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Everything posted by icft

  1. We already consider them part of the base fare. While we don't consider them tips we still wouldn't want them to build them into the base fare. That would just mean that in a year or two Carnival would start all over again with "tips" on top of the new, higher, base fare. Better to stay with the current game playing than to open up more games.
  2. I breathe easier knowing it's not sid1969's seat... He's on a cruise.
  3. This is why I never buy my wife flowers. Before marriage I did it all the time, but then she knew what I wanted. Did it once after marriage and spent and inordinate amount of time swearing I hadn't done anything.
  4. No. Just helping someone who obviously needs a reason to feel good about themselves.
  5. I'm in awe! If you were here I would kiss you.
  6. When you get to other words things do get less clear. It becomes a question of what environment Carnival wants and is a "my house, my rules" situation. But it is a moot point since Carnival, in my opinion, does not enforce its rules and doesn't care unless there is blood or broken bones and even then only after the fact. (My wife was assaulted on our last Carnival Cruise but there was no blood and no broken bones so it appeared to us there was no problem as far as Carnival was concerned.) We're in our late 60s and desire a bit better treatment than "as long as you aren't bleeding and don't have any broken bones we've done our job" so we are moving on.
  7. Sounds like questioning which side of the line the t-shirt with the "F" word is on; questioning if Carnival should consider it on the wrong side of their line making profanity against the rules. Sounds like "I may think it classless and crude but should Carnival consider it profanity and enforce the rules against profanity?" In terms of enforcement what would I have them do? I would have them unquestionably consider it profanity and enforce the rules. No question in my mind the "F" word is profanity. There actually is a time and place for profanity but Carnival entices families saying profanity is not allowed, their children will not be exposed to that and Carnival is not the time and place for that. They have an obligation to enforce the rules.
  8. That is pretty much what we are doing. We have a couple of free cruises left on Carnival but NCL cruises scheduled after those. We will only be taking Journey 14 day or more Carnival cruises in the future as those have always had pleasant cruisers to be around. After seeing the number of Carnival cruisers on here who think it questionable if the "F" word is profane I feel much better about our decision.
  9. I don't think it is question of the crew not caring but rather that they have been told to ignore it and leave it up to "trained" security personnel. I would not expect regular crew to be expected to enforce the rules but they should be instructed to notify security. Instead they leave it up to the passenger to hike down to the lobby, take their time about responding to the location, then say "we didn't see nuttin."
  10. You don't want the eco friendly paper straws they sell these days. They are not coated with paraffin so absorb liquid and fall apart fast. The reason they are not coated with paraffin is that paraffin is derived from petroleum and contains traces of carcinogens (as does plastic). That is not a problem unless you eat a whole lot of straws so it was not a problem in the beginning of the last century. But folks are not considered smart enough to not eat straws these days.😁 The bigger (though so small it is generally ignored) risk from paraffin is burning it in candles. That releases the toxins that are normally stabilized in the paraffin.
  11. I don't think any line runs booze cruises. What you have is groups, such as a college fraternity or stag or hen parties or just a group of friends, that decide to get together for a rip roaring time. They generally don't want expensive or upscale so they go with cheap and short (once you are too drunk to remember the extra time is wasted). Carnival prides itself on cheap and it has short cruises so it gets more booze cruisers than other lines.
  12. That's one option. But the problem with bringing your own straws is carrying them around and carrying around a plastic straw is just as much a pain as carrying around one stainless steel straw. And, I like chocolate shakes so I would have to be sure the plastic straw was strong enough to not collapse and strong enough to not bend when I stir the shake. So I carry around one stainless steel straw. The only upside to carrying one use plastic straws is you just throw it away when finished. I have to pass by the bathroom and rinse it out before it goes back in the pocket.
  13. We feel the same way. We want to feel like we are at sea. We love the rough sea days. To each their own. A surprisingly large number of cruisers get motion sickness and don't really want to be at sea. The big ships are perfect for them.
