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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Unfortunately not that I can see. We are doing a transatlantic cruise late April that ends in Rotterdam (originally Amsterdam). Then flying to Germany. It would be cost prohibitive to fly to Germany and back sometime earlier, then cruise and fly back to the US. And I think our current flights are non-refundable. We have trip insurance but I don't think the family relationship is close enough to qualify.
  2. @RMLincoln I'm surprised DS's passport hasn't arrived yet. If I recall, we submitted our forms online almost the same day.
  3. Just spoke with BFF. The patriarch of his family in Germany (his Uncle) was just diagnosed with cancer, and may not make it to our visit in May. So sad. He and his wife were so welcoming to me on my first visit in 2003. Sadly she died in 2017, but we were able to make a special visit to see her before she passed. Although he didn't speak much English, he seemed to understand things, and we got on well. He always sent greetings to me when BFF talked to him on the phone.
  4. Good Saturday morning. It's best not to cry over spilled milk. I've made new friends here on the Daily. I salute inventors, who make life better for us. I like the Brigham Young quote: “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, but yes to the wine (if someone else buys it due to $$$). I've been around Cape Horn on my SA/Antarctica cruise in 2019. It's 30F this AM, going up to 44F and dry. I woke up at 2AM and 4AM, but fortunately went back to sleep both times. No big plans, just more decluttering. My alarm guy came by and I'm going to update my system so I can disarm or arm by my phone or a fob (I was having trouble seeing the keypad). I forgot to mention that I got my Prevnar20 pneumonia vaccine yesterday. @cat shepard Thank you for starting us up today. @aliaschief Sorry to hear SIL is missing all those ports. Thanks for the great sunrise pics. @grapau27 I hope you and Pauline remain negative. @rafinmd It sounds like you're making progress, although it would be nice to sleep longer. @mamaofami Good news on all the medical appointments. @kazu I'm sure you think Spring can't come fast enough, with your weather. @ger_77 That's a nice thing to do for your friend. @dfish Thanks for the recipes, and enjoy your dinner this evening with friends. @StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! We'll be looking for you on sail-away. @smitty34877 Good job on walking to the grocery store. @marshhawk Wow on that sale; at her age and what it takes to get to the music, that's dedication! Prayers for the Care list and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone. Copied from Dec 18, 2021 Cape Horn, from the Zaandam, December 26, 2018 Cape Horn Lighthouse Station and Wooden Chapel Albatross Monument, a memorial to sailors who lost their lives rounding Cape Horn Seas getting rougher in the Drake passage
  5. Today’s care list: RIP Cat Shepard’s nephew 2/4/23 RIP Bennybear’s aunt 2/5/23 Cruising-along’s worsened lab result Roy slowly getting back to normal Cruising sister’s painful hand surgery Kochleffel with positive Covid test Cruzn single lung problems 20,000+ deaths after Turkish & Syrian earthquakes Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Marshhawk’s abnormal scans Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: Tupper10’s son doing well after surgery Luvteaching’s DH out of hospital and back in rehab facility Bon Voyage StLouisCruisers! Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14 7 days for Seasick Sailor (Koningsdam 2/18 to 3/25) 7 days for 57redbird (Koningsdam 2/18 to 3/25) StLouisCruisers (Sky Princess to 2/18) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena to 2/19), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore to 2/12), 0106 (Rotterdam to 2/15), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  6. Busy day on the Daily. @grapau27 I'm amazed there's a carousel on a cruise ship! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for checking in and I'm glad you arrived safely. I'll look for you tomorrow as you sail away! Bon Voyage! @Cruising-along I'm glad you got those stitches out. Cute kittens! @ottahand7 Good to hear you're back home in your cabin.
