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Everything posted by donaldsc

  1. You left off your espresso machine. Don't laugh. There was a recent post that I read somewhere that a couple tried to bring their full sized espresso machine on the ship. DON
  2. They are not tame. They are human habituated. There is a difference. " the process of people or animals becoming used to something, so that they no longer find it unpleasant or think it is a threat: Increased sightings of coyotes are the result of habituation, as coyotes become accustomed to humans and unafraid of them." DON
  3. https://northpacificcannery.ca/. Also there is also a great museum in town. We spend 2 or 3 days in Prince Rupert when we got off the Alaska Marine Highway ferry in Prince Rupert on our AK driving trip. Loved the place. DON
  4. We were in Australia a few years back on a land trip and we did a 10 day or so outback tour. Most of the people on the tour were Australians but there were 4 Americans - us and another couple. We did not want to be the ugly American in either a positive or negative sense so we asked the Australians what the tipping protocol was. Remember this was a 10 day tour so we were close to the 2 guides for an extended period. The Australians said that the guides were well paid so no tips were necessary but buying a few rounds of beer at the last day would be a nice gesture. We did not tip but we did [ay for some beer. None of the Australians tipped. The other American couple tipped. DON
  5. We are now on a Viking cruise. We have been tipping $5 for the 2 of us for one of their 2 - 3 hour tours and we just tipped $10 for the 2 of us for a very good 6 hour tour. Because the driving was very difficult we also gave the driver $5. I saw some people who tipped $2 or $3 for this tour. IMHO they should be ashamed of themselves.. DON
  6. He almost certainly knocked and you did not respond because you were sleep, Since you did not respond he assumed that the cabin was empty and came in to do whatever he had to do. You could have just woken up and asked him to come back later, This could happen on any cruise line. You are over VERY much over responding. Did you actually "run" him out of the cabin? What did you think that he was going to do to you? DON
  7. I asked them and they confirmed in writing that they will. However as you suggest I have my doubts. Plan B is to go to the airport and read. I have plenty of books on my Kindle. I will report on CC when I return. It is obviously easier for them to do it on a river boat with only a few passengers as opposed to a much larger cruise ship. DON
  8. One learns something new everyday. Thanks. DON
  9. Are you sure about that? I have been to Deception Bay and I do remember the volcano and sitting in a hot pool and also remnants of a whaling station but I do not remember a Chilean research center. My trip was maybe 12 years ago so this may have changed. However this is a list of the Chilean research stations from Wikipedia and it does not show Deception Bay. DON al List of Chilean Antarctic Bases: Name Country Location Type Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Chile King George Island P Base General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme Chile Antarctic Peninsula P Base Capitán Arturo Prat Chile Greenwich Island P Base Professor Julio Escudero Chile King George Island P Estación Polar Científica Conjunta "Glaciar Unión" Chile Union Glacier S Base Yelcho Chile Doumer Island S Base Doctor Guillermo Mann Chile Livingston Island S Base Presidente Gabriel González Videla Chile Paradise Bay S Base Carvajal Chile Adelaide Island S Refugio Julio Ripamonti Chile Ardley Island S Refugio Luis Risopatrón Chile Robert Island S Refugio General Jorge Boonen Rivera Chile Duse Bay S Refugio Collins Chile Collins Bay S
  10. This is not relevant to an Azamara cruise but we did a Viking riverboat cruise last fall. We had to vacate our cabin by 8 AM but our train to Paris did not leave until 2 PM. They said that we could stay on board until it was time for us to leave for the train station and even have lunch on board or else leave the luggage on board and wander around Lyon and then come back to pick up our luggage. We chose the former. We are leave on a Viking ocean cruise tomorrow and we have the same problem as our flight out of Puerto Rico does not leave until 4 PM. I asked Viking if they have the same policy on their cruise ships and they said that they do. We shall see. DON
  11. Was it loud enough to complain to the hotel about this issue? DON
  12. Knowing that Lada Lada was going to be on the cruise would make it absolutely certain that I would cancel. DON
  13. Neither. Coral is correct about Juneau which is were we did it. Other people on CC have said that Icy Strait is also a good place to see whales. DON
  14. You have to be kidding. Please tell me that you are not serious about your question. DON
  15. For some people a $99 per night inside cabin on Carnival is what they are looking for. For others a several thousands of dollars per night in the owner's suite on a luxury cruise line is their style of cruising and if they can't have the owner's suite they won't cruise. They are both right. You pay for what you want for what you can afford. There are lots of adventure cruises that go to inhospitable and difficult-to-get-to places that cost as much as $40,000 for a 10 to 12 day cruise. I would gladly take one of those cruises if my budget and more important my wife would let me do it. DON
  16. What is so silly about the idea. I think that it is great idea. Often my wife wants to watch something on TV in the cabin and I am not interested in what she is watching. I would not be able to avoid the annoyance of the picture but at least I would not have to be bothered by the sound. DON
  17. Are you seriously considering flying Southwest? Just ask the people that Southwest sc****ed if they would ever fly on that airline again? DON
  18. The moderator may feel that he has to delete this and I know the rules about recommending TAs. However a Google search will lead you to TAs that do only Antarctica cruises. That is how I booked my Falklands and S. Georgia cruise a few years ago. They will be able to answer all of your questilns if you find the right Antarctica TA. DON
  19. You can't get to Eielson now because the road is closed at mile 39. Considering the problems this causes I am not certain if I would even take the trip into the park now but then I have been to Denali several times. DON
  20. donaldsc

    Atlas Bar.

    That was the point of the library. It was a pleasant place to be when you wanted to read or just relax. I would spend hours there on sea days. The ship really did not need yet another bar. DON
  21. To me it makes absolutely no sense to take one of the excursions to Rome from Civitavecchia. Assume that your port time is 8:00 to 5:00 which means that you theoretically have 9 hours in port except that you will hopefully get off the ship and onto the buses by 8:30 and have to be back at the ship by 4:30 at the latest. That means that you have a total of 8 hours tour time. The bus rides to and from Rome will be 3 to 4 hours leaving you 4 to 5 hours to see all of Rome. Does this pay or make any sense. I have never done a cruise w a Rome port stop as the few times we were in Rome we were there for several days but I have to assume that there are places closer to Civitavecchia that are worth seeing. If you want to "see" Rome don't do it off a cruise. DON
  22. Whenever I have a question about my Viking cruise I go to the chat box on their WEB site and get my answer immediately. Viking is very good at this. Try using chat. DON
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