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Everything posted by Fionboard

  1. Did all these tours for free on Celebrity back in 2010's. Pre covid on P&O they cost about £70 but I have not seen them advertised post covid. Probably due to health and safety reasons.
  2. On the other hand, you do not miss what you've never had!
  3. Only had a noisy cabin once, in 12 years cruising. On Iona. Horrendous.
  4. Not if you use just eat or deliveroo🤣
  5. Absolutely. Old fashioned and difficult to use.
  6. Must be per person, saver, inside. Surely cannot get cheaper than this?
  7. Can leave a book on a sunbed but maybe not a phone or tablet.
  8. So rude and antisocial. For goodness sake at least switch them off at meal times and TALK to each other!
  9. Cannot see my phone screen in the sun!
  10. Worst ever disembarkation yesterday. Used QE2 Terminal. Total chaos. No organization on board. Never seen queues so big. Terrible design. Understaffed, poor signage. Am usually on the road by about 9.30. Yesterday it was 11.30. And that was with a small ship!
  11. Think they already have those on Iona. Was told by a waiter that a lot of the food is pre-prepared before being loaded onto the ship, then just reheated !
  12. It is used on Britannia as well as the big ones. Not necessary on the rest.
  13. And they will probably end up in the sea!
  14. On Arcadia now. Dining at 6.30 and 8.30 as per usual. Only ever had different time as I said, on Aurora in March. Northern lights cruise may be the reason for that perhaps.
  15. Strange. Mine were signed by my waiters (fixed dining). Maybe you were on freedom dining?
  16. On Aurora in April dining was 6.30 and 8.30. In March it was 6 and 8. Don't know why.
  17. Lobster in Boston pretty good. Some of the ones on P&O look smaller than actually legal to catch. Should throw them back in the sea!
  18. For heaven's sake lets drop the argument re big or small ships. There is something for everyone whatever your budget or preferred type of cruising. Good job or we would all be in the same (very large) boat!
  19. Menus were given out on Ventura pre covid.
  20. Have the app on the smaller ships too, but it is superfluous on those as they can manage the numbers on board with no need for pre booking everything 😂
  21. Notice the use of "we" a lot. Cruising solo is a different experience and much more suited to smaller, friendlier ships. Nothing to do with technology, just the overall ambience created by smaller passenger numbers on board.
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