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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. As some may know, I am perennially depressed by some of the reviews of Cunard voyages I read, which seem to be about different ships from the ones I sail on. But now I am baffled. There is a rather lukewarm review of a voyage on QM2 in July, which is described as British Isles and Western Europe. According to my brochure, QM2 didn’t do such a voyage in July. Was there a last minute change or what? Can anyone elucidate?
  2. Would you say the QGs menus were better than in May?
  3. If you want water, there’s plenty outside at present. Very fresh.
  4. Well, when you think the ship takes on water at every port, you would obviously be exposed to a variety of mineral content. However, everything is overwhelmed by the high level of chlorination.
  5. Thank you. Actually, I do like the taste of Thames. It all shows there is no necessary distinction between the mineral content of mineral water and so called ‘regular’ water. They both vary.
  6. But mineral water is just regular water, with naturally occurring minerals, which vary according to where it comes from. I don’t think they are added. Malvern water is what comes out of the spring in Malvern, for example. Isn’t that correct?
  7. My goodness, if water is this complicated, I can understand why wine needs so many experts.
  8. I think Southampton is not really comparable. Most of the ships that call there are disembarking almost all their passengers and embarking a totally different lot. It is not really a place people visit for its own sake, for some reason. This means at certain times there is huge pressure on taxis and a lot of traffic in the area round the docks. It probably has a limited effect on the pubs and shops half a mile away, as most of those passengers will not linger.
  9. I think the mineral water varies. We have had three different types supplied to our cabin in a voyage of less than a fortnight. And mineral water seems one of the things they do take on board at ports other than Southampton. Is seltzer water mineral water?
  10. exlondoner


    Oh dear. Was she about to depart anyway? Hope everything is OK
  11. I can understand discontent if the waiters find themselves less well off. But, really, the idea that they are only likely to be enthusiastic because they get the individual tips seems terribly patronising and very sad.
  12. Nonetheless, it should be for Cunard to make absolutely sure passengers new to the QG know what they are paying for. On our first trip, I had no idea what they really meant by ‘Is the menu all right?’ (Mind you if you’d seen the 8 page alc menu, you would find it hard to think of anything else.) A single sheet attached to the letter of introduction from the Grills Concierge would do it. It could end by saying, ‘Do please ask if there is anything else you would like.’
  13. Yes, it took me a long time to realise that when the Maître d came and asked if the menu was OK for tonight, he was actually asking if I wanted them to make me something different.
  14. Yes the worst weather we ever had was in August. Despite Captain Hazell taking QE2 600 miles off course to avoid the worst, we still had Force 9 winds and very lumpy seas. Over a thousand people missed breakfast that Sunday, and all sang ‘For those in Peril on the Sea’ with extra fervour.
  15. A win-win then. Cunard must have received massive negative feedback.
  16. I have enjoyed every cruise we have done on Cunard and am a lot poorer for it. However, if even half the reports on this board are accurate, one thing that comes across quite clearly is that the experience is not consistent. Partly that may be down to some passengers having an aggressive manner, which shouldn’t make a difference, but, human nature being what it is, inevitably does. But I suspect it is mainly down to some staff being much more competent and agreeable than others. I am not sure that the management keep a tight enough grip on this. Having said this I have found the vast majority of crew efficient, friendly, and very kind.
  17. Going westbound at 23+ knots into a strong breeze is equivalent to a strong wind, probably a gale. It’s not likely to be lounging weather, even if the air temp is quite warm.
  18. I Should imagine most of the suitcases will stay full so nesting will not work.
  19. We don’t have Sky, thank goodness. I would have expired from stress sometime during the afternoon if I had been watching it.
  20. Of course, nobody knows why someone is leaving the room, unless they announce it. Those whom you assume disapprovingly are leaving to go to the loo may in fact be slipping outside to use their phone on an urgent matter, as they have no wish to annoy fellow dinners.
  21. But it didn’t rain too much at the Oval. 🙂🙂🙂
  22. How very unsympathetic. How do they stop them? I remember at school, my best friend was trying to rush out of some function in the main hall because she was suddenly about to be sick. The hideous senior house mistress tried to stop her, so my friend was sick over her instead. 🙂
  23. Though I’ve rarely experienced it, I don’t think the lack of charm from the Purser’s staff is new. People have been complaining about it for years.
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