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Everything posted by techteach

  1. @NE John We have between 800 and 1200 bottles in our cellar. Most from WA, CA and OR. We’ve been collecting since 1986 and visited Napa many times. Some were served too young, or perhaps not allowed to breathe. The Dominus was fantastic. Far Niente has always had a solid Chard. We drink pinot several times a week with dinner, and I’m really particular. You summed it up properly most were only “okay.” I forget how much it cost…$150 - $175 pp? Not worth it.
  2. Thanks to all to have replied to the OP. I didn’t know about the overnight ferry from Caen to Portsmouth. I’m tucking that information away for after DH retires and we finally get to go to France.
  3. Ditto to book excursions early, as in now. Don’t be afraid to shop Trip Advisor if Cunard excursions sell out. I had to do that for dog sledding last August. Make sure you read their cancellation policies and reviews.
  4. @NE John I was not a fan of the California wine tasting flight on our TA. The tasting was called California Dreaming. St. Super Sauvignon Blanc, Cakebread Chardonnay, Hyde de Villaine Chardonnay, Far Niente Chardonnay, Buena Vista Winery Pinot Noir, Seghesio Zinfandel, Cakebread Merlot, Dominus Estate. I did not keep my tasting notes. Food was mediocre.
  5. I think if this tasting had been offered on our 2022 December TA we would have been offered it as we were invited to the California tasting. If it is offered on our QM2 cruise in June/July we will do it. Or at least my DH will and we’ll report back. It is funny you brought this tasting up today after a conversation DH and I had at dinner last night. (Drouhin, 2018, Laurene, Pinot Noir, Oregon) Pierre Gagnaire had a restaurant in Las Vegas called Twist. He had a 7 course tasting with 7 first growths matched to it. DH has planned for years to do this when he retires. He checked last night and Twist is now closed and we need to plan an alternative that is equally fantastic.
  6. @D&N I’m having trouble finding this offer. Can you lead me to it? I think my DH would be very interested.
  7. @ronpes We also woke to cold but bright sunshine. Bundle up!
  8. 5 loads of dishes? That was quite a party and I’m assuming you had a great time.
  9. I’ve done Alaska three times and our trips in June were cold. We love sitting on the veranda with binoculars and I needed gloves. Definitely go prepared for rain.
  10. I remember very well, 6th grade, the snow was really deep and it was really cold. In the morning we would listen to the radio to find out if girls were allowed to wear pants to school that day. By 7th grade torn jeans worn at the hip became the norm. I don’t judge what people wear and hope they don’t judge me. Physical limitations definitely impact what we wear and I hope we can all give grace.
  11. @pinotlover I agree 100% with you that smaller plates are better. I look at the menus and see 5 items I want to try but know in reality I can only eat 2 or 3.
  12. @HaveDogWillTravel Thank you for posting so many great pictures of the food. We have yet to sail on Oceania, but are booked based upon the reports of great food. I hope everything tasted as good as it looks.
  13. @njhorseman There were many posts saying the Hollandaise wasn’t very good. I pointed out that if it wasn’t up to par I would say something. I never suggested saying anything without tasting it, you are correct, that would be rude. I was eating at one of our favorite restaurants and was served a dish that was wayyyyy too salty. I didn’t say anything. I short time later two other diners sent the dish back. I should have said something so the kitchen could change the pasta water and not serve the dish. As a regular I could have done that and saved a couple of poor ratings on Yelp.
  14. @xinnia317 I don’t want to appear to be rude, but I will have to say something about it to our server so the kitchen can fix the problem.
  15. Newbie here - I want to know what’s wrong with the Hollandaise. Lack of lemon? Does it break? I wonder if they’re trying to hold it too long. Do you think they’re using a dry mix?
  16. What time should I arrive for this feast? Sounds wonderful.
  17. Happy St. Pat’s Day! Sun in shining in Seattle this morning, but there is frost on the roof of the house across the street. We may reach 60 degrees tomorrow! The daffodils are opening and brightening the gardens.
  18. FYI - Off topic - I noticed this morning I was receiving emails from content I follow so there must have been a change on CC over night. I went into my notification settings and removed the check marks from “email” in a couple of the settings.
  19. December, QM2 TA. During the “Marigold” performances drinks were available and the little round tables were in place.
  20. Agreed with using Luggage Forward to make shipping all of the gala finery less of a burden. Super easy to do using the link from Cunard website.
  21. @Mareblu Thanks for the review of the Quercus wine. We will be sure to try it on QM2 in July as we love Pinot Grigio.
  22. Highly recommend Portsmouth. Pay close attention to the trains because there are frequent strikes. They are usually publicized well in advance. The forum posted by OhState1 is a great resource.
  23. Ditto on avoid lobster bisque, even in QG.
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