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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. You won your wife in the casino?!?! Now that's a jackpot, lol!!
  2. You probably talked to the same girl I did a couple months ago - she also did mine while I was on the phone. And sent new invoices w/the OBC whole I was on the phone. Very friendly!!
  3. For a B2B, does it matter what you select for boarding time 2nd week? I was surprised to it actually had the full selection of boarding times listed.
  4. Like shakes, pass on video games, we all need to give and get encouragement. The quote causes reflection. Passing on the food and drink; not been to Casablanca. Yay for the dog leading the boys to such a discovery! 72 headed to 84 - what a difference a week and a tiny bit of rain makes. Thrilled to see rain in the forecast - not looking forward to finding another crack in a wall, so hopefully we get enough for it to be beneficial. 💦 Work is so busy I don't know how I will be ready to leave on Fri. But I am ready to go - Canada is calling!!🚢 Prayers and positive thoughts to all. Baby Murphy 🙏
  5. Very late today; work started really early this morning and didn't stop. I went straight back to the computer when I got in this evening from PT and just finished. Ugh 73 now, only got to 90 today!! I hope to always remember and never forget why 9-11 forever changed the way we live in America. I absolutely hate (such a strong, ugly word) what happened and the scar it left on our country. I deeply love how we as individual people came together to support strangers who were now our family. I wish we would do that during ordinary times and days, not just when extraordinary efforts are needed. I love libraries - large and small; fond memories of how special library day always felt. In elementary school, we went as a class 1 day/week to the library; I loved coming out w/a book of my choosing. It still makes me smile. Not a baseball player, but women players deserve to have a day. I like Macaroni Salad; no longer enjoy Tequila; have no been to Port Stanley. Baby Murphy 🙏💔 Prayers and positive thoughts to all. @Denise T hope the MRI results are in your favor. I've gotten squat packed for my cruise. I did get the shuttle confirmed and managed to cover the bed with suitcases.
  6. Hey @Arkansas cruisers first, I feel your pain on FE and getting change notifications that don't align w/airline website - sorry you're dealing with it. FE gets blocks of seats, so they may not have access to all the flights you see on the airline website. Yes, if you have FE flights and you're beyond final payment, you are really stuck w/o incurring additional fees. However, there is a very small window after final payment before you're locked; it's about 10 days. When you log into FE details the date will show in top right corner. If there's no date, you're locked in. You should call again AND send and email to Reservations_submit@hollandamerica.com requesting they change the flight. I recently had an issue w/2 flights, similar to you, I kept getting flight change notices. FE would change the flights back, I could see them on the AA website then I'd get another change notice. The last time I called in, I was told there was nothing they could do and there was no supervisor I could talk with; they told me to email Reservations_submit@hollandamerica.com. Two days later, on a Saturday, I received a phone call from them. At the end of my call, I had an email confirming the original flights, I could see them in FE and by that night I was able to see them in AA website. When I sent the email, I copied the Mariners desk for additional visibility. FE may not be able to get the original flights or something w/more realistic connection time, but it is worth both the call and email. Your concern about a very tight connection time is valid. I'm pulling for you - please let us know how it works out.
  7. Find someone else's fingers and toes to cross...I need to be on that ship.
  8. Ok, I refrained for several days, but I gotta do it - Carnival is not doing themselves any favors w/those vests. If they don't want to be compared to WM or referred to as "Walmart of the Seas" perhaps they should reconsider the vests - they just make it too easy.🫣 Those officers deserve better...
  9. You could call Carnival, maybe they just haven't posted yet for some reason, but they could tell you for sure.
  10. The Ranger may or or may not be in the Crow's Nest, but park passport stamp will be. There will also be extra "slips" you can stamp if you don't have your book. Be sure to grab a cup of Dutch Pea Soup🤭
  11. If "tender required" is not shown on any ports, then you don't have any tender ports. You can always call them to confirm if you're unsure.
  12. Agree w/ @boulders that it may just be too early, so keep checking. As @Mary229 said, FE is a consolidator, so they get blocks of seats and inventory changes. They do work w/multiple airlines, but may not have secured seats on the flights you're looking for. Also, the more filters you use, the fewer results your search will return. So other airlines may be available, but got filtered out in your search. We use FE, but also book direct if we find flights we like better. So, we don't use FE exclusively. You have the luxury of time, so you can continue to search both FE and airlines. If you use the flexible option on FE, you can book something if you find flights that work then change or cancel if you find something better - without cost or penalties until final payment.
  13. We quite enjoy the Hangar - food and view are nice. Always enjoy the Candied Bacon in the PG. You are correct - the base price has gone up. It was increased when the additional app surcharge was dropped. I believe that was effective w/Sept sailings, so the new prices are just recently being seen. Enjoying your posts - thanks for bringing us along. Continued safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  14. Beautiful pictures; thanks for sharing. Happy to hear your impressions of HAL were positive and that you'll be back.😎 We really like the K'dam as we quite enjoy Grand Dutch Cafe. AK is awesome!!
  15. The car parking situation would cause me a bit of anxiety - I haven't heard of "air bnb for cars."
  16. Oh yes, you know I appreciate your sacrifice, lol! DH will not be there, though, a friend be manning the lookout station for him. 😎
  17. Yes, that's the question. I don't want to waste it - I want her to have it and me to not touch it. That may sound picky, but I just don't want it near me. Ugh So hard in this type of environment since the preparing of food is a huge part of the experience and we both love certain parts of the menu. Happy to hear you enjoyed it - we have it booked on each leg of our B2B.
  18. @rafinmd 🙏🙏 prayers and positive thoughts you feel better quickly.
  19. Yep, that learning curve was very small 🤫 DH pointed out that until our most recent cruise in May, he had not been in anything other than a true aft or aft wrap. And was very ok with that.
  20. Hey Bobbi - 1st, thanks for the yummy pictures!! Since everyone at the table got shrimp starters, did it seem their process & set up would allow for my dining partner to easily get portion? I realize I could just give it to them, but I don't want that shrimp near my fork or other food.
  21. I would just need to take a different tote bag - the one I like the best has a mesh pocket on outside that my water bottle fits in perfectly; I don’t think the liter bottle will fit, but I'll give it a try before I buy a new tote bag.
  22. @BlerkOne that's a great itinerary!! Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  23. Be sure to let us know how that works out for you - if you can remember, lol!!
  24. You could see the Teams & Outlook notifications but not respond to them, correct?
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