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Everything posted by Paula_MacFan

  1. That's great news! Thanks for the up to date report 🙂 We board next month so I'm glad to hear things have improved from prior reports.
  2. I agree, some of the independent excursions I've found have actually been priced higher than our cruise excursions for the same offering. Also many of our excursions have gone way up in price since we booked them, and we're still 6 months out from our trip.
  3. I think some others have posted about this recently too. You can add transfers after the booking is complete. I think they took away the hold feature a few months ago as well. Too bad, I liked to use it and then have my CVP complete to get their credit. If memory serves they took away the hold feature not long after announcing record bookings for next year. Maybe they feel they don't need it now with high demand?
  4. Agree with you 100% We were on the Island for 12 days last month and found her in good shape and had a great time. That ship does the unique itineraries so if you want to go to those places then the Island is the ship 🙂 We use the luggage tags ordered from Amazon. We've had the same ones for years and they've held up well. For the little money they cost they've provided peace of mind that our luggage will not be misdirected. We also use Samsung Smart Tags in our luggage to track their location when traveling. These are comparable to Apple Air Tags for Apple users. It's fun to watch your luggage move along and when they are loaded onto the ship the maps shows them 'floating' in the water 🙂 We aren't door decorators but we've seen people do it over the years. I find temperature is a very personal thing. I'd advise bringing a light cover up so you're comfortable in any setting.
  5. Thanks for the excursion info! We have that same one booked in January.
  6. Yep, but didn't find any. Some people just attach them but don't name them. Also since they aren't technically called 'Patters' anymore (that's the old school name) some people just call them daily schedules, etc. Did you try searching 'Patters' and have any luck? I just didn't want to spend 30 minutes going page by page if there weren't any within. I wasn't asking for them to be re-posted, but a simple yes or no there are any included.
  7. Thank you, I'll start looking. Just didn't want to waste a bunch of time if there weren't any 🙂
  8. I don't have the fortitude to search through all 80 pages of this thread -- are there any Patters within? Thanks
  9. I don't have the fortitude to search through all 82 pages of this thread -- are there any Patters? Thanks
  10. We sail in January and I'm planning to download the new app as soon as it comes out. I have screen shots of my specialty dining reservations from the old app just in case 🙂 Other than that I always take a printed copy of the Travel Summary anyway, so we should be fine. On our cruise last month I only used the app for ordering room service and once for crew chat. I agree with others about the wonky names Princess uses. I'm glad they're moving away from calling it the 'Medallion Class' app as it seemed to confuse so many people about functionality with the actual medallion. Fingers crossed the new app is way better.
  11. We have sailed from Galveston many times since 2005 on both Princess and RCI and have never experienced the problems recently reported. We have a Regal cruise booked for January 2024 so I hope they get the issues ironed out soon.
  12. Asking questions about a review is not being snarky. Questioning the factual accuracy of a review is not snarky. People come here to research and get information for their own travels. Passing along incorrect information is not helpful to anyone. I've been a member here for 20 years and I don't need you to lecture me on 'kindness'. But thanks and have a nice day 🙂
  13. I was referring to this comment: Since we are Platinum and had booked a suite..... And this: We booked this cruise directly through a Travel Consulting Company that we signed up with last year and got a really good price compared to booking directly with Princess. In my industry when you capitalize something it refers to a name, so I read it as the name of your TA.
  14. I have so many questions about this review but I gave up trying to quote each one. Mariner deck, Grand Spirits, assigned boarding time, suite perks for mini suites, mentioning the TA, double paying gratuities, Chops dining, etc...... Maybe I'll just go get some Thanksgiving leftovers and forget about it 🙂
  15. We have those too. They were much thicker and better quality than the thin blue ones. Also still have some blue suite laundry bags -- we use those on about every trip 🙂
  16. We just returned from a European cruise last month. We had no cell service anywhere on our Samsung Android phones as our carrier doesn't offer foreign service. We knew this ahead of time so planned to use email & FB messenger to stay in touch with loved ones back home (which worked fine BTW). Imagine our surprise when we started receiving texts from home once we connected to the ship's wifi. Worked fine the whole cruise. In general internet speeds were amazing compared to prior cruises. So much so I did a live from thread that I would never have bothered with under the old internet.
  17. We've had our Alaska excursions booked with Princess for months and most of them are sold out already. From what we've heard it's record setting bookings for next year and some outfitters are taking reservations for 2024 already.
  18. Are you logged into the Personalizer? It shouldn't be too early to book -- we've had our May Alaska excursions booked for quite awhile now. If you're logged in to your account it should show available excursions by port. Does it give you an error message when you click on the selected excursion?
  19. I would caution you against relying too much on the Port Guides in the app and on the TV staterooms. On our European cruise last month there was a lot of incorrect information on the Port Guides such as references to the wrong dock area, amenities offered, and available shuttles and excursions. I echo the other posters' suggestions to do some research on your own in advance and make some plans accordingly. I've found a simple Google search will typically reveal an official website with schedules for most ports. Then you can determine exactly where you'll dock and see what options you have outside of ship tours. In some ports a ship's excursion makes sense, and in others you can easily do plenty of activities on your own. Good luck in your planning 🙂
  20. I don't have experience to share regarding Black Friday, but we have used EZ Air many times with no problems. We just came back from Europe using EZ Air and saved a bunch on our first class flights. With flexible fares there's really no downside to booking. If you see a good fare over Black Friday weekend, then book it. One of the best things IMO about EZ Air flexible fares is the ability to re-fare. I check our airfare every single day and have re-fared many times when the price dropped. Super easy to do yourself on the personalizer.
  21. We have a bunch too, and they are so light weight that I leave several in each suitcase. They come in handy for many uses while traveling and not just cruising 🙂 I haven't seen any new ones given out since the restart.
  22. Thank you! This was our exact experience last month on the Island too, yet some here argued that we'd 'never' be told to do such a thing. Enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  23. Here are the screens in order on my app. Are you saying on the last screen you only have the option for MDR?
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