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Everything posted by European_CruiseGirl

  1. My family owned a tour company pre-covid (we were in business for 30 years, opening slowly again this summer) and we specialized in the later years almost solely on cruise ship shore excursions. And yes we have always had this type of guarantee to get our guests back to the ship on time. And I have seen it for many many other tour companies too around the world. What this guarantee meant for us was/is: 1. We are professionals, we know our stuff. Our tours are never planned so tight that there is a risk to get late back to the port. Our excursions always ended minimum 1,5 hours before all aboard. We constantly monitor the routes of our tours and are sure we know of the traffic conditions for example. We have extra vehicles that we could use in needed. 2. Our employees are professional, we know how to make sure we stay on schedule and we know how to handle people who might have the tendency of being always late, we don’t let our guests be late (there are ways of handling this gently but proactively, trust me). 3. Things happen, thats why we always have an extra pair or two pairs of hands available close by at any given time. You cannot imagine how often tour participants might for example experience health problems etc during a tour and you need to have someone to stay and help them (get them to the doctor, hospital, find a pharmacy, whatever). This won’t disrupt the tour for the rest of the participants if you have those extra pair of hands close by. 4. Still, things can happen. In the 30 years we were in business we had one (1) tour that missed the ship due to a very big road accident in a location that we simply could not pass. We had 14 people on our tour and yes we arranged everything for them: we contacted the ship to explain what was happening (professional, well established tour operators have good contacts with the harbour people) and arranged where the people could meet the ship, we made sure the people got their documents they needed and if someone had medicines only onboard the ship made sure they got them too. We arranged hotels for the night and transportation to the next port. Was it expensive? Of course but this is what a responsible tour company does. We never ever leave our guests in trouble. Which truly makes me wonder what that company was like that these people used. Most likely (I can only assume) this was a company who had no experience in cruiselines and had zero clue of all aboard time truly meaning all aboard. But still, what tour company leaves their guests in trouble. I honestly cannot understand. Tour companies live on being reliable and taking you back on time. You get a bad reputation really soon and really quick if you are not reliable and you don’t take care of your pax.
  2. Yes they do. Just ignore them and head to deck 6 aft to the smaller main dining rooms. Both are open. Deck 7 aft larger main dining room is not open.
  3. Getting back to my topic which I started almost a week ago. The number of passengers that missed the ship was much higher than the 60+ that I reported earlier. 120+ passenger got onboard at Belize and an unspecified number of people got onboard at Roatan (Roatan was not arranged by NCL rather people arranged their flights to Roatan without NCL as they didn’t want to wait one extra day to get onboard). Therefore it’s somewhat safe to assume that over 150 NCL passengers missed the Joy in Miami on 3/23/24. I will do a brief review of the whole cruise when I am back home. The internet is not the best we have experienced on NCL.
  4. First check in times at NCL Miami port are usually around 9:30AM. Based on my experience from yesterday nobody will check what check in time you have when you enter the port. However please notice that check in time does not equal to boarding time which does not equal to when you get to your cabin. Yesterday the Haven folks started to board at 11AM followed by 1) special assistance, 2) ambassador, sapphire and priority access 3) gold and platinum. We are platinum and boarded around 11:30AM. No idea how long it took after that for others to board. Most likely not very long. The cabins for Haven pax I assume were ready very quickly after 12PM. However for the rest of us it took long. Around 2:30PM they announced decks 8 and 14 to be ready followed by decks 13 and 15 just before 3PM. A bit after 3PM they announced that all cabins were ready.
  5. As I haven’t seen a thread about this yet on CC: just to report the situation that occurred yesterday in Miami. Miami experienced very bad weather this week on Friday and Saturday. Particularly Saturday was very bad with heavy rain and incredibly strong thunderstorms. On ”the other site” (which we cannot name here) people were yesterday writing about their situations being stuck on delayed flights to Miami. Some got to the port just around 4PM and were still able to board (sailaway was at 5PM) but at 4:10PM there were over 60 passengers at the port who were not let in anymore and had to watch the Joy sail away without them. Others didn’t even make it to port even at that time as flights experienced multiple delays yesterday. All of the passengers I heard of had flights booked by NCL. This cruise seems to have very many first time NCL passengers cruising (out of which I assume many were first time cruisers altogether) who had grabbed the opportunity of booking air through NCL which they felt the safest option to do. Flights were supposed to be arriving around noon at the latest but were delayed by several hours. NCL is trying to book people to fly to Belize which will be day 4 out of 7 of this cruise. Day 3 is Honduras and NCL says they have no options to fly people there. Some people are taking the Belize flights, others are throwing in the towel, some would be more than willing to fly to Belize but are not able to fly due to no passports (this is a closed loop cruise so BC was enough to cruise). An important reminder or two for us all: 1. Always fly a day or two before if you can. Flying NCL booked flights does not guarantee that the ship will wait for you. It won’t. Do not trust weather either. What are the chances of severe weather in Miami in March? Well, it happened. 2. Have a passport. Things happen and without a passport your options are limited. Take care everyone 🙏
  6. As others have already said the only way to get points is to cruise.
  7. It’s (per person) one appetizer, one soup or salad, one main course (with two sides, sometimes they allow more sides) and one dessert.
