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Everything posted by Paula_MacFan

  1. We use the largest suitcases allowed by the airlines and have never had a problem fitting them under the beds, including the Caribbean Princess. There is also a lot of space in the open closet area.
  2. We've done our share of Princess excursions in the past, as well as lots of exploring on our own. For some situations doing ship-sponsored tours is great and worth the money. Some people claim that independent tours are always cheaper/better/whatever, but I say do your homework and if it works for you, then go and have fun! 🙂
  3. You will be part of the excursion group for tendering on the Princess excursion. There's no need to worry about the process when you book a ship-sponsored excursion, which is one of the benefits of doing so at a tender port. Your tickets will be delivered to your stateroom and will explain where and when you'll meet your group. Then you'll tender together and there shouldn't be any extra waiting. If for some reason your ship isn't able to stop at this port due to bad weather or choppy seas, then your excursion will be automatically refunded since it's booked through Princess. Another benefit of booking ship-sponsored excursions at tender ports. I have tendered at Newport and it really wasn't a huge hassle 🙂 That New England cruise is one of my favorites in the fall.
  4. See the official excursion cancellation policy here: https://www.princess.com/legal/excursion_terms_conditions/ You didn't say if you were doing a land tour or just the cruise, but note there is a separate policy for Alaska land tour excursions vs excursions from the ship/cruise portion.
  5. I just checked ours and for all 3 upcoming cruises it is the same -- listed just above the flight info section.
  6. Agreed! I just took a small screen shot to share so the OP could see the Excursion Tab location 🙂
  7. The Excursion Details tab shows each specific step of the excursion, including type of transportation, travel time, amenities available such as restrooms and air conditioning, number of steps involved, and time at each location. You can also read reviews posted by other cruisers. It's been our experience that the tours match the descriptions pretty closely.
  8. Can't answer your questions until you've posted them, but in the meantime I'd direct you to this FAQ page which may help: https://www.princess.com/learn/faq/cruisetours/alaska-cruisetours/ This FAQ document may also help with travel times etc: CAB_Alaska.pdf
  9. Thanks for this! We board the Island in 3 weeks so I'm happy to hear some positive comments. Seems like everyone like to pile on the Island here so it's good to hear something nice for a change 🙂
  10. You beat me to it -- I was typing the exact same comment! We have a Ring camera which is super easy to install and use. There are many options on the market now that make monitoring your house a breeze. Having police drive by is ok, but give me video surveillance any day 🙂
  11. In the past I think it was much easier to walk up and get a table. Now with so many people booking packages with specialty dining or getting meals as part of booking promotions it seems a little harder. Point being what happened in the past may not be reflective of the current environment.
  12. They are located under the Journey View section on the app. Be forewarned however, that they may not be specific to your sailing. For our upcoming cruise (3 weeks away) the port guides are generic and don't match the actual pier where we are scheduled to dock in several ports.
  13. Good points and I only included the screen shot because some people miss that tab and don't realize it's there with the specifics 🙂 I just looked at my trip pictures to see if I had any of the bus and I don't. I do know it was definitely a modern tour bus and not a school bus. It had high-backed comfortable seats and many (most?) of the people on the bus fell asleep on the way back because we had to leave so early in the morning to align with the tides. Here is what I wrote in my tour diary for that day: 10/10/18 Wednesday/Saint John – We had to be at the theater by 7am to meet our tour, and were on the bus in the dark at 7:10. Last night we had to set the clocks up ahead by an hour. Got on the bus with our guide Rose and driver Orlean. Rose was very knowledgeable and kept us informed all day. Two hour bus ride to Hopewell Rocks in Fundy Provincial Park. Very pretty drive past many trees turning fall colors and some covered bridges. Arrived at Hopewell Rocks just in time for low tide and got to walk on the ocean floor and see the huge rock formations. Our Provincial Park guide John got on the bus with us and drove down to the staircase to the bottom by accessing a gate with a key -- nice to have special direct access. We took extra shoes and they had a shoe washing station, but it wasn’t too muddy if you walked on the rocks or gravel spots. Spent an hour here on the beach exploring. Then back to visitor center where we watched videos showing a huge rock slide and also how high the tide rises – 25 minutes to cover a person’s head. The tide changes 46 feet every 6 hours and 13 minutes, day in and day out. We looked around the visitor center on our own for awhile, then the tour provided boxed lunches. We had turkey sandwiches, chips, carrots, and pecan pie. Back to Saint John by 2:30 for all aboard at 2:45. We have to leave port on high tide or be stranded here. We saw ships on our tour that were in dry docks on the way to the park, then floating in water on our way home a few hours later. Very interesting sights unique to this area.
  14. I agree with the person who said a cruise is what you make of it! So many people will only post a review to complain, and not as many people post a glowing review. Also I think many people fail to do their homework and select an itinerary, ship, room, or other choices that don't align with their expectations. Example -- we are longtime loyal Princess cruisers, but early this year we sailed on NCL's Pride of America around Hawaii and had a phenomenal time. It was a trip of a lifetime and we couldn't have had a better time. Yet, if you read reviews of POA they are more negative than positive, primarily (IMO) because people fail to research and have unrealistic expectations. We have also sailed on the Caribbean Princess twice and had a wonderful time both times. Both were Caribbean itineraries. I wouldn't hesitate to sail that ship again. If you have found an itinerary that works for you, give it a try 🙂 Take the complaints with a grain of salt, plan out your time to the best of your ability, and enjoy!
