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Everything posted by Bobbiegentry

  1. Nice! What time did you select?
  2. Seems like an appropriate place to insert the following: Dress CODE = Dress SUGGESTION
  3. Absolutely correct! Yet those “hardliners” will never cease their tireless efforts to force the rest of us into their tiny little idealized world of how THEY think the rest of us should dress. Hardliners - how about you wear your tuxes or whatever it is that you makes you feel good about yourself and let the rest of us wear what we prefer. Is that too much to ask???
  4. Since you asked, No. Never. But you may certainly choose to do so. Whatever feels comfortable to you is the only correct answer.
  5. @Potstech, you missed the undertone of my post. 😃
  6. Great points of view, Susan. Yet those “hardliners” (great word choice) who cruise among us care very much what others are wearing and were it in their purview, they would surely dictate that everyone dress to their “standards”.
  7. Anyone displaying a Princess name tag that one encounters during the day, even that same person encountered multiple times during a given day, deserves some cash. Minimum of $10 is my default.
  8. One Franklin to each server has always worked for us.
  9. Different levels of formality…...hmmmmm…..sounds as though the stuffed-shirt elitists will finally have their very own venue within which they can all focus on out preening one another. All the while we folks who are not cursed with such amour propre are allowed to go about being just normal folks. Sounds like a win-win to me!!😃
  10. @AZKaah, it’s the Princess (and nearlyall others) Way!! The idea is that they can tip shame their pax into covering costs that should rightly be paid by the cruise line.
  11. Different levels of formality…...hmmmmm…..sounds as though the stuffed-shirt elitists will finally have their very own venue within which they can all focus on out preening one another. All the while we folks who are not cursed with such amour propre are allowed to go about being just normal folks. Sounds like a win-win to me!!😃
  12. And miss all of this rip-roaring free entertainment?? Not on your life!!! We are fast approaching 300 posts. 🤣
  13. There are those among us who believe an extra stout tip to the barkeep will result in a “strong pour”.
  14. Great! One more thing added to that overworked soul’s tasks. SMH
  15. Thank you for this. Following. very interested.
  16. magnanimous adjective mag·nan·i·mous mag-ˈna-nə-məs 1 : showing or suggesting a lofty spirit 2 : showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind Lofty? Nobility of feeling? Hmmmmm
  17. Mary, there you go again trying to inject logic and a thoroughly practical point of view into into a conversation where these ideas are ridiculed. Your thought that Some of us don't have a craving to impress others.will not resonate at all with those who appear to live their lives with a singular focus on impressing others.
  18. I should have posted a link. Sorry. Just laziness on my part. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2840885-diamond-princess-san-diego-to-tokyo-feb-12-march-10-2023/page/13/
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