  8. I would like to know how they charge something if you are a no show if the place is a la carte. For a place like Teppanyaki I understand, they could just charge the cover. So in other words = for a la carte restaurants they definitely do not charge anything. I just yesterday needed to change a restaurant reservation and chatted with an NCL agent about it. As we are 3 I asked her to book for 4. She gave me this big lecture that as soon as we get on the ship I must go to the restaurant and tell that we are only 3. Otherwise we will be charged for a fourth person. That restaurant being Le Bistro. Didn’t start to argue with her but just laughed in my mind of the thought that if someone would try to charge something (they don’t) I’d point towards the empty chair and tell the waiter ”…and for my friend over here, he will just get some ice water, thank you”.
  9. We have never had our middle names (yes two, long ones) added on our cruise reservation. And they are never also on our flight tickets. Never had any problem as long as the last name and first name match with our passport first and last names. It would be actually impossible to have all my names added on the flight reservations/tickets as my first name + two middle names + last name are all together 45 character long 😅 The reservation systems simply don’t even allow that many characters on the name field. I should know, I worked over 20 years at different airlines reservations departments 🤭 Obviously our ESTA and such official documents include our middle names too and are 100% the same as in our passports. But for flight and cruise (and hotel reservations and such): only first and last name needed.
  10. It's been a while since we cruised NCL (we last cruised prior to covid) and I simply cannot remember what information the eDocs should include. We have purchased a dining (5 specialty dinners) and a soda package for our DD. Also we have upgraded our wifi minutes to unlimited wifi. On the eDocs I can see the upgraded wifi on "amenities" section as well as the Free at Sea promos. However on that same amenities section it doesn't mention DD's dinner or soda package. If it makes any difference we originally booked the cruise for 2023 and already then purchased the dinner and soda package for DD. When we needed to reschedule the cruise the packages were automatically transferred onto the new cruise which is now in March 2024. We didn't get any refund of those purchased packages then and they show as purchased on NCL's app and website when I check our reservation and its' purchased items so this shouldn't be a problem. Shouldn't... Is this however still something that I should talk with our PCC now in beforehand or is this normal that these purchased soda and dinner packages do not show on the eDocs? I have the best possible PCC in the world (in my opinion 😊) and he works extremely hard...so I'd rather not disturb him with a tiny question like this if this is normal.
  11. I would be very surprised if they didn’t have transfers available and disembarkation tours. The disembarkation tours are published only 50 days before cruise departure so you’ll have to wait quite long for those.
  12. Seriously. A 13 year old eating the same kids chicken strips or Mac and cheese as a 5 year old? Doesn’t matter if they are girls but still. That 13 year old deserves grown up food and not some 5 year old kids menu stuff. Please do that youngster a favour and let her have adult food. For sure if the 10 year old wants still those kids foods then she can eat them and give her adult food to the 13 year old (cannot imagine though she would either be very happy but anyway).
  13. It is indeed tough luck. If some or even all cruises would happen to be missing from the history they will not look back for more than one year. Not even if you’d have all the proof imaginable available that your now over 18 year old child sailed 20+ cruises with them starting from age 1.
  14. Nope. NCL never has any discounts on excursions, meal packages, wifi etc etc like for example RCI does. The price is what it is and the only way for it is up if they happen to update prices.
  15. Well op I have to disagree with you on that. NCL, like all other cruise lines with drink packages, estimate how many drinks a person has per day in average. Lets say it’s 10. Yes you are allowed to order two drinks at a time. But for the cruiseline it makes a major difference if you then drink those two by yourself or if you always give the second to someone else because you most likely will be able to drink 10 drinks per day (5 orders of 2 drinks at a time) but you most likely won’t be able to drink 20 drinks per day (10 orders of 2 drinks at a time). But if you are sharing the 20 drinks with another person you again drink only 10 drinks a day which is doable even when you get 20 of them with your package. See NCL doesn’t have a cap of drinks per day like other cruiselines might have. For HAL they allow 15 drinks per person per day for their drink package. So for HAL one could say it wouldn’t make a difference if you order 15 drinks and give 14 of them to your 14 new best friends. You have maxed out for the day regardless of who drinks those drinks that you get with your package. If you want more you pay. But NCL doesn’t have a cap. If you always order 2 drinks and then give one away to your friend you are effectively ordering per day double the amount you would otherwise. And that for sure matters for NCL.
