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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. You can cancel and rebook the same Shorex while on the ship, and it should spend the Shareholder OBC and refund equivalent cash. About 50% of the Shorex agents understand this and the others need some "help."
  2. What didn't I like about it? Everything! But, certainly the "non-stop energy" was a huge part of the "not like." I prefer "chill." This wan't chill. 😎 Looking forward to that drink someday brother!
  3. They're all refundable in the USA (up until final payment date).
  4. A lot of things that are posted make no sense. Just check my post history! 🤡
  5. Don't you just upload the same picture that worked last time?
  6. This is exactly what I do. I couldn't cancel SIX fast enough on the second leg of my April B2B. 🤣 DW had no arguments. In fact, as we exited the first showing she told me that she "knew" that I hated it. I hadn't said a word. That's what decades of marriage leads to. 😎
  7. Yep. That one was butt-ugly 💩, and we're all hoping NCL learned their lesson. If the responsible party didn't get fired, they should have.
  8. I should clarify. On multiple occasions, I've had a cruise booked (deposit paid, but before final payment) and NCL cancelled the cruise. I received an FCC coupon worth 10% off a future cruise. One time it was 10% off any future cruise and 20% off a future Spirit sailing. I happily used both. The only time I wasn't able to use these was during Covid when they were rapid firing cancellations. As one point I had been "awarded" three, but they only allowed me to use one. It still provided a meaningful cash value. I have so many deposits "tied up," that it's just become a part of my cruise planning (and replanning, and replanning). It's only $250 ($125 if I have some CruiseNext deposits laying around - I now have two unused). I'm pretty certain that the lost interest on $250 will be far exceeded by that 10% discount off of a future cruise (base fare only). That was my point. If you think it's going to be cancelled, it may be profitable to just leave that money on the table for a bit longer. It isn't going anywhere.😎
  9. Personally, I would just leave it booked and book a replacement as well. If/when they do cancel the charter, you'll likely get a 10% FCC, which you can probably apply to your replacement. 😎
  10. I've only done one B2B and all OBC, expenses, etc. just carried over. I had unused Shareholder OBC and it carried over.
  11. Thank you. That is what I would expect. Why should somebody in Hawaii have to put pants on? That's great to hear. 😎
  12. LOL. I'm pretty certain that you would have ruined it just for "the one." While I feel that one day I would like to actually meet one of these fellow cruisers who care about what I'm wearing (for the entertainment value), I doubt it would be as fun as I would hope. 🤣
  13. Sounds like the exact dress-*** that whacked me on the Sky in January. Did she have a great big smile and could hardly contain herself as she scolded you? 🤣
  14. I'm more concerned with O'Shehans or the Brewhouse running out of Guinness. It's happened on two of my cruises. True story. disclaimer: I was likely part of the "problem"
  15. I used to check in at midnight, head to the port at 9:30 and receive those coveted Group 1 boarding passes to be among the first to board. Now I check in at midnight, head to the port at 9:30 - 10:00 and remind the counter agent that I don't need no stinkin' pass, because as Platinum or above I'll get to board three minutes before those suckers in Group 1. Do I wind up sitting around for an hour or so? Absolutely! Do I mind? Heck no! That is when anticipation is at its peak and I can gaze at that beautiful ship awaiting me right outside those big windows. Others? They may despise the wait and choose to remain in their boring hotel rooms watching a morning talk show (which I despise). Just get me to the terminal and it's happy times! 😎 Back on topic. I would suggest the OP pocket their $199 and just get to the terminal at 9:30. I'll wave to you. Priority disembark is a different matter. I want to have a leisurely breakfast and hang around on the ship until they boot me off. We screwed up a few weeks ago and headed for the exits when they made their "last call." Still waited in lines for 15 - 20 minutes. In July we waited until they started naming names and we just walked off without any lines to be seen.😏
  16. Where on earth did you read this? In many cases, I believe that it is the exact opposite. I grew up on a germ-infested farm. I don't think we washed our hands before lunch. I never get sick. The one time I got Covid, I thought my allergies were bothering me. I only tested because DW was positive. It turned out to be that 24 hour Covid that barely slows a person down.🤣
  17. Do you have specific examples of these AWFUL posts by awful posters? I must have missed the post where "that guy" said if he thought he had Covid he was going to crowd into every elevator, crowded show and packed SHOREX bus to share the joy. Most suggest a level headed approach of staying away from people and minding their own business. I don't think we have any evidence that NCL demands anything else.
  18. Absolutely. I took typing when I was a Sophomore in high school. It was mostly a freshman girl class back then. My handwriting has always been crap, but I could type faster than most of those girls. 😎 Still can. My FIL used to criticize me for typing until he stood by as I typed a letter to a Senator for him on my computer. Probably one of the few things I ever did that impressed FIL (RIP).
  19. I would allow about 20 - 30 minutes for that.
  20. I think you meant to say "without using your internet minutes." 🤣 (despite how NCL refers to them)
  21. Yeah, thanks. As has been discussed in many other threads, booking an MDR is a goof. In the vast majority of scenarios, it makes absolutely no difference. That said, if it's available to book, I'll book some placeholder reservations mostly for the fun of it. It makes an upcoming cruise more "real." 😎 (at least for me; some would say it is a tremendous burden and waste of valuable time)🤣
  22. Same here. Sounds like user error to me. I learned to type on an actual typewriter 50 years ago and I'll take a real keyboard over those new-fangled touch screens seven days a week. 😎
  23. Thanks friend! If they let me advance book the Windows, I'll do it! And, the pants will stay in the cabin. 😎 (until we get to AK, then they may come out for my comfort)
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