  15. First let me say we have been on this excursion through Princess and it is excellent! I highly recommend you go. Yes, it's a long day, but you will see so much it is totally worth it. We were on a very nice modern tour bus, in no way was it a school bus situation. We had a professional driver and guide, and if I remember correctly there was a restroom on the bus. Of course this was pre-pandemic so things may have changed, but I would be highly surprised if they took you on this long of a tour on something primitive. You will get to see the tides go in and out which is phenomenal, then stop at the visitor center where they have a park ranger give an informative talk. We had plenty of time to explore the beach/rocks area, the overlooks, the visitor center, and use restroom facilities. They provided a boxed lunch which was very good as well. We've been on countless tours in our 20+ years of cruising and this is one we still talk about! Secondly, let me ask if you've looked at the excursion details on the Princess website? It does break down the day with travel times and if restrooms are available. I've attached the first part of the detail in a scree shot, but you can look at the rest on the website. It does appear that restrooms are available according to this. You shouldn't have any problem leaving your cushion on the bus. We were able to leave jackets, bags, etc with no problems as the driver stayed with the bus while we were away. https://www.princess.com/ports-excursions/saint-john-for-the-bay-of-fundy-canada-excursions/discovery-recommended-hopewell-rocks-and-tidal-discovery/?preserveScrollPosition=true
  16. Per the Princess website: https://www.princess.com/learn/cruise-destinations/cruise-ports-and-hotels/
  17. We have 3 booked cruises, one in 30 days. No email. Fail Princess!
  18. Amazing pictures and wonderful review! Thank you very much and I've enjoyed reading it 🙂 I especially welcomed your Hubbard Glacier excursion review and pictures as we have that booked for 2024.
  19. We're going to London next month for 4 days and then boarding a ship from Southampton visiting 8 countries. I plan to take some pounds and euros just in case. We have chip enabled credit cards but my fear is they get flagged for some potential fraudulent or out of territory activity and may not be usable. I've contacted my banks to let them know we're traveling but most said 'we don't need that information, you'll be fine'. They say that, but one time in Washington DC our card was flagged as potential fraud for out of area usage at a grocery store, so we had to use another one. If it can happen here in the US, I know it can happen overseas. I'd rather be safe than sorry 🙂
  20. Thank you for the very informative land and cruise review! We are doing a similar trip next May. Your information is very helpful and I enjoyed reading your report 🙂
  21. We were there 4 years ago on Princess NE cruise and they offered a shuttle for $20 per person. So that's not very current info -- maybe someone else can chime in with updated info.
  22. We were on an Eastern Caribbean cruise right before the covid shut down that turned out to be a music cruise put on by a group called Concerts At Sea. I didn't know about it before we booked and found out much later by happenstance. For our cruise they had specific bands aboard and many group-specific activities that were only open to people who paid for the group sailing. So every evening the Vista Lounge had this group's activities and Club 6 was booked up most nights as well. The Piazza music trended toward this group but of course that was open to all passengers. In retrospect it didn't ruin our cruise, but it definitely impacted it since we didn't have as many evening activities open to us, and we also noticed that large groups of people congregated in the open areas more so than on our other cruises -- i.e. people from the music groups tended to stick together and move about en masse. I wouldn't necessarily cancel just because of a group, but go in expecting that it will likely impact your sailing in some ways. Edit to say given the nature of the group and whole focus on dancing, I would expect those types of venues to be closed to other passengers off and on during the sailing. The Vista Lounge is usually one of our favorite venues on any cruise, but we didn't get to enter it at all on this cruise as it was used exclusively by the group.
  23. We are also cruising from Southampton in September. We have had our hotel booked for months now and every time I've checked lately our hotel is sold out. You might be paying higher prices now and/or be limited on choices. Princess does have pre-cruise hotel packages (see their website https://www.princess.com/learn/cruise-destinations/cruise-ports-and-hotels/) but you'll have to do the math and see if it makes sense. Keep in mind the prices are quoted per person based on double occupancy and are not priced per room. For transfers since you said you've booked on your own, log into the Personalizer and at the bottom of the 'Travel' tab you can book your own transfers both to and from the ship. They are $59 each way and are offered from both LHR and Victoria Coach Station if you choose to stay in London pre-cruise and don't want to go back to the airport. See screenshot attached. Again for your excursion choices -- I'm afraid those may be limited too. Many excursions for our September cruise from Southampton have been sold out for months now.
  24. I'm not sure if that was directed to me since I was responding to the person who asked about how to book land tours for the cruise tour. The land tours that aren't included in the package are listed in the Personalizer. Since the Denali History Tour and associated Wilderness Tours are part of the cruise tour package, they are not listed on the Personalizer. You have to contact Princess directly to make changes to tours included in the package. If I misunderstood your post then I apologize and you can ignore.
  25. Land tours can be booked from the Personalizer online when they become available. For our cruisetour in May 2024 the land tours aren't available yet but the cruise excursions are and we've already booked those. To upgrade your Denali land tour just call Princess. It took a 3 minute phone call for me to upgrade our tour with my CVP. Pretty easy.
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