Dance (this was not a full production show but had the singers, dancers and lounger performers, again this was more to my preference), Broadway in Concert (this was a very good presentation by the singers of Broadway songs which were mostly familiar to me), and finally Jonathan Jacobs ( a cast singer who did a mostly solo show). The lecturers were rather good and mostly on target with the ports and areas we were visiting. The lounge performers were Austin Ray in the Observation Lounge, he did music from the late forties to the eighties with some comments on the histor of the songs and original performers. His audience was mostly well behaved and some even got up and danced while he played the piano and sang. The Glitter Duo Veroa &Talo did what I would call disco and their audience was talking loudly which hurt the performance for me. I only was in the Voyager Lounge the night when it was too rough to have any performances above deck five so I do not know if there was normally and passenger dancing. The Regent Signature Orchestra did not exist, it either was a duo or a trio and appeared to mainly do jazz unless they were with a singer. I do not recall ever seeing them on the pool deck but this may be due to most of the days being port days and the rest being rough weather.
  25. Service and Dinning On the whole the service was up to Regent standards. There were some minor misses such as not bring the fork before the salad, not offering to remove the lobster from the shell, and having to call over another waiter to remove the bones from the Dover Sole. After a day or two I was known and what I normally ordered was known by the crew in the restaurants and lounges I normally visited. I will not get into the discussion about the quality of the meats which has been covered under other topics on the Regent boards. I tried some of the cuts suggested and found that I still preferred the cuts which were said to be too tough and dry. The one item I suggest is the tuna burger at the pool grill, it is not a burger but a tuna steak with a wonderful sauce (nd if you ask they will cook it well done rather than rare).
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