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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Yes we went to Molde, Norway last August. It was one of the few bad weather days.
  2. @Crazy For Cats Good morning everyone. We maybe went to bed too early last night as I woke up at 11:00 and struggled most of the night to get back to a sound sleep. Of course right before you need to get up it’s deep zzzzzzzz time. More rain yesterday but most of it missed us otherwise we would had heavy rains again. More opportunities later today. No matter what the weather it will still be LAUNDRY DAY! Maybe we have been to too many places because I want to say we went to Molde last year but will have to to some research. No on the tattoos it’s just not my thing and will leave it at that. Two days and the granddaughters and daughter will arrive. Today is my oldest son’s birthday and I remember the happiness, pride and joy of that day in Bitburg, Germany, 42 years ago. Sandi thanks for getting us started, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for your loyal contributions. Have a great week everyone. Bruce
  3. Good morning. Well, we had more torrential downpours yesterday afternoon and the Wi Fi and cable got a work out with six power blips. More of same in today’s forecast. Feel sorry for those on vacation here but bad weather usually drives folks to local stores to shop which bolsters our local economy. As usual I need to get ready for church. Will pray for those on the Daily list and have a few more on my personal list. More prayers of thankfulness that surrounds our lives. Flew into Busan on a military mission years ago and I remember it was freezing cold at 3 AM! Have a great Sunday and thanks for the reports.
  4. Seven power blips and resets and lots of rain. We are in the zone and the rain continues.
  5. Didn’t apply to anyone on the Daily but there’s a couple out there.😁
  6. Our Onward cruise in March was pretty much perfect. We had booked same cabin we will have on World Cruise. Have no issues other than balcony chairs. Atlas Bar was very popular and quite often SRO.
  7. We’ll be practicing our hurricane evacuation routes!😎
  8. Good morning! Thank you Sandi for filling in for Rich. We were just in La Coruna but we visited Santiago over an hour away. Drink of the day I’ve had on Hal, where they add smoke to the drink for flavoring. Quite the show if you haven’t seen the bartender concoct one. We really got deluged with heavy rains yesterday. Some areas received over a foot of rain! We have a good chance of receiving more today. We enjoyed a “treat” meal yesterday where we grilled 4 small lamb chops, split a sweet potato and crunchy cabbage salad. No wine!☹️ I believe it’s this coming week that life will perk up around here when the seven and three year old granddaughters arrive. The seven year old will stay an extra week. That may require a bottle of wine or two! Thanks for the post and may all of you have a great weekend. Bruce
  9. Good morning. Awoke to a thunderstorm and heavy rain. Have not had to use sprinkler system in a couple of weeks so water bill will be down. We will visit New Guinea next year. Still dieting but weight is now coming off slowly but being eighteen less pounds then I was a couple of weeks ago encourages me to continue and lose more. There will be no morning walk for awhile as storm continues. @RedneckBob Are you sure you’re recipe does not include a liberal amount of hot sauce? Thanks for the reports and here is today’s comics page.
  10. I believe you. I remember, what you have mentioned, also being discussed on CC over a year ago and that is why I brought it up to HD Vogel. We really enjoyed our Onward cruise and look forward to January; just not sitting in those uncomfortable chairs.
  11. No issues. I mentioned this on our March Onward cruise and was told by HD Elisabeth that Tony Marley would have never said this but a year later no resolve. Maybe some day but do not look forward to sitting on those fiberglass hard formed shell seats for a 155 days on the World Voyage! Looks like that is the way it will be.
  12. All we can do is to continue to complain about the balcony chairs. HD Vogel ordered them she should have the authority to replace them in line with the rest of the fleets balcony furniture.
  13. Good morning. Currently 73 degrees and it will reach 89 later in the day. It’s our church small group night so I need to do some more reading and preparation. Life has been rather routine and blah with both of us dieting. For two days I have remained the same weight so those old fat cells are clinging on but I’m hungry and sticking to it. We have been to beautiful Moorea and are scheduled to return next year on the World Voyage. My brother-in-law belongs to a barbershop quartet in Michigan and they travel around quite a bit. Very good harmony and I enjoy listening. Thanks to all who make the Fleet Report and Daily a regular part of our daily lives. Prayers for those in need as we race through this week at what seems warp speed. Bruce
  14. Submitted for upcoming first Seabourn cruise and confirmed in 12 hours $250.00 OBC. Our broker and financial advisor still laud our decision of buying 100 shares years ago. If one cruises a lot it’s a no brainer. I’m
  15. Great memories as we did this excursion and enjoyed lunch an entertainment at this hacienda. Thanks.
  16. Do the verandas still have the hard uncomfortable fiberglass shell seats or have they been replaced with the more standard chairs? Thanks for sharing your cruise.
  17. Good morning. Watched footage yesterday of the flooding in Vermont. My home town Montpelier really was flooded. The town looks the same but of course many of the businesses have changed. My old home is far enough away from the North Branch and Winnooski rivers that it shouldn’t be affected but downtown area is another story. Currently 76 here and sounds like most of the day will be overcast. Have some banking chores this morning and need a trip to local hardware store for some items. Hitchcock quote is terrible and murder is wrong anywhere and anytime. I have special bonding with cows as I have a Bovine aortic valve that replaced my original. Wife does state I moo in my sleep now and then but I do feel slight guilt when being carnivorous! Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Vanessa and Rich thanks for your loyal postings. Have a great Hump Day everyone. Bruce
  18. Good morning! A very nice 76 degrees this morning which is forecasted to rise up to 89 F with a chance of an afternoon shower. Saw pictures yesterday of my long ago state of Vermont and there are many places flooded including my home town. Have been to Cabo several times most recently in April. Had fun making Salsa and drinking tequila. Graham those were some rather plump rabbits in your beautiful yard. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood so I believe I’m going for a walk before it gets too hot. Thanks for the reports and have a great day. Bruce
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