  7. I'm back from appointments. GI thinks I'm doing pretty well, with reduced stomach complaints. Rheumatology also gave a fairly good report since my eye flares are about once a month and my hand joints have quieted after skipping that one dose of medication in November. I'll get an injection for my hip bursa, but there wasn't time today, so I have to go back. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the photos from Gambia and posting Sandi's photos; it makes us realize how much we all have here. @cruising sister You had surgery! Don't try to tough it out without taking some pain medication. @tupper10 Good to hear that the epidural is helping. Prayers that your son only needs antibiotics. @Cruising-along Hopefully your doctor will have a plan to stabilize the kidneys; does she want you to see a Nephrologist? I'm sure this is all hard to take in. @marshhawk Good that your doctor is sending you to a specialist about the lung nodules. Have you heard anything about Fern? @cruzn single Welcome back to the Daily. Sorry to hear about the air quality in Hawaii and it's effect on your lungs. Feel better! @0106 Great photo! @Cruzin Terri Nice photo and I'm glad you got sunglasses. Sorry to hear the rough seas may interfere with your itinerary. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad you're getting some help with the cleaning. Rest up until you leave. @grapau27 Welcome home. Thanks for the photos from your vacation. @ottahand7 So sorry you're still not in your cabin, and all the issues with the one they put you in. I'm glad your shore excursion was good, at least.
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Hopefully no umbrella needed here today, I like flannel shirts and sheets when it's cold, and I've never played cribbage. Fun quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. The wine sounds like something I'd like. I haven't been to Banjul. I'll look forward to any photos posted. We broke a record here, getting up to 70F yesterday! Today it's cooler (39F) and cloudy. I have Rheumatology and Gastroenterology appointments this morning. I'm trying to remember any questions I want to ask. @kochleffel Thanks for starting us up, Paul. Good to hear that the Paxlovid is working. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels today. @seagarsmoker Congrats on the upgrade! @cat shepard Thank you for adding the maps. @marshhawk I hope you get good news about the scans. @rafinmd I'm sure it seems like progress is very slow, but it will come. Continue to get rest and not push yourself too much. @aliaschief Gorgeous sunrise! So sad about the swimmer drowning, especially with warning flags out. @AncientWanderer I hope you feel better. These days I'm anxious every time I sneeze or cough, even though I'm still masking. @kazu Ugh on the freezing rain; that's the worst. Stay inside and safe. Prayers for the Care List and for all who need them. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  9. Today’s care list: RIP Hal Sailer’s DSIL 2/3/23 RIP Cat Shepard’s nephew 2/4/23 RIP Bennybear’s aunt 2/5/23 RIP Burt Bacharach Cruising-along’s worsened lab result Joy’s painful diagnosis & little doctor advice Roy slowly getting back to normal Cruising sister's hand surgery yesterday Tupper10 epidural yesterday Kochleffel with positive Covid test 20,000+ deaths after Turkish & Syrian earthquakes Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Marshhawk’s friend in a coma after falling Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: Cat Shepard’s good dermatologist report Tupper10’s son doing well after surgery Luvteaching’s DH out of hospital and back in rehab facility Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14 1 days for StLouisCruisers (Sky Princess 2/11 to 2/18) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena to 2/19), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore to 2/12), 0106 (Rotterdam to 2/15), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  10. I didn't do anything special. I just clicked right below what she wrote where it says how many comments there are. Scroll up a bit to where the comments show, and after the last one there's a box to enter a comment. I didn't want to sign up for anything, so it posts as anonymous and I put my CC name at the end. Are you on a PC or phone? Perhaps that makes some difference.