  14. I assume it was a question of which was the bigger disruption to their vacation; taking the trip down to the lobby in the hopes they would send someone up in a timely fashion or just putting up with the inconsiderate jerk. Just because the possible (and only possible as Carnival isn't much for enforcing rules) solution is more problematic than the original problem doesn't mean the original problem wasn't a problem. If Carnival cared about its rules the mention to the attendant would have prompted the attendant to notify security. But Carnival doesn't really care about its rules so the crew are instructed to ignore rules violations. Jerks shoving their music down the throats of others is a significant problem. It greatly diminishes the cruising experience.
  15. Your last question is easy to answer - even I can do it!😁 Log in to the Carnival site. The page that comes up is often the "cruise manager" page for your cruise. If not and you are on the Carnival Home page click on "manage" near the top center of the screen, and "my booking " on the submenu. That will take you to the cruise manager for your cruise and on the left side you will see a "To-Do List." Online check-in will be on that list with the date you can return there to check-in.
  16. I understand your quandary. I would look at this as two separate questions. First, Carnival screwed-up. Can I fix that and if so how? Second, do I want to tip the crew? Even though Carnival is the intermediary, the transaction it is at its heart a transaction between you and the crew. It sounds like you want to tip the crew, so do so. I wish I had some advice on how to handle the Carnival screw-up. I think that is a question of getting to someone at a pay grade that gives them the discretion to do something like Megan_Strick suggested AND their agreeing it was Carnival's mistake. I hope it works out.
  17. I have always wondered why there is nowhere to find the rate code you booked under after you book. Now I'm wonder if the reason is to make it hard to take advantage of price guarantees.😁
  18. Yeah, that is another thing they hide. After a couple of years of just every now and then wondering without really putting in any effort, just keeping an eye out, I realized it was about time to find out. So while on a cruise I asked at guest services. I fed it into my phone and have never tried it, but according to guest services on the Glory the shore side line is 1-855-fun-vifp. On board the Glory the ship side number is 6676. I have used that number on the Glory but I don't know if it is the same on all ships.
  19. After all the various gyrations in Guy's and still not back to the original my opinion is that they could serve poop and Guy would approve as long as he got paid. Most times the fries they serve these days are not bad, but they are not Guy's. It is like if the French had a shortage of grapes and started making champagne with California grapes. Might be good, but the name champagne would then mean "whatever is cheap and available" which is what Guy's now means to me.
  20. Yeah, they keep that hidden for some reason. If it is a casino promotion you can go to: https://oceanplayersclub.com/contact/ At the bottom of the page click "Verify Casino Offer" and they can tell you what offer (by name though I have never asked for the code so you can try asking for that) you are under and what comes with it. I would really like it if they put the the code on stuff. In my opinion Carnival is not the most ethical outfit and I always worry that I will get on the ship and they will say we're under some other code and I have nothing to show the code I booked. Since we always sail on casino offers I just use the link above to get something in writing. But in almost forty cruises I have only needed the verification email twice.
  21. I have gotten the impression that Carnival does make special efforts to have better food on its big new ships. We haven't been on one of those but overall the reports are of good food on them. On the other hand the overall reports of food on their other ships is bad. We have seen it steadily decline on our eleven cruises since reopening. Yet I continue to hear some folks say the food was good on older ships. I have decided that there are areas in the United States where terrible food is the norm. My mother always told me that, but I didn't believe her. She said they call it New England for a reason; things carried over from England, including the food. Having spent some time in England I do know their food sucks (other than fish and chips) unless you go to an Indian, French, or other such restaurant. They conquered much of the world to get away from bad food and in search of decent food. So, to those who think Carnival food is good, I say stay away from south Louisiana because you will be miserable with the food back home for the rest of your lives.
  22. I think most did indeed get your point and enjoyed the way you presented it. I know it made me chuckle.
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