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Everything posted by Bobbiegentry

  1. Absolutely!!! Provided it’s shrouded in, at a minimum, shorts and a tee shirt!!
  2. Now Mary, surely by now you’ve discovered that logical thinking isn’t universal!
  3. Poking the bear with a stick, are you? Now that’s funny!! 😃
  4. And some I’ve heard remove the daily grats entirely.
  5. Rugged Scotsmen are not to be trifled with!!
  6. Why? Drag your formal duds along if you wish. Leave them at home if you wish. The fashion police will be outside their jurisdiction while you are on board. You will absolutely fit in whatever you decide to do.
  7. I’ve had both noro and Covid on board the Emerald (different trips). Give me Covid any day. 🤢🤢🤢
  8. How many times can one use the word one in one post?
  9. There has never been a time when I wore anything but black jeans and a Hawaiian shirt. Anytime, anywhere without exception.
  10. Time for me to insert again: DRESS CODE = DRESS SUGGESTION. Like it, don’t like it. It’s all the same to me. However, you cannot ignore the fact that it is what it is.
  11. Please pass on giving your laundry to your RS on embarkation/turnaround day. S/he is hammered with priority tasks that must be completed in a timely manner.
  12. You’re right to smoke ends where my nose begins.
  13. Is there more to your story? It just kinda quits.
  14. There you go again with yet another flawless display of logic!!
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