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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Today we have very important days to recognize. Pass on the meal, maybe try the drink & wine, not been to the port; the pictures are terrific - thanks to everyone who posted. It was rainy 63Β° when I checked 5+ hours ago, headed to wet 81Β°. Forecast says rain should let up for a couple days then start again Wed. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  2. My experience is no matter what beef selection we have in the PG, there is always an onion ring (maybe 2) served with it; we don't order them as sides. Onion rings were served w/beef on NS in Dec Here are some of the sides
  3. OMG - Kevin you are soooo adorable; very nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing @ger_77. Now I feel the urge to add another fur baby to our family 🫣
  4. Thank you @Quartzsite Cruiser @StLouisCruisers for the beautiful pictures!! Hugs @smitty34877 to you and Tana. Hoping everyone stays safe and all the forecasted bad weather skips everyone. πŸ™ I'm rooting for Ren's team!!
  5. That's great you were able to add it! You should find the boarding process to go smoothly. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise (and your tote bag)!
  6. @StLouisCruisers I am using Chrome for this morning's posts - no issues. It was a little wonky yesterday w/duplicate posts & black pictures, but that seemed isolated to that specific time frame and was short lived. I have not tried posting from my iPhone or computer - I'm using an Android phone.
  7. Hmm, interesting collection of days - I am not sure about devil dog cakes day πŸ€” , my smallest dog is 65# but compared to her 125# brother she's little - does that qualify for pampering?πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ No children here to teach to save. Pass on the meal & probably the drink, would try the wine, not been to Greenland but I do look forward to the pictures. The mechanic is supposed to be here today or tomorrow (more likely tomorrow) to see about the theft alarm. That's the entire list - too frustrated for anything else. Only 3:30 am and already 72Β° - ugh - headed to rainy 81Β° w/flood watch; at least the tornado watch is expired. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  8. Hey @luvteaching thanks for the cookie recipe - I love snickerdoodles and had not heard of chocolate ones, either. Sister is going to make some this week πŸ˜‹
  9. No reservations in Club Orange and you can still go to MDR if you want to.
  10. We quite enjoyed ours, but do still prefer a true aft for AK.
  11. I book the ThermalSpa even on warmer itineraries as I use it to help workout trouble joints so I don't fall too behind on rehab. Sea days I usually go twice daily and depending on port times & our excursion schedule, I go at least once and sometimes twice/day. Ther heated ceramic loungers are really bliss. If you buy a day pass then decide to get the full cruise, they'll deduct the cost of the day pass.
  12. @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser @ottahand7 thanks for thinking of us. We currently don't have winds; the rain is hitting in waves with "thunder boomers." The dogs don't like it, but not amounting to much right now. But we know tornadoes have their own unique plans, so we stay on alert. Based on @Quartzsite Cruiser post, the storm is west of us, moving this way. Hope Ren's team is able to play tomorrow and secure a victory.
  13. Thanks for posting this - the owl is very pretty. Apologies for the duplicate post; don't know why it happened, but by the time I saw it, it was too late to remove it.
  14. Sorry you have to cancel, but happy to hear all will be ok. HAL will sometimes change names for a change fee; when I did it last year, I was charged $50. The main consideration is the name of pax #1 - the cruise fare is tied to pax #1, so that person has to stay to on the booking to get the rate that was booked (not necessarily show up, but has to stay on the booking). Keep that in mind when you call HAL to discuss options. Interested in knowing the outcome if you'd come back to update us.
  15. Many, many counties, including ours, have a tornado watchπŸŒͺ️ until 6pm. Hope everyone stays safe.
  16. @bennybear I don't see a picture, just a black square; don't know if it's me or you.
  17. @bennybear I don't see a picture, just a black square; don't know if it's me or you.
  18. Sounds like you had a great day in Boston @kazu. And WOW on the ship fixing Deb's luggage and your stick.
  19. Now we know why they were taken down - price change. I still appreciate the discount, but obviously like 10% more than 8%.
  20. Nice collection of days, if I encounter an Aussie I shall hug them, pass on the quote & meal, maybe try the drink & wine (I'll decide once the info is posted), not been to the port. Big day in history. Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the great pictures. The gardens look beautiful. Thanks @aliaschief for the pictures - I agree the wood on your ship is beautiful. Hope you have a safe, wonderful detour around Africa. @seagarsmoker that picture is gorgeous! Grocery delivery is scheduled for 7-8 this morning, just beating the rain. I'm excited to receive raspberries that are on sale; I don't usually get fresh items when I buy online, but they were a really good deal and I knew I would not go to the store after DH gets home from work. That's my big excitement for the day - raspberries!! And my to do list for today - put away the groceries. Some days that's enough of a list. Currently 73Β° headed to rainy 81Β°, not raining yet but should start around 9 and rain all week w/a break on Mon. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  21. Is this the great cracker shortage of 2024? You got 2 on a plate and none on this one? Happy Birthday Deb!!
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