  11. Kathi @Scrapnana has updated her blog. https://2022-2023hal.blogspot.com/
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will celebrate national pizza day, although I may try a cauliflower or chicken crust to reduce the carbs. No thanks to a toothache! I shower, so no reading in the bathtub. Funny quote. The soup looks good. Pass on the drink, but yes to the wine. I've been to Athens, although not on a cruise, and pre-digital photos. It's already 50F here, but rain and high winds later. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today and our lists. I'm glad the computer is working better. Nice photos from Piraeus. Safe travels tomorrow! @0106 Great views of the Pitons. @rafinmd Slow and steady progress, Roy. @cat shepard Good news on nothing found at the Dermatologist! @aliaschief Another great sunrise. @ottahand7 I hope you get back in your cabin soon, although with no smells or anything to irritate your asthma. @kochleffel Paul, sorry to hear about the positive Covid test. I hope you're feeling relatively well and that the Paxlovid helps. @Seasick Sailor When I sailed from LA to Hawaii there was some motion, but not bad. Initially it was cooler and windy on the decks when I tried to walk. I think your doctor's response wasn't great, not giving you much help. @smitty34877 I hope Tana is having better nights. @kazu Nice to see you here. Good to hear no cast and no splint! Good luck with the careful physio. How about I put you on the Care List rotation? @marshhawk Good news that DH's eye feels better. @Heartgrove I'm glad Sue is feeling better. Good job on rebooking that Carnival cruise that didn't sound too interesting. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Try to stay well everyone.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Is the doctor doing tests? Renal US? Do you have any history of kidney stones? New meds? I'm sure DSIL already asked all these questions. Prayers the cause is found so it can be treated.
  14. Even if there's nothing more to be done than what you mentioned, the doctor or his/her nurse should still call you, especially with results that weren't normal.
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute Boy Scouts, never flew a kite, and like opera a little. True quote. I like the meal and drink. Pass on the wine. I have not been to Luanda. It's in the 40's and sunny so far today. It's nice to see the sun, although rain and wind is coming overnight. I was so drowsy yesterday, and went to bed early, with a good night's sleep. I had my Cardiology appointment today. Everything looks pretty good, but he wants me to have another stress test. Then this afternoon my alarm system person is coming by; I want to update my 20+ year old system. So, after yesterday, BFF and I have flights to FLL, then Amsterdam to Stuttgart, and finally Frankfurt to PA. @StLouisCruisers Thank you again for starting us up and our lists. @ottahand7 Sorry that your original cabin smells awful (not good for someone with asthma) and the location of the temporary one. @lcand1923 Those flea market sales sound like fun, although exhausting for those setting up and selling. @cat shepard I hope all goes well at your Derm appointment. @Lady Hudson Congrats on the loss! I'm down about 10 lbs, but stuck for the last 2 weeks. @aliaschief Thanks for the great sunrise photo. @smitty34877 I'm glad you got some good sleep; it can be so restorative. So sad about the police officer who was shot and killed. When will this gun violence end? @Seasick Sailor Surprising that they haven't called with any results. No luggage lifting! I can't believe they didn't call with those results!! No wonder you have so much pain. @summer slope I'm glad your tests were negative, but sometimes when there's no answer it's frustrating. @dfish Nice recipes. I hope DB is doing ok today. @rafinmd I'm sure it felt good to get some things done. Slow progress. Sorry you had to cancel some cruises, but you want to be in good shape when you next board a ship. @Cruzin Terri Enjoy your cruise. Wow on those sunglasses prices. Woohoo on the casino win! I like the Quick Hit machines. @marshhawk I had seen others post about skipping Skagway. Wow, long wait for your test results. Yay on sleeping through the night. I hope DH is doing ok today. @cruising sister I hope you stay well and negative! Prayers for your surgery tomorrow. My electronic medical record has been telling me I'm overdue for a pneumonia vaccine; I need to talk to my PCP. @kochleffel Fingers crossed that your Covid test stays negative. @0106 Nice picture of St. Lucia. @Cruising-along I hope the kidney tests are better. @luvteaching Good to hear DH was released to Rehab and is somewhere familiar to him. Prayers for the Care List, especially those in Turkey and Syria. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I usually email or call friends, rather than a card. I'll wave at any neighbors I see. I like some ballet. Interesting quote; I once thought I'd write a mystery novel. Italian wedding soup is very big here in Western PA; it's served at most restaurants and of course weddings. