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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Now, this looks interesting. From one of the LIVEs I am following on the Princess boards. Wonder if I will be able to order them individually, and have it covered under my package?
  2. She couldn’t be a serious girlfriend, unless she got an official Daryl’s Crew shirt. Seven of these just came today. Back Front Yeah, all these years of cruising, and we will be one of “those” families with matching shirts. 🤣🤣
  3. When I first glanced at this, I thought someone put a Mrs Butterworth bottle on the shelf. 😏
  4. If I understand what you have done, is you took your pictures of their cruise compass all on the same date (say March 10), and you want to have them ordered with the photos taken on their actual dates (say March 2, March 3, etc.) What you may want to try, is to change the date on the pictures of their cruise compass, to match the date of the pictures you want them to display with. I use Apple products, but one of these methods may work with your Galaxy. On my iPhone, if I swipe upon the photo, it gives a basic list of metadata. On mine, it gives me an option there to adjust the date and time of the photo. If you have that option available on Galaxy, adjust the date of the cruise compass photo to the date of the photos you want it ordered with. Then, when you sort on date taken, or date modified (depending on how it works on your Galaxy) they should be in order. If your photos app doesn’t give you the option to modify the dates, you could look at an app like EXIF viewer. It will let you modify dates, as well as many other attributes in photos. Hope one of these works for you.
  5. Happy birthday to your grandson Brody. All of our grandkids had those smash cakes for their first birthdays. I will say that those years fly by.
  6. Our house is in the path, so we don’t need to go anywhere. Just waiting to see if any of the local bars start offering total eclipse drinks. School kids get out early to watch it, so it is possible we may end up with our grandkids for the event.
  7. Chuck Norris is 84 today. It is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. And for those that celebrate, it is π day. 🥧 Here is one for @Ozark_Kid
  8. Hope you don’t mind I broke my comments into two separate posts. We will definitely get a boarding day photo with everyone, although we will just use our free D+ photos to get our copies. If you remember my December Live, we had Daryl the floating pool llama along with us. He will also be with us on Utopia, and we had matching family t-shirts made with Daryl’s Crew for our boarding day picture. The grandkids insist he must come along. Thanks for your info on the Disney Parks. I have found a few of those sites, and have been researching. We are at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge for the week, and we do have the dining plan. As luck would have it, they were giving it free if you were a Disney+ subscriber. Since I have Disney+ as a perk of my phone plan, that was a good deal. I have a list of the restaurants we want, but those can’t be booked till 60 days out now. Park hours are released at 75 days, so I will have to see which ones have early access hours to plan what days to be at each park. They now have lightning lanes and virtual queues for rides, instead of fast pass. Now I have to figure how to get my watch synchronized to score a virtual queue in the ten seconds, or so, before they are gone for the day. Have my list of rides for each park that we want to try to get, but it still looks like we will have lines to wait in. From what I have read, I already think I prefer the way Universal was with their fast passes.
  9. Yeah Harry, a few hiccups on the launch of the Sun. They are doing the initial sailings in Europe, before bringing it to Ft. Lauderdale this fall. The inaugural cruise was to be a 10 day sailing on February 8th. Princess cancelled it with 10 days notice and said the second sailing on the 18th would be the new inaugural. They cancelled the 10 day sailing of the 18th, giving passengers only a 4 day notice. The problem was, many were flying to Europe and had quite a few non-refundable items like hotels, airfare, etc. So the third cruise, which was now the new inaugural set sail on the 28th, and many of the venues on the ship were still under construction during that sailing. They had some issues with leaking pipes that flooded one of the decks, so things were not going smoothly for that sailing. They are now on the next sailing, and some of the kinks are slowly getting worked out. They still have some venues that are incomplete, and it has been reported that some may not be available until April. I am sure this is not the launch that Princess had hoped for, and there were lots of comparisons to how smooth the Icon launch was. Sun looks like a nice ship, and the new Sphere class is different than other Princess ships we have sailed. It is about the size of Odyssey.
  10. If someone finds out that they are related to Mr. Rogers….. and their wife finds out she is related to Mr. Rogers…. does that mean that cousins married? Asking for a friend!😁😁
  11. Out to dinner tonight, and stopped at the Blackout Burger Bar, because someone was craving a burger. I guess it was because of too much healthy eating lately. My burger was piled high. Yes, that is bacon in there too. Bacon makes everything better.
  12. Another fantastic report, as always Harry. I will be looking for your next installment next January. By then, I may have two more lives under my belt. One will be a family one, when we take all our grandkids on Utopia, along with my daughter and her husband. That will be a different type of cruise for us, having young kids along. Then, we extend our Florida time to take our California grandson to Disney parks for a week. Lots more planning to do for Disney, so I may tag you for a few tips. Second live will be the new Sun Princess which we are on the first sailing after new year. Hopefully their disastrous launch will be far in the rear view mirror by then. Have a great time on your NYC vacation with the family.
  13. What it looks like at my house, so far this morning. It is 32°, with a winter storm advisory. One last chance to go…..
  14. That is what I hated, when I went to have a heart issue evaluated. Four different appointments, and was seen by four different doctors. And it seemed like they never read your file before you got there, and didn’t listen to what you told them. At least not until the 4th one. Hope that is the one I see for a follow up this year. No worries, I have been having an extra one for your sacrifice. Bloody Mary What is left of a kraken colada tonight. This last part was in reference to you giving up alcohol for Lent.
  15. Don’t tell me there are any downsides. I have one of those booked, although it will still be 302 days before I can report on it. By then, I trust everything will be running smoothly.
  16. Congratulations on the block. Maybe some day, we will get one for a ship we actually sailed.😂😂 Thanks, Lenny. Who do you think I am, Jack Benny? Thanks, Maryann. Wishing Jim a happy birthday too. Hope your cruise is great. You know what they say…… Thank you, John. Happy birthday to Caden. Happy birthday to Keith and Michael also. Wasn’t that underwater place at Clifton Heritage? I looked at that as a possibility to take our family when we are there in August. Problem is, both Susan and I are too old for the snorkeling there, and our grandkids are too young. No one under 12 or over 65. Thank you Andrew.
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