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Everything posted by Bobbiegentry

  1. Extremely useful information. Thank you for taking the time to share all of this with us. Clearly what you are posting is the most current information. We are hoping that the shuttle you mention will take us from the ship to the Motomachi-Chūkagai station. From there, Shinjuku is easy. 😃
  2. And don’t let the naysayers get you down. Some people are just hard wired to rain on other’s parade.
  3. This ☝️ Marketingspeak for subsiding the responsibility of the cruise line.
  4. General On our Cruise Boards, this information may sometimes provided by our volunteer Community Hosts and more often by other contributors, the majority of whom use anonymous user names and are people we've never met. You have no idea who they are, what they do, or what their agenda could possibly be -- and neither do we. The only requirement for membership is a valid e-mail address. Such an adorable little rabbit.
  5. Why is it that some people feel it necessary to name drop something as inconsequential as who makes an aloha shirt. Everyone who is impressed, raise your hand.
  6. You have more replies and views than s/he has so don’t stress. You’re WINNING!!😃
  7. If the cruise lines would just pay their employees a decent and living wage, observations such as this wouldn’t be necessary. The cruise lines rely of tipping guilt to flesh out their bottom line at the expense of those who have no fiduciary responsibility to the line.
  8. Some do. Some don’t. Do whatever is comfortable for you. No wrong or right answer
  9. Interesting. Maybe it’s different arriving by air????
  10. Useless to us. Neither of us drink alcohol. We don’t want their photos. We share one Wi-Fi connection with the 50% elite discount. We can but a lot of $29 specialty dinners with the cost delta. Do the math. YMMV
  11. No, no, no. A thousand times no. If one wants it badly enough, BUY A SUITE!!
  12. By all accounts (well, maybe most accounts), it speeds up entry into Canada. That is, if it’s working. We shall see. 🤞🏻
  13. I’m waiting to see if ours auto-purchase on Thursday. That will be our 45 day mark. If not, then I'll follow your advice
  14. $9.00 per pack = $.45 per stick!!!😳 What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits - Doobie Brothers (1974)
  15. And now ArriveCAN is purely optional. How quickly things change sometimes. That said, we are planning to complete our ArriveCan when the window opens on Oct 15, 72 hours before we depart home.
  16. Glad that you got it worked out successfully. This is precisely why I review the airline website and EZ each and every day. Just this week discovered that American airlines moved us to a different flight for an upcoming trip in November. They put us on a flight to Rome through Philadelphia that only allowed a one hour connection time. We’ve been burned very badly before connecting through Philadelphia with a too short connection time, albeit a legal connection time. I contacted American as soon as I saw the change on their website and they were able to move us back to the original flight with our original seats. Waiting for American for EZair to contact us could potentially have been a disaster. Caveat Emptor
  17. Or they could simply pay the crew a fair and livable wage and dispense with their endless shell game. And yes, I’m aware that doing so would increase the cruise fare and I’m OK with that.
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