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine (although a bit above my budget). I haven't been to Nosy Be Island. It's cloudy but warming up, with some rain showers later. I'm going to meet BFF and go to see our travel agent about arrangements for our upcoming trip. Everyone is shaken here by the loss of one police officer and wounding of another yesterday. Sadly, a nearby police chief was lost 2 weeks ago in a shooting. Senseless. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting the Fleet Report/Daily and our lists. Odd about your wifi issues. @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage! @aliaschief Good times. Beautiful sunrise. @0106 It looks like a beautiful day there. Enjoy! @dfish Good luck with the appointment with the surgeon today. I hope DB is doing ok, and nice that there's someone to help him out. @rafinmd I'm glad you slept well last night. Hopefully feeling a little stronger each day. @marshhawk Prayers for DH and his surgical team today. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear you and Tana were up during the night. I hope her breathing is better today. @ger_77 Wow on that dream. That's such a thoughtful thing you're doing for your former colleague with all she's going through. @Seasick Sailor I hope you get a good report. Happy Birthday to your sister! @cruising sister Feel better soon. Lovely sunrise photo. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  17. Woohoo! My new passport just arrived! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Brugge. I looked it up and I was there in 1998! @Cruising-along I'm sure the boys are excited about the possibility of new kittens. @kazu You've got a lot going on; I hope things become easier for you soon. (((Hugs))) @rafinmd I'm glad the church members helped you out with rides. Prayers that the additional antibiotic days help. It will take time to get stronger, and it's good you've got the rollator to help out. @Seasick Sailor Joy, hoping for good news!
  18. Debbie, I wear an Apple Watch too. Sometimes when I accidentally bang my hand against something, it asks me if I've fallen! I have to touch it and say no, I'm fine. So that's an added benefit. My phone in the basement is attached to the wall, so if I couldn't get to it, the watch or cellphone would help out.
  19. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like frozen yogurt, not lame ducks, and I haven't mastered chopsticks. Good quote. The meal sounds good. I make a taco soup from the Skinnytaste website. Pass on the drink. Yes to the wine. I've been to Bruges, but not on a cruise, and pre-digital era. I became a fan of Belgian beer and chocolate! It's 35F and cloudy, with a high of 40 expected. Then even warmer tomorrow. I may run a couple of errands shortly. USPS shows my passport out for delivery! A busy week with appointments - Cardiology, Rheumatology and GI. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for starting the Fleet Report/Daily today, and our lists. Nice Bruge pictures. Thanks for sharing DD's Valentine's tree from last year. @Seasick Sailor Sorry you're still hurting and good that you're getting seen about it. Was there a shortage of staff at the pub? That's a long time to wait for a meal. @ottahand7 I hope you can get back into your cabin soon. Good to hear the sea is calmer. @kochleffel Welcome home. @dfish Thanks for the recipes today. I'm keeping your DB in my prayers for his surgery today. @rafinmd Roy, it's good to hear that you slept better; hopefully that helps you regain strength. @cruising sister Sorry you fell too! I'm glad you're ok. Sorry to hear about the iPad as well. Prayers for a smooth surgery on Thursday. Prayers for the Care List, and the victims of the earthquake. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone and be careful! I make myself carry my cell phone when I go down to the basement, just in case (even though there's a phone down there).
  20. A lot going on here today. @aliaschief I'm glad your weather turned out better than expected. Also, thanks for the memes. @Quartzsite Cruiser I enjoyed your photos of Waterford. @Seasick Sailor Sorry you're still in pain, and best to get checked, especially with travel coming up. @luvteaching I'm sure you'll do what's best. As others have said, I've seen hospice for people with bad congestive heart failure and other chronic conditions; it's not just for cancer patients as many think. @RMLincoln Love that cow hot air balloon! @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon. Your meal looked good. @Cruising-along Good job on the painting. @durangoscots Oh my on that attack by the loose dogs! Scary! I hope Bandit will be ok. At least the owner showed concern, as she should, and willingness to pay any vet bills. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear about more rough seas. I hope you're not out of your original room for too long. @bennybear My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your aunt. I hope your great memories of her bring some comfort. @marshhawk Sad news about your former coworker ending up in ICU. And good for her sister wanting to care for her cat, but sad that the sister didn't even know her address. Prayers for Fern.
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