  16. Bottled water is not included in the soda package. My DD loves sparkling water, she just gets club soda with her soda package and is completely happy. Still water she can always get from buffet for free (not in a bottle though). YMMV but I have noticed that NCL is very strict with the rules and no sharing is indeed allowed. This is particularly true for adults and with alcohol. For kids it seems to vary a bit: I have many times ordered a drink for myself and a mocktail for DD at the pool bar and have given both of our cards so they can charge her mocktail to her card. Some times they have just given her card back and said ”no need”. Other times they have promptly charged her card as they should. I’d say 90% of the time they charge the card and I fully expect that to happen 100% of the time I go to order.
  17. Ah yes indeed @Asawi! I checked my profile and the country is blank!
  18. OMG - I have been struggling with this payment problem for almost 2 weeks now and this address thing did the trick! One day approx 2 weeks ago I was doing happily shorex reservations and payments online through the NCL webpage and the next day (really, the next day) it just didn't go through anymore. I tried 5 different cards but always got a message of "try another card". I called NCL several times but to no avail - they couldn't understand what was wrong but said I am not the only person with this problem. I just happened to come across this old thread as someone had resurfaced it (thank you, thank you thank you!) and decided to try the address thing. Unchecked the "use the same billing address as on your file" or whatever it said and just manually added my address. And voila - it worked! Couldn't be happier. Thank you cruisecritic members again - you are fantastic! 🥰
  19. Answer to both is unfortunately no. The dining credits are tied to each person so his credits cannot be given to you. However I do believe there are several places where he might very well enjoy the meals. Italian restaurant for pizza/pasta. Seafood restaurant for fish and chips for example. Non alcoholic cocktails or juice does not belong to the soda package and cannot be substituted for the sodas. There is some free juice/lemonade/ice tea available from the buffet.
  20. As others have said: go to NCL app and do the bookings directly from there. It us very likely that you just got an employee who doesn’t have a clue. It would be highly unlikely that there are no tables available at 124 days. Either it is a computer glitch or an NCL employee glitch.
  21. I was suddenly logged out from my NCL app yesterday evening and cannot log in. I’m guessing it’s the highly incompetent NCL IT again and am waiting until Monday/Tuesday hoping they can work it out by then.
  22. Yes and thats why I said ”either as part of free at sea or if bought” 😉
  23. For a milestone sailing I would change to Silversea, Seabourn, RSSC or similar. Their entry level suites (= cabins) would provide a more luxurious experience than NCL Haven on the Pearl. Don’t get me wrong: the Pearl is lovely and it is a nice experience but I get the feeling that you op are looking for something luxurious and really special and you simply won’t find it on NCL Pearl Haven. Yes the prices can seem steep for those ultra luxury cruiselines but if you factor in what they include (for example RSSC even includes tips/service charges and shorex in their prices) then it isn't that expensive anymore. And as already mentioned you could book entry level at any of those cruiselines and get a better (= more luxurious) product than Pearl Haven.
  24. Underage kids get a soda package on NCL either as part of free at sea or if bought and it is just that, soda (including club soda). No mocktails, no juices, no specialty (non alcoholic) drinks like lattes, no milkshakes, no mineral water. Just soda (coke products on NCL). We have sailed almost exclusively on NCL out of the big cruiselines but just recently sailed with RCI Symphony of the Seas. I have a hard time convincing my teens to get excited about NCL after that experience…unfortunately. Yes there are slides at NCL but no shows like the multiple production shows on RCI. As mentioned the drink package for kids is very limited on NCL. They just fell in love with RCI.
  25. Butlers are of great value in bringing you your Haven breakfast to your suite. It’s a nice way to get your speciality breakfast but enjoy it in your suite. Same for dinners particularly if you travel with small kid/s. Put the kids to bed in the bedroom and enjoy your Ocean Blue etc dinner in your suite’s livingroom. Our favourite butler memory is though when we cruised during our country’s independence day. We had extended family with us. Some were in a suite while others were in balconies/insides. We wanted to host an independence day cocktail event to the whole extended family and our butler arranged everything (free of charge, the only thing we paid was cocktails and non alcoholic drinks which we asked him to bring to the suite). He decorated our suite (and even found from somewhere our country’s flag), arranged fingerfood, hors d’euvres, sliced fruits, cake. It was fantastic. We obviously tipped him accordingly.
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